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Volume cranked up on the television, feet resting on an ottoman, he sipped a cup of coffee while waiting for the congressional vote – the vote that would make him the next President of the United States. When the Speaker of the House introduced Carolyn he slid his feet off the ottoman and leaned forward in his chair.

What the hell was going on? Why hadn’t Carolyn told him that she planned to address Congress?

My God, he thought after a moment, she’s brilliant. To speak in front of Congress before this historic vote, while her husband lay near death, was nothing short of heroic. The pundits and the public would view this as an incredible act of courage. After this, her vice presidency would be a shoo-in. Her astute political strategy impressed the hell out of him. Adrenaline coursed through him as he waited excitedly for what he knew would be a remarkable speech.


The applause seemed deafening. Carolyn took a deep breath. She’d given up her entire life to reign as First Lady, and now she was about to destroy it all.

To some it would have been easy to accept Young’s bribe to be the first female vice president. And although she had compromised far too much to get where she stood today, nothing was worth selling her soul for, not even the second highest office in the land.

Before her lay the opportunity to redeem herself, to reclaim the person she’d once been, and wanted to return to.

Carolyn held up a hand to quiet the crowd. ‘Thank you. Thank you,“ she said. ”Please – I don’t deserve this. Please – sit down. Please. Thank you.“

The room quieted.

“In many ways our country is like a growing child.” she began. “Each of us loves this child dearly. And our electorate has charged each of you with parenting this child, and like all parents we do our best along the way, but even our best is not perfect.

“The child, undoubtedly, makes mistakes, fails and falls. The parents make decisions for the child, and like the child, we make mistakes, fail from time to time, and also fall down on our job for we are only human. Painfully, I must say that this is one of those moments.”

Carolyn cleared her throat. “Today, you are the guidance for this child, our country. Today, you will make a history-altering decision. Each of you accepted this responsibility when you took your oath of office. And the people of this great nation depend on you to act in the best interests of our country.”

She took a deep breath. “It is a fact that my husband-” her voice broke. She paused for a moment to collect her composure. “My husband, Warner Hamilton Lane, will not recover from his injuries. This is a blow to our nation and the world. But it would be an even greater blow if I allowed you to vote, in accordance with the Constitution, on the chain of succession without all of the facts.”

She gripped the podium as if to fortify her will to continue. Carolyn knew that Richard would be watching, so she gazed into the television camera and concentrated on directing her words to him. “Richard Young cannot be allowed to take the office of the president of the United States.”

A hush fell over the congressional floor. Shock held everyone riveted.

Carolyn lifted the key documents above her head. “I hold in my hand evidence that implicates Mr. Young in a tragic conspiracy of many years. A conspiracy of such magnitude that it took the life of Senator William Rudly, the men who died in the chemical release event days ago, and many others.”

A collective gasp traveled through the room.

Strobes exploded.

A roar of noise rolled over her from the congressional chambers as the members grasped her meaning.

Pandemonium reigned as reporters, completely out of order, shouted questions.

Jonathan Daniels stepped to her side. He cracked the gavel on the podium, quickly restoring order. He nodded for Carolyn to continue.

“As you all know,” she went on, “I spent many years as a prosecutor. Today, I bring these skills to you, our lawmakers. Obviously, this must be investigated. Congressional hearings must take place, possibly a Grand Jury convened, and maybe even a trial. But until this matter of national security is resolved, the party in question cannot lead our country.

“It is with a leaden heart that I reveal this horrific news. But it is with the full measure of my confidence that I ask you to act in accordance with the demands of our Constitution. You must provide this country with the leadership she deserves. The leadership of the next man in the line of our constitutional succession, our Speaker of the House, Jonathan Daniels.”


“YOU BITCH!” Young screamed. He jumped to his feet, at the same time flinging his coffee cup at the wall. The bone china shattered into a multitude of tiny pieces. How could she have done this to him? He grabbed the phone.

The door to his office opened and his assistant stepped into the room. “You have visitors, sir.”

“I’m busy right now,” Young said without looking up.

“Put the phone down, Richard.”

Young raised his gaze to the familiar voice.

Attorney General Jeffery Briant stepped into the room followed by three gentlemen in dark suits.

Richard recognized them as FBI agents.


Katherine stood in front of Jack on the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue. Together they had attended Carolyn’s speech. He’d covered the event for the Today news magazine. True to her word, Carolyn had cleared the roadblock for Jack’s journalism career. She’d even committed to giving him an exclusive interview regarding her role in the historic vote.

“I guess this is it.” Katherine said.

“It doesn’t have to be.” Jack responded.

“I thought you were furious with me.”

“How can I be? When, as you said, I got my way – you believed me.”

Katherine shrugged. “I don’t know, Jack. We seem destined to keep repeating the mistakes of our past.”

“I think that’s a copout,” he said. “We’re both mature adults. I don’t buy the idea that we can’t learn from our mistakes. Granted we have some work to do, especially regarding trust-”

Some work to do? I think it’ll take a team of therapists -years.”

Jack paused.

When he said nothing, Katherine turned to walk away.

He grabbed her hand, forcing her to stop. When she finally met his gaze, he said. “So, we’ll hire a team of therapists. I’ve got the time. How about you?”

She laughed. “Years?”

“If that’s what it takes. I can’t think of a better way to while away the hours.”

“You really mean it, don’t you?”

He answered her with a lone kiss.


July 25, 2001 – Washington, DC,

Standing on the steps leading from the White House terrace out to the Rose Garden. Carolyn glanced over at President Jonathan Daniels.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

A smile lit up her eyes. “Absolutely.”

“Let’s go,” he said. “The press awaits.”

The president walked out onto the lawn and up onto the dais.

Carolyn followed.

A soft summer breeze carried the sweet smell of freshly cut glass. Once on the stage, Carolyn stood slightly behind and to the left of the president.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, “it is my honor to present to you a courageous and unselfish patriot, who time and again has put the interests of the nation ahead of her own needs. She is the first woman to hold the second highest office in the land – Vice President Carolyn Alden Lane.”

Carolyn stepped up to the podium. Bright sunlight glinted off the television cameras before her.