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“Should we pick it up?”

“Not sure. Maybe he got a phone call and ran.”

“And the phone flew out of his hand and he didn’t take the time to stop and pick it up?”

“That doesn’t make much sense,” Derek agreed, staring at the spot where he knew the phone was. I shook my head. “Why don’t you pick it up,” he added. “Wrap something around your hand so your fingerprints don’t get on it. I’ll call Wayne.”

I nodded. While Derek reconnected with the chief of police, I jumped off the steps into the grass and located the phone.

“Turn it on,” Derek instructed as I held it out to him, nestled in a fold of my turquoise T-shirt. He still had his own phone to his ear and was obviously relaying instructions from Wayne. “See if he made any calls. Or if anyone called him.”

I manipulated buttons. “No calls out. And none in since early this afternoon. His mom called him. Probably to tell him about Wayne showing up looking for Holly’s bag, don’t you think?”

“Most likely,” Derek agreed. “Any saved messages?”

I checked and shook my head. He passed the information on to Wayne. In the silence, I could hear Wayne ’s squawks, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Derek kept nodding and saying, “Uh-huh… yessah… uh-huh… nope… OK.”

He hung up and turned to me. “ Wayne said to leave the phone inside. He’ll come pick it up when he’s talked to Phoebe Thomas. Meanwhile, maybe we should have a look around here? See if we can detect any clues in the dark. Like on TV.” He grinned.

“Maybe one of the neighbors saw him. Maybe someone picked him up or he hitched a ride. Heck, maybe he’s just down the street visiting Holly’s mom! What makes you think he bailed? Maybe he just needed to move and think, so he started walking home. It’s not that far. There could be a shortcut through the woods in the back. And as you said, the poor guy’s had quite a lot of shocks in the past couple of days. No wonder if he felt the need for some quiet time.”

“That’s true,” Derek admitted.

“Or maybe he just wandered down the street to talk to a friend. Like Linda White. Or Denise. Or Lionel Kenefick. He knows a lot of people on this street.”

“Also true.”

“So what made you think he’s run away?”

“I’m not sure,” Derek said. “There’s just something about this that bothers me. If he’s not guilty and he didn’t run away, and all he did was walk home or go hang out with a friend because he got tired of waiting for us, why didn’t he call? Or at least leave a note?”

“Didn’t have anything to write on?” I suggested. “Or with?”

“There’s plenty of brown paper left. And several stubs of carpenter’s pencils lying around.”

“Maybe he just didn’t think about it.”

Derek arched a brow, just faintly visible in the darkness. “Does he seem that inconsiderate to you? Under the circumstances, it’s inevitable that we’d worry, don’t you think? Or think what we’re thinking.”

“I guess,” I admitted. “And no, he doesn’t seem that inconsiderate. But maybe he didn’t have time. Maybe someone came and knocked on the door and invited him to come over, and he left with them. Without taking the time to write a note. Maybe he didn’t realize how much time had passed, or he figured he’d be back by the time we got here.”

“So why isn’t he?” Derek said, an edge of frustration in his voice. “And how would anyone even know he was here, anyway? He rode with us, so his car isn’t parked out front.”

I shrugged. “No idea. Why don’t we go knock on a couple of doors while we wait for Wayne?”

Derek agreed, grudgingly, that we could do that, and we set off down the street.

Our first stop was Irina’s house, where Irina greeted us at the door with a smile. “Hi, Avery. And Avery’s friend. Do you want to come in?”

I shook my head. “No thanks. We’re looking for another friend. He was at the house when we left this afternoon, and now he’s gone. You haven’t seen him, have you? Young guy, twenty-two, blond buzz cut, cute in an unfinished sort of way.”

Derek rolled his eyes, and Irina giggled. “I’m sorry. I haven’t. But I only just got home. It’s a bit of a walk from the bus stop. I saw Arthur and Stella, but no one else.”

“Nobody boarded the bus when you got off? How often does it run?”

The bus ran every thirty minutes, Irina said, and no one had boarded at the stop at the end of Primrose Drive.

“Stella?” Derek repeated when we had said our good-byes and were on our way down to the next house.

“Arthur Mattson’s shih tzu. Yappy little thing. I saw them let themselves into their house when we drove by earlier.”

“So unless Brandon was waiting for him inside, he’s not there, then.”

I shook my head. “Probably not. But we should knock anyway. Just in case Arthur saw something.”

“While we’re at it, we should check that Arthur’s car is where it belongs,” Derek said. “I’m sure Brandon knows how to hotwire a car.”

I nodded, although I sensed that we were at odds here, that our expectations were different. Derek looked for evidence that Brandon had skipped town. I thought it was just possible that he’d gone home, that he hadn’t killed anyone. I was hoping we’d find him hanging out with Linda White, talking about Holly, or sharing a beer with Lionel Kenefick, in an effort to forget. At the back of my mind, however, a little pulse was beating, urging me to hurry up, that something was wrong.

Arthur Mattson hadn’t seen Brandon, or so he said, and his car was parked in the driveway, right where it should be. But he hadn’t been home long, either.

“Denise Robertson stays home with Trevor all day,” I said when we left Arthur’s property. Stella was still yip ping frantically inside and scratching at the glass in the picture window to be allowed to get to us. Arthur’s curtains were open, and with the light on, we could see right into his living room. There was no sign of Brandon.

“Then let’s try Denise next. Where is it?”

I pointed to Denise’s house, and we trotted across the street. But Denise claimed not to have seen Brandon, either. “I had no idea he was even here,” she said. “I saw him the other day, and the police cruiser, too, but I haven’t seen him today. Just your truck.”

“And you didn’t notice any lights going on at our house? Or anyone coming or going?”

But Denise hadn’t. “Sorry,” she said. “When Trevor’s awake, I spend time with him, and when he’s napping, I usually sit down and read or take a nap myself or watch TV or something.”

“Thanks.” We took our leave of Denise and stopped outside in the driveway.

“Down there is Linda White’s house,” I said, pointing to the house at the end of the road, on the corner. “Lionel’s house is up there, with the van out front.” I pointed in the other direction, up toward our own house.

“Let’s do Linda first. That’s likely where he is anyway, if he’s still around. And if we talk to Lionel first, and he’s not there, then we have to backtrack to get to Linda’s.”

Derek started walking in the direction of Linda’s house. I followed.

At first glance, the place looked shuttered and dark, with no lights on, and a knock on the door produced no results. “Maybe she went to work?” I suggested. “ Wayne said she works nights. At the Shamrock, wasn’t it?”

Derek nodded. “Or maybe Brandon killed her, because she knew he’d killed Holly. Or maybe she invited him over for dinner, and fed him strychnine, and now he’s dead inside and she’s the one who’s done a bunk.” He reached out and tried the door knob. It turned in his hand.

“We can’t just walk in!” I protested.

“Sure we can. It’s not breaking and entering if we didn’t break anything. And someone could be hurt. Either Linda or Brandon. Wayne broke down Venetia Rudolph’s door yesterday because she might have been hurt.”

“I think he saw her through the window,” I said. “And Linda could just be at work and in the habit of leaving her door open. Wayne said it was open this morning.”