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Gideon felt a rush of deep satisfaction. The lady was apparently not in the least concerned that she might be ravished and abandoned by the notorious Beast of Blackthorne Hall. She fully expected to be married to him.

To judge by Fry's reaction, however, others were clearly far less sanguine about Harriet's fate. When Gideon paused to peruse the club's betting book he saw several entries on the subject of his engagement. They were all very much along the lines of the most recent one at the bottom of the page.

Lord R wagers Lord T that a certain young lady will find herself unengaged to a certain monster within a fortnight.

Harriet was involved in an intense discussion of the nature of igneous rocks with several other members of the Fossils and Antiquities Society when the news that Gideon was in Town hit the ballroom.

Effie appeared at Harriet's side shortly thereafter, looking extremely concerned. Harriet's first thought was that something had happened to Felicity or Aunt Adelaide.

"I would like a word with you, if you don't mind, Harriet," Effie murmured discreetly as she smiled graciously at the small crowd gathered around her niece.

"Of course, Aunt Effie." Harriet excused herself from the conversation. "Is anything wrong?"

"St. Justin is in Town. I just got word."

"Oh, good," Harriet said, her heart soaring, even though she told herself not to get her hopes too high. Gideon was hardly likely to discover he had fallen in love with her during their short separation. "That must mean his father is feeling better."

Effie sighed. "You are so naive, my dear. You just don't seem to understand the potential for disaster that we now face. Come along. Your friends from the Fossils and Antiquities Society can wait. We must consult with Adelaide."

"Aunt Effie, I was right in the middle of a most interesting conversation concerning the significance of molten rock. Cannot this consultation wait?"

"No, it cannot." Effie led the way toward where her sister stood. "Your entire future is at stake and we must be prepared for the worst possible situation. We are walking a tightrope here, Harriet."

"Really, Aunt Effie. You exaggerate." But Harriet allowed herself to be dragged to Adelaide's side. Better to get the consultation over and done so that she could return to her new friends as speedily as possible.

Effie's sister, Adelaide, Lady Buxton, was an imposing figure of a woman. Unkind people were inclined to call her fat. Effie had explained to Harriet and Felicity that much of Adelaide's size was directly attributable to the fact that she had consoled herself with sweets during her long, unhappy marriage.

Since Adelaide had emerged from the minimal mourning period she had observed on the recent death of her husband, she had started to lose weight quite rapidly. Tonight she appeared very striking in a vivid purple gown. She watched impatiently as Effie and Harriet approached.

"You have gotten the word, Harriet?" Adelaide spoke in a low tone while giving a charming smile to a lady in a green turban who had nodded in recognition.

"I understand my fiancé is in Town," Harriet admitted.

"That is just it, my dear. We cannot be certain he is still your fiancé, if you know what I mean. After all, there has been no official announcement. Not a word in the papers. As he has not chosen to announce the engagement publicly, we cannot know his intentions."

Harriet glanced wistfully at the group of fossil enthusiasts who were waiting for her. She wanted to return to the fascinating conversation as quickly as possible. All this fretting about her engagement to Gideon was beginning to annoy her. Effie and Adelaide had worried about it constantly ever since Effie, Felicity, and Harriet had arrived in Town several days ago.

"I am certain there will be an announcement in good time, Aunt Adelaide. St. Justin has had a great deal to handle lately, what with capturing thieves and worrying about his ailing father. He probably has not had an opportunity yet to send the notices off to the papers."

Effie gave her a pitying glance. "It defeats me how you can possibly have so much faith in a man who has treated you abominably."

Harriet lost her patience entirely at that. "St. Justin has not treated me abominably. How can you say that? The man is marrying me because of what happened in that cave."

"Harriet, please." Aunt Effie glanced around uneasily. "Keep your voice down."

Harriet ignored her. "It was not his fault he got caught in there with me. He came in after me in order to rescue me and the poor man got trapped in there."

"For heaven's sake, Harriet, do hush." Adelaide waved her fan in agitation. "I do not know what we shall do if anyone happens to overhear you or gets wind of the fact that you were compromised. Thus far we have been successful in concealing the facts of the matter. Creating an aura of mystery around you, as it were. The least you can do is not announce it to all and sundry."

"What difference would it make? St. Justin is going to marry me. That will make everything all right in Society's eyes."

Effie and Adelaide exchanged a grim look. Then Effie sighed. "None of us can relax until we know for certain St. Justin is going to do the right thing."

"Rubbish." Harriet smiled at her worried aunts. "Of course St. Justin will do the right thing. Now, if you will excuse me, I really must return to my friends."

Adelaide shook her head. "You and your fossils. Run along, my dear. Just remember to be cautious in this matter of your engagement."

"Yes, Aunt Adelaide," Harriet said dutifully. Then she plunged into the throng, intent on returning to the small group she had just left.

She was halfway toward her goal when someone stepped into her path. Harriet recognized Bryce Morland at once. He had been appearing at the same balls and soirees as she and Felicity during the past week. He had danced with both of them, but lately, much to everyone's astonishment, he had begun to show a strong preference for Harriet.

Harriet knew she should be flattered by Morland's attentions. He was, after all, a strikingly handsome man. Lean and graceful with fine, almost delicate hands, Bryce was a widower in his mid-thirties. He had carefully chiseled, curiously ascetic features, pale, golden hair and gray-blue eyes.

All in all, Harriet had decided, Bryce could have served as a model for a painting of an archangel.

"Miss Pomeroy." Bryce smiled. "I have been searching the room for you. I pray you will grant me the next dance?"

Harriet stifled a small sigh. Bryce had been very gallant to both her and Felicity at their first few balls. He had made certain they both danced and he had provided introductions to other partners. Effie and Adelaide had been extremely grateful to him. Harriet knew it would be unconscionably rude to refuse him the occasional dance. She supposed she could wait a few more minutes to return to the discussion of igneous rocks.

"Thank you, Mr. Morland." Harriet summoned up a smile as she allowed him to lead her out onto the crowded floor. "Very kind of you to come looking for me."

"Not at all." Bryce swept her into a waltz. "I was doing myself the favor. The night would not be complete if I did not dance with you at least once. You are ravishing in that gown. Utterly irresistible."

Harriet blushed, still not accustomed to the flowery talk of the dance floor. She knew she was looking her best because Effie and Adelaide had seen to it. The silk of her turquoise ball gown had been chosen to match her eyes. The high-waisted bodice had been cut quite low, much lower than anything she had ever worn before, and she had to resist the temptation to keep yanking it upward. Unfortunately, no one had been able to do much with her hair. It formed a very unfashionable, slightly frizzy halo around her head.