Street Dreams
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Страниц: 90
Символов: 550097
ID: 113607
Язык книги: Английский
Создана 27 октября 2010 11:30


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When Cindy finds a new-born baby in a rubbish bin, she can't imagine who would commit such a crime. Surely abandoning a baby is the biggest taboo of motherhood? The usual suspects – prostitutes, homeless women and drug abusers – aren't responsible. In fact, the culprit is a woman who appears almost as vulnerable as her own baby. As the case continues, Cindy realises she's in deep – her own life in danger – and there's only one person who can help, her father and boss, Lieutenant Peter Decker. They both know the key to a successful investigation is keeping a cool, professional head, but with a father and daughter detective team, can it ever be anything other than personal?

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