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Horror reverberated inside Reiko like the toll of a shattered bell. Through her panic she saw Junketsu-in’s and Miwa’s faces go blank with surprise at Anraku’s order. Kumashiro frowned, as though disappointed to be deprived of killing Midori himself, or perhaps doubtful that Haru could accomplish the task. Haru slowly unclasped her arms from Anraku and sat back on her heels. Reiko read trepidation in the furrowed lines of the girl’s profile.

Then Haru nodded, murmuring, “If you wish, Anraku-san.”

She stood and walked toward Midori. Reiko, aghast to see her friend’s life placed in the hands of a murderer who cared about nothing except appeasing Anraku, felt a shout of protest rise in her: Haru, no!

Anraku mounted his platform. “Give her your sword,” he said to Kumashiro.

Reiko watched in shock as the priest drew his long sword and offered it to Haru. She clumsily grasped the hilt in both hands. Raising the blade over her head, she positioned herself a few paces from Midori’s neck. She drew a deep breath and gradually lowered the blade, looking sideways at Anraku.

He nodded and smiled encouragingly. Kumashiro and Dr. Miwa watched the moving blade, while Junketsu-in turned away and clapped a hand over her mouth. A nightmarish state of paralysis gripped Reiko, numbing her thoughts and muscles. She couldn’t move; she could only watch. Haru’s wheezes and the clattering in the tunnels marked the slow passage of time. Midori’s eyelids fluttered. The blade hovered low over her throat. Haru winced. Her knuckles tightened convulsively on the sword.

The undeniable knowledge that Midori’s death was imminent jarred Reiko out of her paralysis. “Stop!” she shouted.

Pushing the door open, she burst into the room.


Go with fearless heart,

Begrudge neither limb nor life,

But with a single mind concentrate

On the pursuit of ultimate enlightenment.


Startled faces turned toward Reiko. Haru jerked the sword away from Midori. During a brief silence, Reiko saw herself through everyone else’s eyes-a lone, scared young woman brandishing a dagger.

Then the stillness shattered. Abbess Junketsu-in exclaimed, “It’s Lady Reiko, the sōsakan-sama’s wife!” Kumashiro and the other priests advanced on Reiko.

“Stay away from me,” she commanded with shaky bravado. “I’m taking Lady Midori out of here.” She turned to Haru, who gawked at her. “You’re coming with us.”

Her words sounded foolhardy to herself. Anraku ordered calmly, “Subdue her.”

The priests surrounded Reiko. She stabbed at them, and a tumultuous chase ensued. Reiko whirled and darted, slashing bloody cuts on the arms grabbing at her. The injured men cursed. Kumashiro seized her around the waist, clamped a hand around her right wrist, and wrenched. Pain skewered through her hand, and she cried out in pain, dropping the dagger. Kumashiro’s steely arms encircled her, pinning her arms against her sides. He turned her to face Anraku.

“How rude of you to trespass in my private domain, Lady Reiko,” the high priest said with a sardonic smile.

“You’d better let me go, and Midori, too,” Reiko said, breathless and terrified. “My husband and his troops have invaded the underground. They’ll be here any moment.”

Anraku received her lie with cool amusement, then said to Haru, “So no one saw you enter the underground?”

She shrank from the accusation in his voice. “They didn’t. I swear.”

“Then how did Lady Reiko find us?” Anraku said.

“… I don’t know.”

“Obviously, you showed her the way,” Junketsu-in said spitefully. “You brought her here to attack us.”

“But I didn’t mean to,” Haru protested. “I never thought she would come after me, honest.”

Reiko jerked and grunted, trying in vain to break free of Kumashiro. She’d delayed Midori’s death, but now they were both captives of the Black Lotus.

“The sōsakan-sama will come looking for his wife,” Kumashiro said to Anraku. “We have to get out before he finds his way down here… What do you want me to do with her?”

Anraku raised a hand, counseling patience. “It seems you have betrayed me yet again, Haru,” he said. “Therefore, the task I assigned you is no longer sufficient to demonstrate your loyalty.” He said to Kumashiro, “Place Lady Reiko by our other prisoner.”

Kumashiro propelled Reiko across the room. She resisted, but he shoved her into place, facing Haru. The other sect members grouped together along the wall behind the girl.

“Another act of disloyalty requires an additional test,” Anraku told Haru. “To secure the privilege of staying with me, you must now kill both Lady Midori and Lady Reiko.”

As her heart pumped wildly and her lungs heaved, Reiko realized that she and Midori would die together, by the hand of the girl Reiko had tried to save.

Anraku said to Haru, “You may dispose of Lady Reiko first.”

Through dizzying faintness, Reiko saw Haru looking everywhere except at her. The girl raised the sword, and Kumashiro walked Reiko forward until her throat met the tip of the blade. The cold prick of steel interrupted her breath. She experienced a strong urge to vomit and a terrible despair. Her thoughts flew to her son.

Images of Masahiro’s lively face filled her mind. Memory recalled the sound of his laughter, the feeling of holding his warm little body. Reiko also remembered herself and Sano and Masahiro happy together at home. With a fierce intensity, she longed for her husband and son. Love of them strengthened her will to survive. The desire to save Midori and see Sano and Masahiro again revived her courage and her wits. She must forestall death and hope for a miracle.


Sano, Hirata, and four detectives ran through the Black Lotus precinct, skirting buildings and trees. While they fought off priests, Sano looked for Reiko, to no avail. The smoke stung Sano’s eyes; he ached from strikes to his armor. Another explosion flared. And Sano knew with a sudden, sobering certainty what had happened to Reiko and Haru.

“They’ve gone underground!” he shouted to Hirata, who was battling three priests.

Reasoning that the buildings must contain entrances to the tunnels, Sano raced up the steps of the main hall. The door was open, the cavernous interior unoccupied. Incense and lamps burned on a raised altar before a mural of a black lotus flower. As Sano halted inside and scanned the room, his men joined him. He saw that the altar’s base was fronted by carved panels. The center one hung open on hinges. Darkness yawned behind it.

“Over there,” Sano said, hurrying to the portal that the Black Lotus hordes had apparently neglected to close after emerging from the tunnels.

He and his men ducked beneath the altar and dropped into the earthy-smelling space under the building. Walking crouched beneath the floor joists, they found a hole in the ground. Sano saw a ladder reaching down the shaft to a lighted pit, heard tortured wails and a mechanical pulsation.

“Be careful,” he said. “There’s someone down there.”

“Midori.” Hirata’s voice exuded fear and the hope that she was within reach. “I’ll go down first.”

He sheathed his sword and hurtled down the ladder. Sano and the detectives followed. When they reached the bottom and paused to rearm themselves, Hirata was already racing down a tunnel. An overpowering stench hit Sano as he sped after Hirata. A din of voices crying, “Help! Let us out!” erupted. Down the tunnel, Hirata skidded to a stop and exclaimed, “Merciful gods!”

Catching up, Sano saw doors, bolted with thick iron beams, lining the tunnel. From inside the chambers, skeletal hands reached outward through tiny barred windows in the doors. This was the Black Lotus’s secret prison.