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Jareel had festering wounds, and Steb, still recovering from the loss of an eye, had a bad case of the scours.

Now Mirn and Gilly were gone.

"Who's out now?" she asked.

"Syra has the watch. Arbelus and Steb went scouting about an hour ago."

"Go wake the others and tell them to eat quickly. We ride as soon as it's full dark."

Rhylin gave a quick salute and started around the camp. Beka let out a slow, exasperated breath.

She'd hoped the others hadn't noticed her nightly struggles. At least it had been Rhylin who'd brought it to her attention. Despite his ungainly appearance, he'd proven a good choice for sergeant.

He had a calm steadiness about him that only seemed to increase under adversity.

Still, the last thing any of them needed right now was an officer who had bad dreams behind lines; yelling in your sleep was a good way to bring the enemy down on your neck. Rubbing her eyes again, she tried to remember what the dream had been, but nothing would come except a vague feeling of anxiety.

Giving up, she turned her thoughts to more practical matters. Reaching for her tucker sack, she dipped out a cupful of soaked meal and hastily downed it.

Coarse and full of grit, the barley meal they'd captured in the last raid was hard on both teeth and stomach. Most of the time they couldn't chance a fire to boil it into porridge. Instead, they threw it into a leather bag with some water and fragments of dried fish for a few hours until it swelled into a gluey mass Nikides had dubbed "broken tooth pudding."

They were just saddling up for the night's ride when Steb came riding back.

"We found Mim and Gilly, Lieutenant!" he informed Beka.

"Praise Sakor! Where?" Beka demanded as the others crowded around in uneasy silence.

"There's a Plenimaran column ahead about two miles. They've just stopped to make camp for the night. It's big, Lieutenant, fifty soldiers at least. And maybe twice that in prisoners marching afoot in chains."

"Prisoners?" Rhylin raised an eyebrow.

"That's the first we've heard of that. And you're sure you saw Gilly and Mirn?"

Steb nodded, his good eye blazing with grief and anger. "The whoreson bastards planked them."

Braknil cursed, then spat angrily over his left shoulder.

"What do you mean, planked?" Beka demanded.

"It's an old Plenimaran soldier's trick,

Lieutenant," the sergeant scowled. "You take a man, tie a plank across his shoulders, and then nail his hands to it."

Beka stood silent for a moment, feeling a black void opening in her heart. They'd been lucky so far, facing no more than a decuria or two of fighters and panicked wagoneers. And so far, they'd left no one behind but the dead. This was different.

She gripped her sword hilt and growled, "Let's go have a look."

Taking Braknil and Kallas, Beka followed Steb.

What must this be like for him? she wondered, stealing a look at Steb's drawn face; the bond between him and Mirn was strong. The two were always together, whether it was around the fire at night, or fighting side by side like twin avenging furies. They usually took scout duty together, too. What had happened today?

The young rider remained grim and silent as he led them to the little hillside gully where Arbelus was keeping watch. Less than a mile below, the scattered campfires of the Plenimaran column winked in the darkness. Beyond the camp, the black expanse of the Inner Sea glimmered with the light of the first stars. The wind was coming off the water tonight and Beka caught a faint, unsettling sound on the air. After a moment she realized it was only the distant crash of surf growling like a hound in its sleep against the rocky cliffs.

"There's an old road that runs along above the shore," Arbelus told her. "They set up camp on the landward side of it."

"You're certain our men are still alive?" Beka asked, squinting down at the pattern of campfires.

"They were at sundown. I saw the guards prodding them in with the other prisoners for the night."

Beka chewed at her lip, still glowering at the enemy encampment. At last she turned to Braknil.

"It's the first real force we've encountered so far. What do you think? Any chance of grabbing them out tonight?"

Braknil scratched under his bearded chin a moment, looking down at the fires. "I'd say not much, Lieutenant. They'll have the perimeter sewed tighter than a virgin's bodice. Even if we did manage to slip in, we'd never fight our way out if they tumbled to us."

Beka let out an exasperated sigh. "Sakor's Fist, first they aren't taking prisoners, then they've got a couple hundred. And where in hell did they get that many this far inside their own borders?" " Braknil shrugged. "That's a good question."

Arbelus looked up in surprise. "I never thought of that. But I'll tell you something even stranger."

"What's that?"

"Before they settled down for the night, they were marching north."

"North!" Beka exclaimed softly. "The Mycenian border can't be more than fifty miles from here, and not a single Plenimaran city in between. If they're going to all the trouble to take that many prisoners, why on earth aren't they taking them south where they could use them?"

She rested a hand on Steb's rigid shoulder.

"Still, it makes our task easier. We planned to turn north along the coast anyway. We'll trail them, haunt them, by the gods, and watch for a chance to grab Mirn and Gilly!"


The guards handled Alec with superstitious care after Gossol's sacrifice, but they clearly blamed him for the death of their "soldier brother."

Ashnazai came less often, too, although he still paid occasional visits in the middle of the night. Starting up out of some nightmare, Alec would smell the man's unclean odor in the darkness, feel the touch of cold fingers on his skin as Ashnazai plunged him into another punishing miasma of torment.

Locked alone in his tiny dark cabin, Alec grew increasingly despondent. He'd searched in vain for some means of escape, even if it meant throwing himself overboard, but there was none. Left with nothing to do, he slept a great deal, but his dreams were full of violence and omens. The dream of the headless arrow came far more often now, sometimes twice in one day.

Under such desperate conditions, he grew to look forward to his daily walk on deck with Mardus.

Despite his chilling revelation at the ceremony, Mardus continued to treat him with a strange sort of solicitude, as if he enjoyed Alec's company.

At midmorning each day Alec was given a cloak and escorted above under guard. Fair weather or foul, Mardus would be waiting for him, ready to hold forth on whatever subject had taken his fancy that day. To Alec's considerable surprise, Mardus was a remarkably intelligent, well-spoken man, with interests as broad and varied as Seregil's. He was as likely to launch into a discussion of Plenimaran war tactics or a detailed comparison of Plenimaran and Skalan musical conventions, although his discourses often took a darker turn.

"Torture is an undervalued art form," he remarked as they strolled up and down with Vargul Ashnazai one brisk morning. "Most people assume that if you cause enough pain you will achieve your end. While this may be true in some cases, I've always found that outright brutality is often counterproductive. Consider your own recent experience, Alec. Without drawing so much as a drop of blood, we were able to extract every scrap of information from you."

"Necromancy is a subtle art," Ashnazai interjected smugly.

"It can be," Mardus amended dryly, "although «subtle» is hardly how I'd describe many of the necromantic procedures I have witnessed. But to return to the subject at hand, I assure you that had it not been for the prohibition against shedding blood, I could have accomplished the same result without such an extraordinary expenditure of magic."