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Chapter 103

DANIEL GUI’S SWORD CLATTERED as he rushed into the duke’s sitting room. He was Baldwin’s new chatelain, having taken over for Norcross.

“You can’t go in there,” said a page, flashing a cynical wink. “The duke’s in council.”

“The duke will find this news more urgent than any meeting,” Daniel said, and pushed by the page.

His lord was upright against a wall, his leggings down, fucking a young chambermaid.

Daniel cleared his throat. “Liege.”

The maid gasped and fixed her skirt, running out through another door.

‘‘I am sorry to interrupt,” the chatelain said, “but I have news you must hear.”

Baldwin pulled up his leggings as if it were the most natural thing in the world and tied his tunic. “I hope this news is crucial, chatelain, for it has taken me months to back that little sow up against a wall.” He wiped his hand across his mouth.

Baldwin disgusted the young chatelain. Daniel looked at his position as a chance to serve his native town, not plunder and slaughter defenseless subjects. He told himself that being in the duke’s pen was not tantamount to being a pig.

[308] “It is news of the redhead you seek. The jester who escaped after killing Norcross.”

“Hugh. That little canker.” Baldwin sprang alive. “What of him? Speak!”

“He has turned up. In his own town, after all. It seems he has led an uprising there against a raiding party from Borée.”

“Uprising? What do you mean, uprising? There’s nothing but field mice and manure out there.”

“Apparently these field mice defended their nest quite well. Our messengers report all of Stephen’s men were killed.”

Baldwin shot up out of his seat. “You tell me this little maw-worm has led a bunch of farmers and hayseeds against Stephen’s crack troops?”

“It is so, but it is only the tip of it, my lord.” A tremor of enjoyment rippled through Daniel, as he knew the next piece of news would send Baldwin into a rage. “The thing Stephen’s men sought… this will amuse you… was apparently a relic stolen from the Crusade. Some kind of lance…”

“The holy lance?” The duke pursed his lips skeptically. “The holy lance belongs to a jester? You must be mistaken, chatelain. The holy lance, if it even exists, exceeds in value everything I own. It is a child’s fancy to conceive it could be in the hands of that kitchen-rot.”

“Then apparently it is a tale children from all over seem to believe. And grown men too. For they flock to him as to a crusade. The whole region is up in revolt.”

“Revolt!” Baldwin’s eyes were ablaze. “There is no revolt in my domain. Rouse the men, chatelain. We’ll ride tonight and nail the little bastard to a cross if he’s so holy.”

“I do not think that is wise, sir.”

“Not wise…?” Baldwin stepped up, eyes twitching. “And why is it not wise?”

“Because,” said the chatelain, “this little maw-worm, as you call him, commands an army of these worms over a thousand strong.”

[309] The color drained from Baldwin’s face. “A thousand… That cannot be. That is all the towns in the forest. That is three times the size of our own garrison.”

“Perhaps more,” Daniel said. “This news is days old. Every peasant in the duchy seems to have joined him.”

Baldwin sat down on a bench. His face was taut, the color of spoiled fruit. “Ready the men anyway, chatelain. I will call to my cousin in Nîmes for additional troops. Together we will cut them down in the forest like saplings.”

“Then I think you must hurry,” Daniel said. “For these cowherds are in Moulin Vieux as we speak. It appears they are coming to you.”

Chapter 104

WE CAME TO THE EDGE of the forest only a half day’s march from Treille.

There it was, in the distance-many towered, seemingly hung in the clouds, the sun glinting off its ochre walls. The good mood of our march dimmed, replaced by a troubled silence. There would be no deceiving them now. All of Treille-including Baldwin-now knew we were here.

I called the people closest to me together: Odo, Georges, Emilie, Father Leo, and Alois, the woodsman from Morrisaey. I had constructed a plan, but it depended on help from within. “I have to go into Treille,” I told them.

“I do too,” Odo chortled. “And Georges. And Alois here. I want to open Baldwin’s eyes. With an eye wrench.”

“No.” I smiled at his joke. “I meant alone. In Treille, I have friends who will help.”

“Just how do you intend to get in there?” Georges asked. “Sneak past the guards while Odo here juggles balls? They’ll never let you through the gates.”

“Listen, if we are to take this castle, it can only be through trickery, not force of arms. Baldwin has few friends, even within his own walls. I have to gauge the mood inside.”

“All right, but it’s a huge risk,” Alois agreed. “So what’s your big plan?”

[311] I pointed toward the town. “Father, your eyes are best. Are those riders coming from there now?”

Everyone spun their heads to see.

“Where?” Father Leo said. “I don’t see anyone.”

When the priest turned back, I handed him his prayer beads, which I had lifted out of his robe. His eyes widened with surprise. Emilie smiled. Everyone started to laugh.

“I’m a jester. You don’t think I would go in there without a trick or two?”

Odo grunted skeptically. “Your tricks may be artful enough here, but if you drop the ball in there, the rest of us are left plowing the north field with our God-given hoe, if you catch my drift. Send someone else.”

“I don’t see another way.” I shrugged. “Except to surround the castle with our shovels and picks and storm Baldwin’s army in one massive charge.”

Odo and Georges swallowed uneasily at each other, considering that unseemly prospect.

The smith glanced around, weighing my suggestion, then slapped me on the back. “So, Hugh, when do you go?”

Chapter 105

THAT NIGHT, I LAY with Emilie by a fire. I felt her nervousness as I wrapped my arm tightly around her.

“Don’t be worried for me,” I said.

“How could I not? You are walking into a lion’s den… And there are other things on my mind.”

“What things? The stars are out. We are here. I can feel the beating of your heart…”

“Please, do not mock me, Hugh.” Emilie turned in my arms. “I cannot help myself. My mind has been returning to Borée.”


“Anne.” Emilie rose up on an elbow. “Stephen’s wrath will be great now that his men have failed. He’ll want this lance more than ever. I am worried for her.”

“I don’t share your concern.”

“I know you have no love for her.” She stroked my face. “But Anne is a prisoner too, just as surely as if she were behind bars. You must understand that. I am pledged to her, Hugh. It is a bond I simply cannot run away from and break.”

“You are pledged to me now.” I tickled Emilie’s ribs. “Can you break that one?”

“No.” She sighed and kissed me on the forehead. “That I will never break.”

I leaned down to her and kissed her. She opened her mouth [313] to me, but showed a little hesitation. A thousand other people were about. Her breasts came to life at my touch, hard and willing through her robe. I felt my cock spring alive too.

“Come with me,” I said.

“Come where? We are in the forest.”

“A country boy knows.” I winked a bit mischievously. “I have a spot. Just for us.”

I pulled her up, and in the dark of night, with the glimmer of campfires and the forms of sleeping men all around, we sneaked off.

“How can you be so impressively aroused,” Emilie asked, pretending to pull away from me, “with what lies before you in the morning?”

In a small clearing, we threw ourselves into each other’s arms, cushioned by a small bed of leaves. Without speaking, we lifted our clothing and felt our bodies warm to the touch of each other-still new, a gift I could not believe was mine.