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"In my experience, it is often the simplest things that yield the greatest insights," Seregil replied.

"Well?" Alec demanded as they walked home with Thero. "I told you he attacked her. There's your proof!"

"I suppose so," Seregil mused absently.

"You suppose so? By the Four, Seregil, she was working with her own magic."

Seregil lowered his voice to a whisper. "But why, Alec? Klia and Torsin were poisoned at Viresse tupa, of that I'm certain. If it was done by the Haman, then it was someone other than Emiel, because he wasn't there."

"If the Haman are behind it, then it was planned by a fool," added Thero. "Everyone knew they were hunting the next morning.

Why choose a poison that would affect her while she was in their company?"

"And why go to the trouble of attacking her if she was already dying? " Seregil pointed out.

"Unless Emiel didn't know about the poison," Alec said. "He's a violent bastard, Seregil. He went after me once, right in the city in front of witnesses, not to mention what he did to you!"

"That was different. Attacking Klia was madness. Based on what Amali just told us, he could face dwai sholo." He handed the poisoner's ring to Thero. "Keep at this. I'll bet you my best horse if you do find out who used it, it won't be a Haman."

"You think these could be separate events, then?" the wizard asked, staring down at the deadly little circle of steel.

"You mean more than one clan wanted Klia dead?" Alec felt the beginnings of a headache behind his eyes. "Perhaps Sarikali is more like Rhiminee after all."

It was a depressing thought.

Rhaish i Arlisandin dismissed the women as soon as their Skalan visitors were gone, then knelt beside Amali. Her air of quiet triumph sent a chill through him; for a moment he could scarcely feel the ground beneath his knees.

"By the Light," he gasped, clutching at her wrist. "Amali, what have you done?"

She raised her chin proudly, though he saw tears standing in her eyes. "What had to be done, my husband. For Akhendi, and for you. The Haman is no man of honor; the violence is his."

She reached out to him, but Rhaish shied away. The terrible mix of sorrow and adoration in his wife's face scorched him like wildfire, even as the world grew darker around him. Staggering to a nearby chair, he covered his eyes with his hands.

"You would not confide in me, my husband!" she said imploringly. "Yet I could see your anguish. When Aura placed the means in my hands, I knew what I must do."

"The Lightbearer had no hand in this," he mumbled.

Alec and Seregil went straight to Klia's chamber. Though she had not yet regained full consciousness, it seemed right to be in her presence as much as possible, as if they could lend her their life force through sheer proximity.

It was also the most securely guarded room in the house. Two Urgazhi were stationed outside her door. Inside, Beka sat dozing at the bedside. She jerked awake as they entered, one hand flying to the hilt of her knife.

"It's just us," Seregil whispered, approaching the bed.

Klia was asleep, but there was a hint of color in her pallid cheeks. A sheen of sweat stood out on her brow and upper lip.

"She still can't speak, but Mydri got a little broth into her," Beka told them. "She's been like this most of the day, though she opens her eyes now and then. It's hard to know if she understands what's said to her yet."

Alec caught his breath as a sickly odor assaulted his nostrils. Klia's left hand was bandaged from fingertips to wrist, and angry red lines of infection arced up the inside of her forearm. Those hadn't been there at dawn.

"Amali says Emiel definitely attacked her," Seregil told Beka.

She closed her eyes wearily. "I knew it. Did she say why?"

"No. I think I'd better have a talk with Nazien, though I'm not looking forward to it."

"What about the Viresse?" she asked.

Seregil scrubbed a hand through his hair and sighed. "Finding the ring in Ulan's fishpond should be pretty damning evidence."


"Well, dropping the ring right outside his own bedchamber door is either the most daring or the most stupid thing I've seen in a while. I haven't decided which yet."

"If the Haman are our poisoners, they could have dropped it there to make Ulan look guilty," said Alec.

"That begs the question of whether they support the repeal of the Edict. Nazien might want to see Ulan dishonored, if he was serious about supporting Klia after all. Otherwise, he would have supported him. As for Emiel, he was on the side of the Viresse, so it's unlikely he'd have been behind such a ruse."

"We might have just missed seeing the murderer," Alec said glumly, thinking of the unseen visitor who'd interrupted their tossing of Ulan's chambers.

Thero slipped in just then, and the others greeted him with hopeful looks.

"Nothing yet," the wizard told them, leaning over Klia's bed to pass Seregil the ring. "If only I could question her about that night."

"Our assassin chose his moment well, whoever he was," Alec

muttered. "If we do clear Haman or Viresse, that still leaves most of Sarikali suspect."

"Even if I were free to go about reading minds, it would take months," added the wizard.

Beka took the poisoner's ring. "A lot of good this does us, if you can't divine any more than you have of it."

"I told you, I wasn't meant to. Someone has masked it so that I can't trace it to its owner," Thero snapped. "This is a real wizard we're dealing with, not some hedgerow conjurer."

"Then for all we know, the man we're looking for has escaped already," she fretted, handing it back to him. "People come and go all the time here. Our man could be miles away already. By the Flame, Seregil, can't these rhui'auros of yours do something?"

He sighed, resting his face in his hands. "According to the one I spoke with this morning, I already know who did it, whatever that means."

Beka paused beside Seregil and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Tell us what he said, word for word."

Seregil glanced down at Klia and found her eyes open and focused on him. He lifted her good hand and held it gently. "Let's see. He fed me breakfast and we spoke of Nysander. He admitted that he sent Nyal but claimed that he didn't send him to me." He looked at Thero and shook his head. "You know how they can be. Anyway, then he gave me the Plenimaran bottle of lissik. When I recognized the workmanship, he told me 'He who has two hearts is twice as strong, and called me 'ya'shel khi. »

"Half-breed soul," Alec translated for Beka's benefit.

Seregil nodded. "I've been turning that around in my mind all day, along with his talk of my so-called gift. Whatever that is."

"And he said you fight it," Alec prompted.

Seregil shrugged again. "A gift for magical ineptitude? A gift for picking pockets and lying well? The only thing he said that makes any sense to me yet is that somehow or other we've missed asking the right questions."

"Or the right people," Beka said. "What did Adzriel say about the vote? Will it go forward as things are now?"

"Nothing's been changed, so far as she knows."

"Both Viresse and Haman are still under interdiction," said Alec. "Doesn't that give us an advantage? I mean, we know that Viresse would have voted against us, and Haman might have."

"Haman would have been the keystone," Seregil said. "With just

Viresse out of the picture, Nazien's vote would have broken any tie vote, for good or ill. Things are as uncertain as ever now. Of the nine left, we know Golinil, Khatme, and Lhapnos are against us. Ra'basi and the rest? Who can say, now that everyone's so leery of Phoria? Ulan may win without having to vote at all. Beka, I'd like you to fetch Nazien i Hari. Don't say why, just that I have information regarding his nephew."