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Emiel's arrogant sneer was firmly in place again. "So ask your question, Exile. Ask as many as you like. The price is the same for each."

"Fair enough," Seregil replied, feeling with his tongue for loose

teeth. "I know about the secret meeting Ulan i Sathil held a few nights back, and what he told you there. I know that you don't share your uncle's sympathy for Skala. How did he react when you told him what you'd learned?"

Emiel let out a derisive snort, then lashed out again, backhanding Seregil hard enough to make him stagger. "You're wasting that handsome face of yours on that? He was shocked, of course, and dismayed. Klia a Idrilain has great atui. So did her mother. This new queen of yours, though?" He shook his head. "Even my uncle wonders if we should wait another generation before lifting the Edict. So do many of the other khirnari."

"You're generous with your answers," Seregil muttered, almost managing a crooked grin.

"Ask another."

Seregil took a breath and braced his feet, determined not to be caught off guard this time. "All right—"

But Emiel surprised him again, going for his belly instead of his face. Seregil doubled over, gasping for air. When he could breath again, he asked, "Did you know of Lord Torsin's private chats with Ulan i Sathil?"

"The Viresse? No."

Seregil leaned back against the wall, one hand pressed to his belly. His ears were ringing and his head hurt, but he didn't miss how that last question had shaken his opponent.

He considered pressing further on the Torsin angle but decided against it, not wanting to give too much away in case Emiel was telling the truth about not knowing. Instead, he let out a hollow chuckle. "So you think my face handsome, do you?"

Emiel took a menacing step toward him. "Is that another question, Exile?"

Seregil side-stepped hastily. "I withdraw it."

"Then I'll answer you for free." Grinning, Emiel raised his voice loud enough for the others to hear. "You were always a handsome little slut, Exile, more handsome even than the Chyptaulos traitor you played the whore for that summer."

The words froze Seregil where he stood.

"You don't remember it, but I was there, too. I remember you and Ilar i Sontir—that was his name, wasn't it? The man you killed my kinsman for? Too bad it wasn't just your ass Ilar was after, eh, guest killer? Perhaps we'd all have been friends. He could have passed you around. Did you like it rough back then, too?"

The words hit harder than any blow. Shame welled like bile in

Seregil's throat. How many of the Urgazhi in earshot had understood? Emiel's scornful gaze seemed to scorch his skin as Seregil retrieved the sword and headed for the door.

"I don't speak much 'faie, my lord, but I didn't like the sound of that," Steb growled as Seregil handed him back his weapon.

Emiel i Moranthi has just confessed. He tried to murder Klia. Kill him. That's all it would have taken.

Locking the words away behind a bloodied smile, Seregil shook his head. "See that no harm comes to our guest, riders. Not so much as a harsh word."

As he'd feared, news traveled fast among the Urgazhi. Alec was waiting for him just outside.

"Now what have you done?" he demanded, turning Seregil's face toward the watch fire to inspect the latest damage.

Seregil pulled away and continued on into the house. "Don't worry, it was my own doing."

"That's what I'm worried about."

"It wasn't like last time. I goaded him to see what he'd say. It was atui that made him swing at me."

"So it's honorable for him to hit you?"

"Absolutely. While he was at it, however, he let slip a few valuable bits of insight." He stopped just short of the great hall and lowered his voice. "As we'd feared, Ulan has done us a great deal of harm. Phoria's honor is in question, and some of those who supported us while Idrilain lived are wavering. But from what Emiel said just now, Torsin's secret meetings with Ulan aren't common knowledge." He fingered a tender spot next to his eye, hoping it wasn't going to swell. "Maybe we can use that to cast doubt back on Viresse. If we do, and prove that Klia was poisoned, perhaps we can sway some clans back to our side. I have to talk to Adzriel."

"She's in the hall."

Seregil clapped him on the shoulder. "See what you can find back in the hills. We need to know what Haman's role in all this is."

"It's going to take some doing," Alec admitted. "If they threw away something during the ride, chances are we'll never find it."

"We have to try. Otherwise, we can just stick our heads up our backsides and let it all fall to pieces."

Adzriel was talking with Rhylin and Mercalle beside the hall hearth. Drawing her into the mourning chamber, Seregil and Alec outlined the evening's findings.

"You can't believe the Haman are innocent?" she asked, searching Seregil's face.

"I'm not ready to say that yet, but something isn't right. I think Emiel is capable of it, but if he was going to go to the extreme of murder to get his way, wouldn't his uncle be a more logical target?"

"What about Nazien?" asked Alec. "He could have played us all for fools."

Seregil shrugged. "That seems even less likely. As much as I hate to admit it, he strikes me as an honorable man."

Adzriel touched Seregil's bruised cheek, frowning. "What will you do now?"

"Keep searching. Am I correct in guessing that anyone who falls under reasonable suspicion can be excluded from the vote?"

"Yes, the Haman must prove themselves innocent, or you must prove them guilty within a moon's span."

"We don't have that long," said Alec.

"Perhaps not," Adzriel replied. "Please, Alec, I'd like a moment alone with Seregil before he goes."

Alec cast a worried look at Seregil, then bowed. "Of course, my lady."

Adzriel gave him a wink. "Don't worry, I'll send him back to you soon, tali."

She watched Alec fondly out of sight, then turned and touched a finger to Seregil's swollen lip.

"You must stop this," she said softly. "It's wrong to seek this out from them."

"What do you mean?" he asked, folding his arms.

"You know exactly what I mean! Do you think Mydri kept the last occurrence from me? What is it you expect from such behavior? Justice? Atonement?"

"It wasn't like that this time," Seregil countered. "Sometimes you have to fool your enemy into doing what you want them to do. By letting Emiel think—"

"And what will everyone else think when they look at you tomorrow?" she demanded angrily. "For once in your life, listen to good counsel. Hear me, if not as your elder, then as the khirnari of the clan I pray you will one day rejoin. To allow a Haman to lay hands on you dishonors the princess you serve and the clan you sprang from. It dishonors Alec. Have you considered that?"

"That was pointed out to me, actually. But tonight—"

"Tonight you let a Haman put his hands on you again, as if it were his right."

Seregil knew it had been different tonight. He knew that whatever the cost, it had been worth the information he'd gotten. Any Rhiminee footpad or noble intriguer would have applauded him for it. At the same time, he knew with equal certainty that there was no way his sister would ever understand.

"Forgive me, talia. Bringing pain and dishonor to those I love best seems to be a particular talent of mine."

She cupped his chin. "Self-pity is a weakness you cannot afford to indulge. You know my hopes for you, tali. I want my brother back. I want you to be Aurenfaie again."

Tears stung his eyes as he pulled her close. I want that, too, more than you know. I just have my own ideas on achieving the impossible.

Alec paced slowly around the hall. He had the place to himself for the moment, the first time since Klia's mysterious collapse that he'd had a quiet moment to think. When he tried to make sense of the day, however, he was overwhelmed by the confusion of events. Klia's illness and Torsin's untimely death. Bad enough that they might be returning to Skala empty-handed and in the middle of a lost war. He'd stood by and allowed Klia to be poisoned right under his nose. Now Seregil was acting like a madman. Perhaps they'd both been too long away from Rhiminee, after all.