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Lucas looked out the window, and there it was, lights of the city twinkling in the distance, Minnesota ahead in the dark. He was on the ground in an hour, on his cell phone, walking down the concourse: Del said, about the motel, "It's pretty small and stinky. I don't know. It could be something."

"I'll be there in fifteen," Lucas said.


The Wayfarer Motel was a crappy place, a long two-story rectangle with car parking on three sides and a chain-link fence and I-494 on the fourth side. Access was through two sets of hallways on each floor, up two sets of stairways. No elevators. The halls smelled of beer and cigarette smoke and disinfectant, with outdoor carpet hard underfoot.

Lucas hooked up with Del, Jenkins, and Shrake, and they did a stroll around the place, two-and-two, saw nothing of special interest, and met at the office. Two clerks were working the counter: a straw-headed kid, pale and thin, with Grand Theft Auto eyes; and a soft round Indian woman with a dot on her forehead.

They knew cops when they saw them, and the straw man said, "What's up?" and Del rolled out the pictures of Cohn and the woman-of-many-names. The clerks studied them for a minute, then the Indian woman, who wore a name tag that said, "Jane," shook her head and said, "No. They are not here."

"You're sure," Lucas said.

"I work here twelve hours a day," she said. "They're not here. Not only are they not here, they've never been here, not in the last eight months and twelve days, since I got here."

So they talked about the phone calls, and Jane explained that the phone number was the main number. If somebody called that number, one of the clerks answered it, and then switched it to the room. There was no record of which room took which call.

"Nothing suspicious lately? Nothing out of the ordinary?" Del asked. "Nothing that caught your eye?"

Straw Man glanced at Jane, then said, "Curtis Ramp was here. Not with his wife."

Curtis Ramp was a Minnesota Vikings running back. Shrake said, "Jesus, I hope it wasn't before a game?"

Straw Man shook his head: "It was Wednesday. He paid cash. He didn't want us to know who he was."

"That doesn't help a lot," Lucas said.

"Sorry, dude."

"We may send a couple of guys over here to sit with you for a while, watch who comes and goes," Lucas said. "We'll call you."

"Call the manager," Jane said. "He'd have to set it up."


In Lucas's absence, a cold front had come through, and the night was now chilly: the first night of the northern autumn, which sometimes started in August. Out in the parking lot, they looked up at the rows of windows, and Lucas said, "Well, shoot. I thought it might be something."

"Still might be," Del said. "Oughta get somebody here early tomorrow morning, watch people when they're moving around. Run some license tags…"

Shrake and Jenkins had come together in Jenkins's Crown Vic, and they broke away, and Lucas and Del ambled down to the end of the parking lot to Lucas's Porsche, talking babies. Del was saying, "… dilating, but then she got stuck. The doc said if she doesn't go by the end of the week, she wants to do a C-section. I worried about it, but'" He realized he'd lost Lucas, who'd stopped, staring back at the lot: "What?"

"Look at that old rattrap pickup," Lucas said.


"It's got Oklahoma plates."

Del said, "Ah, jeez." He went and looked, and came back. "This can't be right, man. This can't be right." Down the lot, they could see Jenkins unlocking the door of his car, and Del whistled at them, and Jenkins looked up, and Del waved them back.

Lucas said, "It's got an NRA sticker; it's got a Bushmaster sticker." Bushmaster sold M-15 variants.

"Can't be right," Del said. "What'd the connection be?"

"Don't know," Lucas said. He scratched his head, mystified.

"Jenkins had some of the guy's pictures in his car," Del said.

Jenkins and Shrake came up and looked at the truck, and Jenkins said, "There're only two possibilities. Either it's a terrific coincidence and no big deal, or something is a lot more fucked up than we know about."

"You got those pictures?" Lucas asked.

"Got one," Jenkins said.

"Let's go ask Jane," Lucas said. "She should know."


Jane said, "Two-fourteen. Been here almost a week."

Lucas said, "Let me get my gun. We'll take him right now."

Chapter 16

Del was wearing jeans and a military-style olive drab shirt and yellow leather boots, and looked less like a cop than the rest of them, so they sent him ahead. He tiptoed up to Justice Shafer's hotel room and stood with his ear to the door for a minute, and heard both the television and then a clunk from somebody moving around, and he tiptoed back down the hall and said, "He's there."

Shrake said, "How do we want to do this?"

"These guys have been rapping on the hotel doors with keys so they sound like a maid or something," Lucas said. He took a quarter out of his pocket and held it up.

Del said, "There's a peephole. He'll see us."

Lucas looked back down the stairway where they'd clustered, and said, "Go get Jane."

Jane had a well-developed sense of self-preservation, and didn't want to do it, but the four of them were several times larger than she, and they grouped around her and looked down at her until she caved and said she would.

"All you have to do is knock; as soon as you hear him start to open the door, you move away," Shrake said. "What if he just shoots?"

"For a knock on the door?" Jenkins asked.

"It's almost eleven o'clock," she pointed out.

"Nothing's perfect," Shrake said.

"If it turns out nothing's perfect, I'm the one who gets shot," she said.

"Maybe ' what if he had a package at the desk?" Jenkins suggested. "She calls him from the front desk, says, A woman just dropped a package for you…"

"Sounds like bullshit," Shrake said.

"To you, but if his file's right, this guy ain't no mental lighthouse," Jenkins said.

"I could go with that," Lucas said. To Del. "What do you think?"

"The big thing is, we don't want him coming out of there behind a machine gun," Del said. "We don't want to spook him."

"We could call in an entry team," Shrake said.

Del: "You pussy." And to Jane, "No offense."

"Let's call him from the desk," Lucas said.


Jenkins was right: Shafer was not the Wizard of Oz.

Del was positioned at the end of the hallway, opposite the stairs that led down to the lobby, listening on his cell phone as Jane made the call from the front desk, with Lucas and his cell standing next to her.

Upstairs, Shafer snatched up the phone and said, "Yeah?"

"Mr. Shafer, a woman has left a package for you at the front desk. You can pick it up at your convenience," Jane said. "I get off in an hour."

"Thanks. Be right down."

Jane hung up and Lucas said into his cell phone, to Del, "He's coming out."

Lucas, Shrake, and Jenkins gathered at the bottom of the stairs, but in the cross-hall, out of sight from the stairs themselves. When Shafer unlocked his room door, Del started walking toward him, beer can in one hand, cell phone in the other. He said, "I'm on the way, darlin'."

Shafer glanced at him and turned away, headed down the hall, then down the stairs, Del moving fast now to catch up. At the very last second, as he stepped off the bottom stair, Shafer might have suspected that something was wrong. He turned and looked at Del, who was coming down on top of him in a linebacker's rush, and he flinched and then Jenkins kicked his legs out and Shrake landed on him.