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MARKO KICKED OPEN the cabin door and shoved me through with his good hand.

"Anybody home?" he called. "We brought you a present, Travis."

"Two presents," said the Ukrainian, pushing Nick in. Two other mutts followed. "I don't know if you wanted this one alive, but I guessed you did."

"And if you don't, I'll take him," said one of the newcomers, a paunchy, graying brute with only traces of an accent. His grin was a picket fence of missing teeth. "He's pretty."

Nick ignored him, taking everything in, unperturbed. I could say he was putting on a brave show, but he just wasn't all that worried. I was with him, so all he had to do was pay attention and await orders. Sometimes it really sucks to be in charge.

Admittedly, I wasn't as worried as I should be either. The others were on their way and I didn't think the Teslers would kill us. Their endgame was killing Clay. What better bait than both his mate plus his best friend?

As for what Tesler would do with me while passing the time, I was surprisingly unconcerned about that, too. I blamed the drugs. I'm sure when they wore off. I'd have blamed them for this whole "captured again" mess. An Alpha-training lesson for me-never make field decisions while under the influence of painkillers.

Even when Tesler walked in from another room, saw me and grinned, my pulse barely jumped. He strode over, took both my hands and held me at arm's length for a once-over, like a groom checking out his arranged bride.

"All that and she still looks good. You hold up well, honey. Too bad you're not going to look so good when I'm done with you."

He pulled me closer and slid his hand under the parka, squeezing my ass. I heard a scuffle behind me, and I glanced back to see Nick struggling against his captor, glowering at Tesler. When I shot him a look, he stopped. I appreciated the sentiment, but if he didn't play good hostage, they might decide they didn't need two of us after all.

"They killed Andrej," the Ukrainian said.

When Tesler frowned, Eddie leaned over and whispered to him, "The big Romanian. Joined up just before we left."

Tesler's expression didn't change. He might remember the guy. He might not. Either way, he didn't really give a shit.

The Ukrainian was right. Eddie pretended his brother was in charge, but it was what Clay and I planned to do when I was Alpha-if mutts wanted to think the big scary guy was in charge, let them. Yet a pack is really no different than a human organization. While the strongest might make the best leader short-term, it took more than that for long-term success. In this case, though, even the pack members themselves couldn't agree who was their Alpha, meaning they wouldn't agree on who to protect. I could use that. I just wasn't sure how.

"Paul? Stefan? Tie him up," Eddie said. "Marko, let's get that arm set. Gavril-"

"Can I eat, please?" Gavril-the chubby guy with the bad teeth-whined. "I haven't had anything since the plane."

Eddie waved him to the kitchen. "Get something and come back. Danvers could show up any minute and I want to be ready. This is our big moment, guys."

"We're gonna wipe out the North American Pack," Tesler said.

"No, we're going to replace them. And you guys are getting in at the start." The others lit up like ground-floor investors about to watch their company go public. "You've worked hard and it's all going to pay off now. By summer, we'll be out of this godforsaken wasteland, living in California, Texas, Florida… We'll have a whole damn country to choose from."

They nodded, true believers at the revival, the Promised Land shimmering before them.

"Anyone who opposes us goes down. Anyone who wants to join up will be welcome, as long as he's willing to pull his weight and understands that you guys are at the top of the heap. You were here first. You'll get the best territory, the best girls and, most of all, the best-paying jobs in the operation."

As he preached, I plotted possible escape routes. I liked the big picture window a few feet from us. Of course, I'd like it even better if I could see some familiar werewolves slipping through the forest to surround the house…

"And remember who got you here," Tesler said. "Me and Eddie, we did all this for you guys."

"We have to give Marko credit, though," Eddie said. "As mad as I was about him killing that guy out here, he gave me an idea. Kill a few humans on Pack territory and look who comes running."

He waved at me. So he was taking credit for bringing us here? The guy had balls; I had to give him that. And brains, unfortunately. Which was more than I could say for his flunkies, who all nodded, convinced their brilliant leader-or their leader's little brother-had delivered the Pack right into their hands.

Now, if only the rest of that Pack would actually show up…

As long as Eddie was basking in the sound of his own voice, though, it was giving the others time to get here. Just keep yapping…

"Enough of that," Eddie said. "Time to get ready for our guest."


"Paul, get Mr. Sorrentino tied up while Marko holds him still. Be careful, though. I'm sure those manicured nails are sharp. Gavril. How long does it take to grab food? Bring some for the rest of us. And, Travis, how about you take your prize into the bedroom and finish up with her? Do what you want. Just keep her alive."

Eddie tensed, ready for me to fight. I didn't. I had a better chance of beating Tesler alone. The challenge would be defeating Tesler and getting Nick free. As I pondered that, though, Tesler took a good look at me, noting my lack of mortal terror.

"I'll wait," he said.

"For what?" Eddie said. "No. Don't even suggest-"

"You want to rile up Danvers? What better way than for him to watch while-"


"Why not?"

Eddie leaned in, lowering his voice. "Because I don't want to rile him up. I'm holding hostages to keep him calm. Now take her in the bedroom or you're going to lose your chance again-"

"Too late," said a voice behind us.

We turned to see Antonio in the kitchen doorway.

"You guys really need to be more careful with security," he said. "The back door was unlocked, and I found a guy raiding your fridge. Don't worry, though, I took care of him for you." He glanced over his shoulder at the floor, presumably where Gavril lay. Then his gaze traveled over their faces. "Oh, was he one of yours? Damn. I'm really sorry about that."

While he spoke, the only person who moved was Eddie, backing up toward me, guarding the prize. Everyone else stared, as if trying to figure out what was going on. Finally the Ukrainian ran at Antonio. Antonio barreled forward, meeting his charge.

A figure slid from the opposite hall entrance, behind Nick, still held by Marko.

"Marko!" Eddie shouted.

Marko only frowned at Eddie, as if wondering why Eddie wanted him to go help fight Antonio when he only had one good arm. The other mutt figured it out, shouting a warning and gesturing at Reese, who'd slipped in, armed with a fireplace poker. He swung and hit Marko in the side of his head.

Tesler pulled me against him, arms pinned behind me with one hand, the other forearm at my throat. Any notion of fighting stopped-not with the choke hold, but with Eddie, backing up to us, protecting the booty as his soldiers did battle. I couldn't take them both on, and with Eddie staying out of the fight, the odds were in our favor anyway.

Antonio killed the other newcomer-I'd already forgotten what Eddie called him. That left the Ukrainian, pinned to the floor now by Nick, and Marko, easily held by Reese, who had only to twist his broken arm to keep him on his knees. I motioned for them to hold fast. Kill these two and we lost our negotiating power.