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‘I saw you talking to the chief. He didn’t tell you?’

‘The chief wasn’t here; you were,’ said Gino.

Jack sighed, pulled away the cold pack and pointed his cheek toward them. ‘How’s it look?’

Gino leaned forward and squinted. ‘A little swollen. A little red, but not so bad. Where’d you get the Smith & Wesson, Jack?’

‘Whoa. No foreplay?’

‘Not today. The body count’s going up a little too fast for that sort of thing.’

Jack held Gino’s eyes for a minute while his brain tried to work, then finally shrugged. ‘Pop had it forever. Don’t know where he got it, but I knew where he kept it. I brought it home last night.’

‘After you heard Ben Schuler had been killed. That really scared the hell out of you, didn’t it, Jack?’

A defensive glint in the eyes now. ‘Yeah, you bet it did. In case you hadn’t noticed, they’re dropping Jews, Detective, and I happen to be one.’

Magozzi leaned his shoulder against the ambulance door and said reasonably, ‘One of several thousand in the Cities. What made you think you might be a target? You’re too young, for one thing, and so far all the killings have been in Uptown, and that’s a long way from Wayzata.’

‘Oh, come on. First Pop gets it, then one of his best friends? You don’t think that’s a little too close to home?’

Magozzi lifted a shoulder in concession. ‘Okay. I’ll give you that.’

‘Goddamn right you’ll give me that, because some asshole tried to shoot me in my own driveway this morning.’

‘You never did fax us that list, Jack,’ Gino said.

‘What list?’

‘First time we met you, you said you’d fax us a list of all the people who wanted you dead. About a hundred, I think you said.’

‘Oh, for chrissake, it was a joke.’

‘Was it?’

Jack lifted the cold pack back up to his cheek. ‘What are you getting at?’

Magozzi shrugged. ‘Well, in your line of work, you’re bound to run into a few shadowy characters every now and then. Maybe you stepped over the line, got involved in something where the people play hardball.’

Jack blew a raspberry. ‘And what? Started killing the people around me? Man, you’ve been watching too many DeNiro movies.’

‘Hey. It’s been known to happen.’

‘Your father was a real upstanding guy,’ Gino put in. ‘Bet he wouldn’t like his only son swimming below the scum line. Bet he’d turn his back on you quicker than a dog shakes off water, which would explain the estrangement.’

Jack was incredulous. ‘I don’t believe this. Is that why you came out here this morning? You think something I did is getting people killed? I’m a fucking personal injury attorney. My clients are people who slip in spilled pickle juice in grocery stores, not John Gotti types, for chrissake.’

Gino spread his hands. ‘You’re the wild card, Jack. You’re messed up in this somehow, and we’re going to look you up and down until we find out what the hell you did.’

Jack threw up his hands. ‘Be my guest. I’ve got nothing to hide.’ He eased down from the ambulance and limped off toward the driveway.

Magozzi glanced over at the part of the yard he could see from the street. A heavily wooded hill rose up, blocking any view of the house, and Wayzata cops were crawling all over it. ‘Maybe we’re on the wrong track,’ he said.

‘Wouldn’t be the first time. We gotta make nice now, right?’

‘That’s the way it works.’

They caught up with Jack next to a place where cops were using their flashlights in the shadows under the big pines.

‘You’re limping, Jack,’ Gino said. ‘Did you hurt your leg, too?’

‘Kiss my ass.’

‘Hey, I’m trying.’

Jack smiled a little. ‘You suck at it.’

‘So is this where it happened?’ Magozzi asked.

‘No, up by the house, but who knows where the guy was shooting from?’

They moved on up the paving-stone driveway until they rounded a curve and got their first look at the sprawling house that Jack built, and the scene in front of the garage.

‘Jesus,’ Gino murmured. ‘What a mess.’

The driveway was littered with shards of bark and little branches. It looked like a tree had exploded. The Mercedes SUV parked close to the garage was pockmarked with what were surely bullet holes, with most of the windows blown out or damaged. The big one in the rear gate had cracked and crumbled to the ground, little patchwork pieces of safety glass glinting on the paving stones.

They stopped a few feet from the vehicle, respecting the crime-scene tape around it. One of the Wayzata officers was inside, tweezing something out of the dashboard and into a plastic bag.

‘That’s where I was,’ Jack said, pointing. ‘I was just about to open the rear gate when I heard the shot and felt something whiz by my ear. Scared me shitless, I don’t mind telling you, so I pulled the gun out of my pocket and started shooting back.’

Magozzi looked off through the trees to the right. A few twigs dangled from strips of bark. ‘The shot came from there?’

‘I’m pretty sure.’

‘Just one?’

‘Jesus, I don’t know. I was making a little noise myself by that time.’

Magozzi nodded. ‘Okay, that makes sense, but I was wondering about the bullet holes in the back gate if your shooter was off to the side like that.’

Jack frowned at the bullet holes. ‘I might have done that.’


‘Maybe. I was kind of shooting all over the place. I mean, Jesus, I didn’t know where the guy was.’

‘Nice going,’ Gino said dryly. ‘You could have killed half the neighborhood.’

To his credit, Jack went pale.

‘You look a little wrung out, Jack. What do you say we go inside, sit down, relax, and have a little talk,’ Magozzi suggested, but Jack shook his head.

‘Can’t go inside. Slept in the pool house last night after Becky kicked me out, and she sure as hell isn’t going to let me back in after this. I don’t want to be in there anyway. I’m going to call a cab and go get my car at the nursery, maybe bunk at the club for a while.’

‘We’re headed back that way. You’re welcome to ride with us if you like.’

Jack eyed him suspiciously. ‘Am I under arrest?’

‘For getting shot at?’ Gino asked. ‘Jesus, Jack, we’re just offering you a lift. You want it or not?’

‘Yeah, I guess. I got a duffel down in the ambulance.’

‘We’d better grab it then, before they drive off with it.’ Gino caught Magozzi’s eye and tipped his head ever so slightly in the direction of the house.

Magozzi glanced behind him and saw a slender woman standing in the shadows of the open doorway, arms folded across her chest. ‘I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.’

Becky Gilbert, like the neighborhood she lived in, was just a little too perfect to be entirely natural. Her pretty, bronzed face was smooth and oddly taut, like fabric stretched too tight in an embroidery hoop. She had the lithe, perfectly toned body of a serious fitness club member, and her tennis whites looked as if they’d been tailored to make the most of it. Diamonds flashed on her wrist – probably the only woman in the world who actually wore tennis bracelets while she played tennis, Magozzi thought.

Her arms were crossed angrily over her chest, and her eyes flashed when Magozzi approached. ‘Mrs Gilbert?’

‘Yes. Who are you?’

‘Detective Magozzi, Minneapolis PD. Homicide.’

She glared over his shoulder at Jack heading down the driveway. ‘He’s not dead yet.’

‘You sound disappointed.’

She let out a frustrated sigh and forced a tight smile. ‘I’m not disappointed, Detective. I’m just furious. The police were here half the night looking for Jack’s imaginary stalker, and now this.’

‘So you don’t actually believe someone is trying to kill him?’

‘Of course not. Jack’s burned some bridges in the past year, but nothing that would get him killed.’

‘Can you think of anything unusual that’s happened recently?’

‘Like what?’

‘Oh, I don’t know, strange cars hanging around, late night knocks at the door, hang-ups, threatening phone calls, that sort of thing.’