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The Captain grunted and then sat up. He looked around groggily. “Is hon gone?”

“Hon? Oh yeah, she’s still gone.”

“Two hundred dollars, Roy.”

“Captain, you don’t have to pay me. I’m doing this pro bono, I mean I’m doing this on my dime.”

“How I got it.” The Captain looked embarrassed. “Peed in a cup.”

“Excuse me?”

The Captain gazed at the tabletop and said in a hushed voice, “Peed in a cup.”

Roy sat forward, still looking confused. “Someone paid you two hundred dollars to pee in a cup?”

“Not pee, the other thing.” Now Roy could really see pink in the man’s cheeks because he was blushing.

“The other thing?”

“They gave me a magazine to look at. Couldn’t say this in front of hon.”

“A magazine?”

“Girlie magazine. Not pee. You know. The other thing.”

“You mean?”

The Captain eyeballed Roy with a knowing look. “Two hundred dollars to look at a girlie magazine.”

Roy leaned forward and gripped the Captain’s arm. “Where did you do this?”

“G-town. Not too far.”

“Was it a fertility clinic, a sperm bank?”

The Captain just looked at him with a blank expression.

“Forget that, can you remember when you did it?”

“It was daylight.”

“Okay, can you remember exactly where this place was?”

“Uh… It was white.”

“Can you describe the person who asked you to, uh, pee in the cup?”

“Some guy.”

“Never mind, I’ll find it!” Roy banged his briefcase closed and raced out of the room.


MACE LEFT the mansion and walked over to the guesthouse. Alisha and Tyler were sitting at the dining room table eating a meal that Herbert had prepared. Mace sat down next to Tyler, who alternated between carefully forking mashed potatoes into his mouth and taking large gulps of milk.

“I know, the food here is pretty terrific,” said Mace, as she watched the little boy.

“Do you live here?” Alisha asked her.

“For now. You all settled in?”

Alisha nodded. “I can’t believe it. I mean just yesterday I was in my little apartment and then at Social. And now. It’s like a dream. It’s like a movie.” She gazed around the expansive room in wonder. She looked over at her son. “I think Ty likes it here too.”

“Wait’ll I show you the gym. It’s got an indoor basketball court.”

Ty’s eyes widened.

“You hear that, Ty?” said his mother. “A basketball court.”

“He likes basketball?”

“Oh, yeah. Don’t get a chance to play much. But he likes watching. He was watching from the window when your friend kicked Psycho’s butt. Shoulda seen Ty clapping and jumping.”

Mace said, “I can show you some cool moves if you want, Ty.”

The little boy took another mouthful of food and looked at his mother.

“That’d be good, right, Ty?”

He nodded quickly.

Afterwards they walked over to the gym. Mace got a ball and took Ty onto the court while Alisha watched. Mace bounced the ball between her legs, turned, and shot. The ball swished through the hoop, barely grazing the net.

Ty’s face lit up and he looked over at his mother. Alisha clapped and Ty clapped too, his little arms pumping away. Mace took his hand and they moved closer to the basket. “Hang on one sec, Ty.” She hustled over to a switch on the wall that raised and lowered the basket. She cranked it down to about five feet high and rejoined Ty. She instructed him how to hold the ball and then helped him with the first few shots. Three missed, but the fourth one found the bottom of the net.

Ty opened his mouth, and though no sound came out it was clear that he was shouting for joy. Mace showed him to how to bank a shot in. Every time he made a basket he would open his mouth, raise his arms in triumph, and then look at his mother. A few minutes later Alisha and Mace chased Ty all over the court as he bounced the ball and played keep-away. Thirty minutes later the two women sat down on a section of pullout bleachers while Ty kept bouncing the ball and hustling around the court.

“Okay, I’m officially worn out,” said Mace as she watched the little boy run.

“He wears me out too. That little apartment ain’t big enough to keep him tired. But it better than some alley.”

“You should feel good you got out of that, Alisha. Real good.”

“That man, Mr. Altman, he say we can stay here long as we want to. And he say he got some folks to look at Ty.”

“He’s a very kind man. If anyone can help Ty, he can.”

Alisha looked around the immense building. “But we can’t be staying here too long. I need to get me a real job. Take care of Ty good. Get going on my own.”

“That will all come, Alisha. It’s all part of the program. Mr. Altman will explain it in more detail.”

“Yeah, that what he said. He wants me to get my GED and then he talking maybe college.”

“That’s great.”

She looked worried. “I don’t know. Folks in college they real smart. And the way I talk and all.”

“The way you talk is fine. And I wonder how many of them could have survived what you did. You can do this. You’re smart too.”

Alisha smiled. “Sound like my granny. Be anything you want to be.”

“You can.”

Alisha stretched out her hand and placed it over the top of Mace’s. “Thank you.”

“Have you talked to Darren?”

“Unh-uh. Thought he call me, but he ain’t.”

“And he knows what Psycho did to you?”

“I know I shouldn’t told him. He in prison when it happened.”

“What was he in for?”

“Carjacking and stuff. Stupid. He got in with some real bad dudes. But he’s smart. He done real good in school. He got a job to help me and our granny. But then she got sick and ain’t had no health insurance. He had to make more money.”

“So drug dealing? Carjacking?”

Alisha nodded. “He got arrested on my birthday. Just turned twelve and he bought me a dress and we were having ice cream in the food court over at the train station. And the blues bust in and then he gone. Didn’t really see him again till he got outta prison. They sent him all the way to Ohio. Ain’t no way I can get there with Ty.”

“You think he might try to go after Psycho?”

Alisha’s lips trembled. “I pray to God he ain’t do something that dumb. Psycho kill him.”

“We’ll do everything we can to make sure that won’t happen.” Mace looked over at Ty as the little boy lined up a shot and made it. “I think Ty needs an uncle in his life. And from what I saw at your apartment Darren is really good with him.”

“Oh, he loves Ty and Ty loves him. Funny because they ain’t been around each other all that long. But it like they know each other a long time, you know what I mean?”

Mace nodded and then her attention turned to the door of the gym as it shot open.

“Darren!” Alisha cried out and jumped to her feet.

Ty stopped bouncing his ball and looked around at his uncle.

Right behind Darren was Rick Cassidy, his arm on Darren’s shoulder.

“You know this guy?” said Cassidy.

“We do,” said Mace. “What’s going on?”

“Caught him climbing the south wall,” said Cassidy.

As she drew closer Mace could see that Cassidy had placed a gun against the small of Darren’s back.

“It ain’t like I gonna just walk up to the door of a place like this and knock,” said Darren sullenly.

“You should’ve given it a try,” said Mace in a scolding tone. “We would have let you in.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Rick, you can lose the gun,” said Mace quietly as she saw Ty running toward them.

“Okay, but I confiscated two pistols from him.”

“Keep ’em for now.”

“You sure, Mace?”

“I’m sure.”

Rick holstered his gun and patted Darren on the shoulder. “You were actually pretty stealthy coming over the wall and you sure can run. Might make a good Navy SEAL.”

“Yeah? Well, I don’t see that in my career future, okay?”