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“You get to the house, then you toss your flash-bangs: each window, each door. I don’t want you entering the house because you don’t know the layout and the arrangement of the furniture or the closets, and Okada-san and I will be inside, and I don’t want us getting all mixed up. With the flash-bangs, those guys will come pouring out.

“I should tell you: the one feature of a sword fight is a lot of blood. It ain’t like no movie. There will be blood everywhere. You cannot cut with katana hard into the torso without severing major arteries. It will be slippery and sloppy. You cannot allow yourself to be shocked by it. When you cut him, he’ll bleed bad. If he don’t go down, cut him again, hard, and he will. Then move on. If you are cut, disengage, get your bandage tight on it, and fall back to the medics, who will be the last over the wall. They will get you clamped and get an O-neg line into you. You have a lot of blood. You can lose half of it before you pass out. If you see a lot of your own blood, do not panic. Move swiftly to the medics and you will be all right.

“There is one man you should avoid. This man is called Kondo Isami. He will be older, about forty-five. His skills are beyond yours, believe me. If you see him, do not fight him; if he means to escape, let him escape. If he is guarding someone-I’m imagining he will be guarding Miwa, the big boss-then you surround them but do not attempt to take him down. He will kill six or seven of you before you can finish him and those are unacceptable casualties. Simply hold him at bay; we’ll get the snipers in quickly, and if they won’t surrender we’ll shoot them. Or tell me where he is. If it comes to it, I will handle him. I’ve done a lot of fighting in my life and I am not afraid to fight.

“Finally, remember our priorities: saving Miko Yano is first, justice for the man who murdered her father and family is second, and this fellow Kondo is third. Okada-san and I will find the little girl. Okada-san has night vision and we will penetrate the house first; we think the kid’s probably in a cluster of bedrooms on the second floor. After we get the girl out safely, I will be looking for Kondo; Major Fujikawa, who is in charge of the ground forces, will be looking for Miwa. Captain Tanada, I think, will just be looking for heads to take.”

There was laughter.

“Now, I just want to thank you. I am a stranger to this country and the men of this platoon have made me feel at home. I know I am among professionals. Our interests are the same: justice for Philip Yano and his family, and life for his surviving daughter. The people who took the first and threaten the last are a half-mile away, sleeping the sleep of the wicked, confident that they own the world. This is the night they find out different.”

After that, it just seemed to happen without much drama. The men, clutching their kendo bags, pulling on their black watch caps, began to form up into the two-or three-man teams. The medics with the larger bags of gear fell in to the rear. The staff people-Fujikawa, Sergeant Major Kanda, Captain Tanada, and Bob and Susan-were at the front, looking at the map one last time.

Bob and Susan sat in her car outside the hotel, watching as the last of the teams moseyed out and disappeared into the night. It was about ten minutes from go-time. Bob looked at his watch.

Suddenly a buzz filled the empty space.

“Shit,” Susan said. She pulled out her cell phone, switched it off.

“Your date is annoyed because you stiffed him?” Bob said.

“My boss is pissed because I stiffed him. That’s the fifteenth time he’s called in the last two hours. He’s also sent me ten text messages. He wants to see me right now.”


“He can’t reach me. That doesn’t please him. He’s mad, he’s desperate, and tomorrow I get fired.”

“You could go now.”

“No way. If my career’s going south, I want to be there for the fifth act. I want to see it all turn sour. Now, Swagger?”


“Some questions, all right? No bullshit. I have never bullshitted you. We may both be dead in twenty minutes, so no bullshit.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Swagger, your little drama is about to come off. You made it happen. Subtly, carefully, skillfully, with a great deal of sound planning, you’ve got a career CIA officer and fifty Japanese Self-Defense Force paratroopers about to raid a yakuza strong point, in contravention to the basic laws of both groups. It shouldn’t be possible, but you made it happen. The question is simple: why?”

“Why? Well, I cared a great deal about Philip Yano. I felt involved because I gave him the sword.”

“Bullshit. That’s what you’ve been saying, but I see now you’re too smart for that. You think things through too carefully. That’s just a cover story. You know that giving him that sword was pure chance. You could not have known what the consequences were, and you were not responsible for them. You know that. And another odd thing: why did you work so hard to give him that sword? You told me you went all over America looking for the sword. So even before you’d stayed with his family, the Yanos meant something special to you. What, Swagger? Tell me.”

Swagger considered.

“All right,” he finally said. “I was raised not to talk of such things and I never have. But you deserve an answer, Okada-san.”

He looked off. The snow was falling more heavily, sifting down through the trees, muffling the earth, driving most of the traffic away. Swagger thought of the men moving through the dark, creeping toward their destination, violence in the air, another night of war. So much war in the Swagger family.

“My father,” he finally said, “never talked about the war. He was a great man, one of very few surviving five-invasion marines. He hit five beaches, was shot up seven times, once close to death, but he kept going back. Finally, two days after the fifth beach, Iwo Jima, he won the Medal of Honor. I suppose he liked having won that medal and the respect it earned him. But he never, ever bragged on it or mentioned it, and he told me once, ‘You are never to tell anyone about that medal.’ That was very important to him.

“But one night in nineteen fifty-five, a few weeks before he died, he was out on the porch talking with a friend of his, the county prosecutor, a wonderful old goat named Sam Vincent. The two of them were talking about the war. Sam was running himself down and Dad said, ‘Mr. Sam, you think I am such a goddamned hero and you are a failure because of Thebes. Let me tell you a thing or two and maybe you don’t know so much and things ain’t so clear. You know that big medal I won in the war?’

“And Sam said, ‘Earl, everyone knows you single-handedly took on a Jap pillbox and killed forty men that day.’

“‘Well, sir,’ said Dad, ‘it wasn’t quite like that.’ And he told him what really happened.”