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THEY WERE ON the highway again, still moving north. Joe was getting used to the vibration on the floor of the Mercedes, which seemed to have turned into a rumbling purr and was making him sleepy. Was he actually going to drift off while roaring down the highway not knowing where he was headed or what would happen to him?

He had no idea who Lindsey had reached on the phone, but certainly she must have called the department. Had she talked with Harper? Dallas? Had they put out an alert on the navy blue Honda? Or did they not have enough on Gibbs to do that? So far, Ray Gibbs was really only a "person of interest."

They were still on Highway 1, he could smell the sea. He kept wondering why, if Ray and Ryder were trying to avoid arrest, they'd chosen this slower route. Why hadn't they taken the busier, multilane 101? After they seemed to be in a hell of a hurry to get out of the village, here they were tooling along by the narrow, scenic route like a couple of tourists.

Did they think they'd be expected to go the other way? Think that with more cops on the 101, maybe watching for them, they'd be spotted more quickly?

Or were they not running? Had that not been Ray's Honda leaving the ruins? Was this some big fat coincidence, could both he and Lindsey be wrong despite the couple's hurried departure? Were those two simply driving up the coast for the weekend, with no notion that Ray's dead wife might have been found? Were they maybe headed innocently to visit friends in Santa Cruz or Half-Moon Bay?

If this was a wild goose chase, and if Clyde learned about it, he'd never hear the last, Clyde would rag him for the rest of his nine lives.

Which, given his present situation and Lindsey's erratic driving, might not be too long.

But what if that dark figure slipping through the ruins had not been Ray or Ryder searching for the possibly valuable old book?

He wondered what Nina might have told Ryder about her aunt Olivia at the time the two were friendly, before they both set their caps for Carson. Would Nina have bragged about some rare old book in the family, a book that had vanished when Olivia died?

He wondered if Olivia, finding herself very ill, had hidden the book, not wanting Nina to have it and sell it. Not wanting to destroy it, but vowing to keep the cats' secret, she'd have no other choice but to hide it.

Olivia dies, but Nina knows about the book and has a nice little drama to recount. She tells Ryder, and then after Nina disappears, Ryder thinks about the story, and starts going up to the old estate looking for Olivia's treasure. Starts looking again after she returns from L.A., maybe venturing down into that labyrinth of old, crumbling cellars and up into the unsafe rooms among the mansion's fallen walls?

But she didn't find it, did she! he thought, smiling.


DULCIE WAITED AROUND the station for nearly an hour, fidgeting and biting at nonexistent fleas, but Joe didn't come bolting in. She was burning to know what had gone down this morning. Dallas was back in his office, very likely filing his report. She wanted to go back there and read it. Or should she join Mike in the conference room where he, too, was recording the morning's events while stoking up on stale coffee?

She was about to head for the conference room when a sleazy little woman in pink tights came in the front door to complain about a traffic ticket. And then, at the desk, Mabel routed a call through to Dallas that, in seconds, brought the detective double-timing up the hall shouting at Mike. "It's Lindsey, she's following them!"

Both men raced out the front door, piled into the Blazer, and spun out of the parking lot, their red light whirling. At the radio, Mabel put out an APB on Lindsey Wolf's tan Mercedes and on Ray's Honda Accord. The little woman in her pink tights had backed up against the holding cell, out of the way. Dulcie felt cold clear to her paws-now she knew where Joe was.

Call it instinct, call it feline perception. She felt certain that, somehow, Joe had hitched a ride with Lindsey.

Everyone else was back from the ruins but Joe. Dulcie didn't know the details, but instinct told he'd slipped into Lindsey's car. Or, worse, had managed to crawl into Gibbs's car. Either way, Dulcie's paws were icy with dread.

She sat thinking for only a moment, weighing her options. And as a trio of uniforms hurried in, she slid out the front door, past their ankles, skinned up the oak tree, and took off across the roofs, speeding for Joe's house and Clyde.


DESPITE HIS NERVOUS state and the fast and careening ride, Joe dozed; he woke to the rumble of heavier traffic, as if they were now on a busy freeway. And soon, peering up through the windows at a sky turned hazy with smog, he glimpsed a dark airport sign flash by overhead: SAN JOSE INTERNATIONAL. Lindsey had turned inland, he could hear the big planes taking off, one coming right over them, nearly deafening him. Was she still with the Honda? She had the air-conditioning on, and he could see by the flat, smoggy sky that it was hot here, a haze-filled scorcher.

If Ryder and Ray were headed to the airport to catch a plane, would Lindsey try to get a ticket, maybe on standby, and follow them? Right. And leave her locked car in short-term parking among acres of empty cars, leave him shut in a sweltering vehicle. He stared up at the door lock, wondering if he could open it. Every make and model was different, and this one didn't look easy.

If he couldn't slip out before she slammed the door, he'd be imprisoned alone with no phone and no one to hear his yowls for help. Trapped in the hot car as the heat built and kept building…How long could he live in heat that would peak at far over a hundred? How long before he keeled over from dehydration, turned up his claws, and breathed his last?

Shaken by the thought of increasing thirst and a slow and agonizing bodily shutdown, he prayed fervently to the great cat god that he could open that lock-yet even hidden by the back of the seat he was reluctant to reach up an exploring paw and try it, afraid he'd make some little noise or that she'd glimpse his paw in the space between the seat and the door. Tempted as he was, he remained crouched in a frightened funk as more airport signs flipped by overhead on their tall poles. She slowed at the sign for short-term parking.

They sat idling, as if there were cars lined up ahead. Was the Honda up there in front of them? He heard the gate arm rise five times, as the drivers ahead stepped on the gas and pulled through.

Was Ray leading her into a trap? Wanted her to park inside that cavernous, covered, fenced lot, where he could get at her?

As wild as that seemed, if Ray or Ryder had killed Carson, and maybe Nina, what difference was one more murder? Had Lindsey thought of that? Did she realize how foolish she might be to follow them?

He kept puzzling over why, after their argument in the condo, the couple was fleeing together. It had sounded as if each was conning the other, as if either one could be the killer. Now, the only conclusion was that whoever was the killer had at last confided in the other, that they had fled together, partners to the end.

Unless he was reading this all wrong. Unless, despite Ray's hatred of cops, both were in fact innocent.

Could Lindsey be following them knowing full well they were innocent? Following them because she needed a scapegoat and was somehow setting them up?

He heard the parking machine whir as Lindsey punched the button for her ticket, heard the gate rise again. She'd turned the air-conditioning down, and already it was getting hot on the floor. He wondered if, at the last minute, he could leap out before she slammed the door. Or if he'd lose his nerve, break his solemn commitment to silence, even forget that all he need do was meow, and find himself shouting in fear for her to let him out, to save him? If, in panic, he'd spill his and Dulcie's and Kit's secret to save his own scrawny neck?