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Kyle answered before she had a chance to speak. “He’s tall and blond.”

Xedrix gave him a peeved glare. “Well, that narrows it down to every Daimon here except Stryker. What would that be? Several thousand of them? Could you be a bit more specific and if you tell me he was dressed in black, I’ll kill you myself and spare me the agony of dying.”

Aimee shook her head. “You’re a crabby little demon.”

“You should meet my master. She’s a true gem.” Then without warning, he put his hand on her head and closed his eyes.

Aimee scowled as images poured through her mind like he was scanning her memories by using a fast-forward button. It made her queasy and dizzy.

After a moment, he pulled back. “Cadmon… I know where that coward is.”

Kyle looked impressed. “So you can like suck out thoughts?”

Xedrix grimaced. “I prefer to suck out guts, but thoughts have their advantages from time to time. Now I suggest you adhere to silence. I’m only one demon among many here and while I… well, I really don’t care if you live or die but you do, and since we need Kyle to finish off the club… yeah, you have to live, so follow in silence.”

Aimee stayed right behind him through the winding hallways and then alleyways of Kalosis. She paused at the sight of the huge palace on the far hill. It glistened like polished jet against the dark background and sky. Sinister and awe-inspiring, she had to admire the beauty of it. “Let me guess,” she whispered. “Apollymi’s abode?”

Xedrix nodded. Putting his finger to his lips, he jerked his chin toward a small building across the street from them.

“I can’t be seen here by anyone,” he whispered, “or Apollymi will demand my return and death. You two will have to go in and find him.”

“How do you know he’s in there?”

He put his hand on her and she saw a perfect image of Cadmon asleep in bed with a woman.


He inclined his head to her. “Good luck.”

Aimee hesitated. “Kyle, I want you to stay here with Xedrix.”


“No buts. You’re still new to your powers and this is serious. Stay here and don’t get seen.”

He nodded.

Aimee slipped through the shadows, making sure to avoid anything that might expose her. Her nerves were completely raw and she did her best not to be afraid. She knew she was powerful and strong, but she’d never had to fight alone before. While she was confident, she wasn’t arrogant. This was a dangerous place and she had no idea of the extent of Cadmon’s powers.

Keep your thoughts on Fang…

That helped. She cracked open the door, grateful it wasn’t locked, and slipped inside the small house. It was so quiet that her mind filled the silence with the thrumming of her heart.

You’re about to slaughter a sleeping man.

She hesitated at the thought. All the other Daimons had attacked her, but this one…

He was sleeping at home.

Aimee hesitated as that thought washed over her. How could she possibly do this?

He’s killed hundreds of people to live. He’s not innocent by any means.

He’d attacked Fang when Fang had been tied down and helpless. Powerless. But all of that paled in the face of her conscience. This was murder. Not self-defense. Not justice.


She gripped the stake in her hand. It’s too late to chicken out now. Go and finish it.

How could she?

Stepping back, she bumped into a chair that made the slightest whispered scrape on the floor. Her heart sank.

Still there was no sound.

Thank the gods she hadn’t awakened anyone.

Aimee turned only to find the Daimon there behind her. His eyes were dark and greedy as he raked a delighted glance over her body.

“Well, well, what a tasty little morsel you are. While I didn’t order delivery, far be it from me to turn down such a thoughtful gift.”

Aimee kneed him hard in the groin. As he doubled over, she went to stab him in the back, but out of nowhere a female Daimon grabbed her and slammed her against the wall.

Dazed, she turned to fight only to have three more Daimons pop in. “What was this? An orgy?”

They attacked.

Aimee ducked the first one, and headed for the most important. Cadmon. The one who held Fang’s soul. He was the main one she had to kill. The others were simply target practice.

The female kicked her hard to the ground. Aimee flipped the Daimon over her body, then rolled to her feet. One of the men jerked her around. She slugged him hard across the face, her hand throbbing in protest.

Turning, she honed in on her target and slammed her fist into his chest.

It worked. The stake went in and he burst into golden dust.

But no sooner had he gone down than the others swarmed her. Aimee screamed as the female sank her fangs into her arm…

Fang staggered back as he felt the last piece of himself come home to his body. For the first time in months, he took a true deep breath.

Thorn smiled wickedly. “Welcome back, wolf.”

But he wasn’t back yet and neither was Aimee. He was still trapped in this nether hell. “Can I go to her?”

Thorn grimaced. “That’s a little tricky. It breaks quite a few treaties to send you into a realm we don’t technically control.”

Fang panicked as he watched the scene on the wall. Aimee was losing.


“They’re going to kill her, Thorn.” Then Fang did the one thing he’d never done in his entire life. He begged. “Please.”

Thorn held a hand out toward the wall where the images were displayed. “The doorway’s open. Better run for it.”

Fang didn’t hesitate. He ran at the images, half-expecting to crash into the wall and break his limbs or his neck.

He didn’t.

Instead he found himself in the room with Aimee and the Daimons. He grabbed the one who had her fangs still buried in Aimee’s flesh and pulled her head back. Manifesting a dagger, he stabbed her straight in the chest and let her dust fall all over him.

Aimee moved to kill the newcomer until her gaze focused on his face. Disbelief filled her.


He manifested another dagger and put himself between her and the Daimons. He stabbed one and kicked another back. “Get out of here. Now.”

“Not without you.”

Fang couldn’t believe her as she took a post behind him, her shoulders pressed against his. “Aimee, listen to me. We’re in ground zero for the Daimons-there’s no way we can fight them all off. I need you to get out of here and wake me up. Then we’ll both be safe. Now go.”

Aimee hated that thought. But he was right. They couldn’t fight every Spathi Daimon here and if the Destroyer caught them…

As Xedrix said, it would suck to be them.

“Don’t you dare die on me, Fang.” She ran for the door and headed to where she’d left Kyle and Xedrix. “Get me home now.”

Xedrix teleported them out immediately.

Aimee scowled as she realized she was back in his club and not theirs. “I meant Sanctuary, Xed. Damn!” Growling, she flashed herself back to Fang’s room.

There he lay, still and unmoving.

Her heart pounded in terror and guilt for having left him alone to face the Spathi. Was he still alive? “Please don’t let those Daimons have gotten to you again.” She didn’t know if she could hunt them down anymore.

Terrified, she ran to the bed and shook his body to wake him. “Fang?”

He didn’t respond. Just as before, he was limp and cold.

Tears filled her eyes as emotions choked her. “Damn it, wolf! Don’t you dare do this to me. You better get up. Now! Do you hear me? Fang? Fang!”

Then she felt it. It was like spark of electricity jolting him as he jerked hard in her arms. One moment she held a wolf and in the next, he was a naked man looking up at her with confused wonder.

One tear slid down her cheek at the sight of him alive and whole.