The Key
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Страниц: 54
Символов: 340731
ID: 113042
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 27 октября 2010 10:15


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Michael Harsch's long years of work were nearly at an end. The following day he was looking forward to handing over his precious formula to the government. But the next morning he was in no fit state to hand over the formula – he was dead. It looked like suicide, but Miss Silver knew it was murder. Michael Harsch's long years of work were nearly at an end. The following day he was looking forward to handing over his precious formula to the government. But the next morning he was in no fit state to hand over the formula – he was dead. It looked like suicide, but Miss Silver knew it was murder.

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