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"You're fortunate in my choice of companions, then, Emiel i Moranthi," Klia laughed. "Alec i Amasa can probably supply us all with ample meat."

Seregil nudged Alec in the ribs as several Haman covered shocked looks. "Sounds like you're invited, at least."


Whether it was Klia's tacit approval for them to spy on her behalf, or simply the end of the enforced abstinence, Seregil surprised Alec with a burst of passion as soon as they were alone that evening.

"What's this?" Alec laughed as he was propelled none too gently onto the bed. Thanks to Seregil's frequent dark moods and the lingering effects of his mysterious "fall," they'd scarcely touched in days, weeks even.

"If you have to ask, then it has been too long," Seregil growled, yanking Alec's coat open and fumbling with his belt. He was wild, urgent, hungry to please. Alec responded in kind, neither of them noticing until much later that the door of their balcony was open to the world.

"We've probably got everyone from here to the kitchens blushing or cursing our names," Seregil laughed when he'd finally collapsed on the floor beside the bed.

Alec hung an arm over the side and toyed with a strand of his dark hair. "If they can still hear us, tell them to fetch a healer to re-string my joints."

Seregil grasped his hand and pulled him over the edge, grunting as Alec landed on top of him. "Bilairy's Guts, tali, you're all knees and elbows." Nuzzling Alec's neck, he inhaled appreciatively. "You smell so good! How is it I always forget how—"

Alec pulled back to look at him. "There's something I forgot to tell you the other night when I got back from Ulan's. The business about Phoria drove it right out of my head."

"Hmmm? You forgot—" Seregil murmured, hands roaming.

Alec caught one of them and pinned it against his chest. "Listen, will you? While I was spying on Ulan, a strong smell like perfume warned me that a watchman was coming to the room where I was hiding."

This got Seregil's attention. "Warned you how?"

"It distracted me so that I saw the watchman coming. I'd have been caught for sure if it hadn't. And it wasn't the first time I smelled it, either."


Alec rolled free and sat up. "It was just after we arrived in Sarikali. Kheeta took me to the House of the Pillars and we ran into Emiel i Moranthi. . " He faltered, seeing Seregil's eyes narrow dangerously. "It was just some insults, that's all."

"I see. Then what?"

"As we were leaving I smelled that same sweet scent at about the same moment I thought I heard someone following us. Maybe that was a warning, too."

Seregil nodded thoughtfully. "Some people experience the Bash'wai that way."

A superstitious chill spider-walked up Alec's spine. "You think that's what it was?"

"I expect so. Interesting."

"That's one word for it," Alec replied. "Where I'm from, it's an unlucky thing when the dead take an interest in you."

"And where I'm from, we say take what the Lightbringer sends and be thankful." Seregil chuckled, rising to pull him into bed again. "Keep your nose to the breeze and let me know if you smell it again."

Corporal Nikides gave Seregil and Alec a knowing smirk the next morning as they went through the kitchen passage. "Good to have the mourning over with, eh, my lords?"

"Damn right," Seregil agreed jauntily.

"Oh, hell!" Alec growled beneath his breath, coloring hotly.

Seregil wrapped an arm around his friend's waist. "Oh, come

now, you didn't think it was any secret, did you? Or are you ashamed of me, my stiff-necked Dalnan prude?"

For a moment he feared Alec would pull away. Instead, he found himself pinned roughly against the wall of the now deserted hallway.

Pressing his hands to the stone on either side of Seregil's head, Alec leaned in for a bruising kiss. "Of course I'm not ashamed, but I was a stiff-necked Dalnan prude before you came along, so next time let's make certain the door's closed, all right?"

Seregil clucked his tongue in mock concern. "Dear me, I see there's a good deal more we have to work on with you." Laughing, he slipped under Alec's arm and continued on toward the hall. "At the solstice festival here, they—"

"I know what they do," said Alec. "I only pray we're back in Skala before then."

Klia and the wizard were there, waiting for the rest to join them before leaving for the council.

"You two are looking remarkably well rested this morning," Klia observed dryly.

"As are you, my lady," Seregil returned with gallant good humor, trying not to laugh as Alec cringed beside him. "We'll all be needing our wits about us today."

An air of expectation hung over the Iia'sidra chamber as the members gathered for the morning session. Seated with Alec in his usual place behind Klia, Seregil studied the faces around the council circle and read in many a subtle, collective tension that hadn't been there a week before. The Khatme were looking unusually sanguine, the Akhendi grim—both bad weather signs for Skala. Ulan's private cabal had certainly had an effect.

Elos i Orian was the first to speak. He paused a moment to tuck back the ends of his brown-and-white sen'gai, letting the others wait, then addressed the chamber with the ease of one who has had his speech laid out for him in advance.

"Klia a Idrilain, you have shown great patience," he began, acknowledging her with a nod. "Your presence here has done honor to your race, and brought new insight to our people." He turned to the assembly. "Are we of the Iia'sidra unaware of the pain such delay must have caused her and her people? Many things have been discussed in this chamber; all have had their say. What more is there to be done?" He paused for a murmur of approval. "The will of Aura

and the people must be served. To that end, I propose that the vote be cast at the Vhadasoori in seven days' time."

One by one, the khirnari signaled unanimous consent.

"That's the first thing they've agreed on since we've been here," muttered Alec.

The decision brought the council to an abrupt halt. Abandoning the orderly rote, people wandered freely, major and minor clans alike. Some, including the Akhendi, left quickly. Others lingered to cajole and harangue one another.

The Skalans and Bokthersans withdrew and rode back to their tupa together.

"It was most tactful of Ulan to have his daughter's husband push for the vote," Adzriel observed sourly.

"You think he means to capitalize on the doubts he's sown?" asked Klia.

"Of course he does," said Seregil. "How long do you suppose he's been planning this maneuver? You notice he's one of the last to host a feast in your honor?"

"Ostensibly in my honor," Klia said. "He's invited everyone in Sarikali."

"I've been to Viresse banquets. They may throw us out of Aurenen empty-handed, but at least they'll show us a good time first. Wouldn't you agree, Lord Torsin?"

Caught coughing softly into his handkerchief, Torsin wiped his lips and smiled. "He cannot present his usual collection of foreign entertainments here, but I'm certain he will provide us with a most memorable evening."

"If he's so certain of the decision, why did he have Elos i Orian set a date a week off?" Alec asked. "Why not tomorrow?"

"It's the least time allowed before a vote," Saaban i Irais explained. "As you've all observed, the Aurenfaie prefer not to rush into anything. It's an auspicious number, seven; a quarter of the moon's cycle, and the time it takes for it to pass into each of the four phases."

"Auspicious for whom, I wonder?" asked Klia.

" 'The same moon shines on all, " Mydri quoted.

"True," Seregil agreed. "And this isn't over yet; at least we have a little time to sway the undecided. This hunt of yours with the Haman tomorrow feels like a turn of luck to me. Nazien i Hari has already taken a liking to you. He could be a valuable advocate. If he comes around to our side, his vote could make the difference."