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Sooner or later someone was bound to remind Harriet that Gideon's reputation was such that no young woman could expect him to do the right thing. The Beast of Blackthorne Hall was not known as an honorable man when it came to innocent young women.

Dobbs was waiting for them at the entrance to the cavern He was accompanied by Owl, Gideon's extremely versatile butler.

Gideon had chosen Owl the same way he chose his horses, not for his looks or pleasant temperament, but for his loyalty, strength, and stamina. Owl had been making his living as a pugilist when Gideon had first met him.

Never a famous champion with an academy of his own like Jackson, Owl had managed to survive for years by giving exhibition matches. He had made a modest profit allowing the young bloods of the nobility to pay him to spar with them. The young bloods did not like to lose Owl had understood that simple business fact.

Owl's face bore the marks of his career a nose that had been broken numerous times, battered ears, and several missing teeth. He had the hulking build of a boxer and he never looked quite right in his butler's jacket, but Gideon did not mind. Owl was one of the few people on the face of the earth whom he trusted and the only one he felt he could talk to freely.

"What, ho I see the two of you survived the night." Dobbs raised his lamp at the sight of them. "All right and tight, I take if?"

"We are fine." Gideon glanced at Owl. "All is well?"

"Of course, my lord." Owl eyed Harriet with a baleful eye. "This is Miss Pomeroy, I assume? Her family is most upset. I spoke to the housekeeper, Mrs. Stone, who appeared to comprehend the gravity of the situation immediately."

"That does not surprise me," Gideon said calmly. "Miss Pomeroy, allow me to present my butler. His name is Owl and he is extremely useful on occasion, but he has absolutely no sense of humor. Miss Pomeroy and I are going to be married in the near future, Owl."

Owl's gaze would have done credit to a basilisk as he surveyed Harriet. "Very good, my lord."

Harriet tilted her head. "You do not sound as if you think it is a very good idea at all, Owl."

"It is not for me to say, Miss Pomeroy. My lord does as he pleases. Always has. No doubt always will."

"Don't mind him," Gideon said in an aside to Harriet. "You will grow accustomed to his ways. Dobbs, did you and Owl manage to catch Crane last night?"

"That we did, sir," Dobbs said cheerfully. "That we did. Pulled him out of the surf just before he went under for the last time. It was too late to go into the caves after you and Miss Pomeroy, though. Figured you'd make yer way to the big cavern and stay dry for the night."

"Yes." Gideon glanced at Harriet, who was standing much too quietly beside him. "Let us get Miss Pomeroy home. She has had an exhausting experience. There are some details of this situation that I wish to discuss with you, Dobbs."

"Understood, sir. Understood."

The small party made its way out of the cave and along the beach to the cliff path that led to the old rectory. At the top of the cliffs, Gideon took Harriet's arm. He dismissed Dobbs and Owl with a short nod.

"Come, Harriet," he said quietly. "I will see you to your door."

"It is not necessary," she muttered. "I can see myself to my own door."

He suppressed an irritated response. She was overset by recent events and her natural independence was seeking any avenue it could find to express itself. Gideon told himself he would have to be prepared for a certain lack of enthusiastic cooperation from Harriet for the immediate future. The important thing was that she realized she had no option but to accept the engagement.

The door of the rectory opened before Gideon and Harriet reached the front step. Felicity, looking simultaneously anxious and relieved, had obviously been watching from the window.

"Harriet, we have been so worried. Are you all right?"

"I am quite all right," Harriet assured her. "How is Aunt Effie?"

"Preparing for a funeral in the parlor, I believe. Mrs. Stone collapsed after Mr. Owl came by late last night to tell us what had happened. I have been reviving her oft and on for hours. " Felicity scowled at Gideon. "Well, sir, what have you to say for yourself?"

Gideon smiled coldly at the challenge. "I fear I do not have the time or inclination to say anything much at this particular moment. I will, however, return at three to speak with your aunt. Please tell her to expect me." He turned to Harriet. "Farewell for now, my dear. I will see you this afternoon. Try not to work yourself up into a state. You will feel much better after you have had a hot bath."

Harriet sniffed disdainfully. "I have no intention of working myself up into a state, as you call it. But I do believe I will have that hot bath."

She marched into the house and closed the door quite firmly in his face. Gideon walked back down the steps to join Dobbs and Owl.

"Miss Pomeroy don't appear in the best of tempers this mornin'," Dobbs observed, "Expect she's in a real takin' after what she's been through, A nice young lady like that, Yer lucky she didn't up and have hysterics on you, sir."

"My fiancée is not the type to have hysterics. Do not concern yourself with Miss Pomeroy's mood, Dobbs. We have other, more important matters to discuss."

"Yes, sir. And what would those matters be, yer lordship?"

Gideon glanced thoughtfully back over his shoulder at the cliffs. "The possibility that we have not got all of our thieves."

Dobbs's gnomelike face wrinkled up into a curious frown. "You think there might have been others?"

"The collection of valuables stored in that cavern is quite impressive," Gideon said quietly. "I believe that they were chosen with a trained, knowledgeable eye, rather than at random during a hurried burglary."

«Ah-hah» Dobbs was intrigued now. "You believe there might have been a mastermind behind the thefts? Someone who arranged for only the choicest items to be stolen?"

"I think it would pay us to interview Crane and the other two we caught last night," Gideon said.

"I'll go along with that," Dobbs said, rubbing his hands. "The more, the merrier. I don't mind tellin' you that solving this case is going to do wonders for me reputation. Yes, sir, the Fancy will be standin' in line to hire one J. William Dobbs to work for 'em."

"No doubt." Gideon turned to Owl. "While I go with Dobbs to the magistrate to deal with the interviews, you are to take yourself back to Blackthorne Hall and instruct my valet to prepare my clothes for this afternoon's call at the rectory. Make certain everything is in perfect order, Owl. I am going to be making an offer of marriage and I shall want to make a good impression."

"You'll be wanting to wear black, then, my lord. Same as you would for mourning"

Effie helped herself to another cup of tea. It was her fourth since Harriet had returned downstairs after her bath. Felicity was pacing the floor near the parlor window, her expression extremely serious Mrs. Stone had been revived yet again after fainting dead away at the sight of Harriet. As soon as she was back on her feet, she had promptly drawn the drapes as if there had been a death in the house.

The tall clock ticked dolefully away, signaling the steady approach of three o'clock. With each tiny movement of the clock hands, Effie appeared to sink further into despondency. All in all, an atmosphere of deep gloom had settled over the household.

It was getting to be a bit much as far as Harriet was concerned. She had been consumed with guilt at first for having overset everyone. But now she was growing impatient with the attitude of despair that hung over them all.

"I do not understand why you are acting as if I had died in that cave," Harriet muttered, pouring tea for herself.