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«Yes,» Sato said, «which is another reason I have been surprised this evening that you have not yet mentioned the Masons. After all, you’ve been talking about secret wisdom protected by an enlightened few. That sounds very Masonic, does it not?»

«It does. . and it also sounds very Rosicrucian, Kabbalistic, Alumbradian, and any number of other esoteric groups.»

«But Peter Solomon is a Mason — a very powerful Mason, at that. It seems the Masons would come to mind if we were talking about secrets. Heaven knows the Masons love their secrets.»

Langdon could hear the distrust in her voice, and he wanted no part of it. «If you want to know anything about the Masons, you would be far better served to ask a Mason.»

«Actually,» Sato said, «I’d prefer to ask someone I can trust.»

Langdon found the comment both ignorant and offensive. «For the record, ma’am, the entire masonic philosophy is built on honesty and integrity. masons are among the most trustworthy men you could ever hope to meet.»

«I have seen persuasive evidence to the contrary.»

Langdon was liking Director Sato less and less with each passing moment. He had spent years writing about the Masons’ rich tradition of metaphorical iconography and symbols, and knew that Masons had always been one of the most unfairly maligned and misunderstood organizations in the world. Regularly accused of everything from devil worship to plotting a one-world government, the Masons also had a policy of never responding to their critics, which made them an easy target.

«Regardless,» Sato said, her tone biting, «we are again at an impasse, Mr. Langdon. It seems to me there is either something you are missing. . or something you are not telling me. The man we’re dealing with said that Peter Solomon chose you specifically.» She leveled a cold stare at Langdon. «I think it’s time we move this conversation to CIA headquarters. Maybe we’ll have more luck there.»

Sato’s threat barely registered with Langdon. She had just said something that had lodged in his mind. Peter Solomon chose you. The comment, combined with the mention of Masons, had hit Langdon strangely. He looked down at the Masonic ring on Peter’s finger. The ring was one of Peter’s most prized possessions — a Solomon family heirloom that bore the symbol of the double-headed phoenix — the ultimate mystical icon of Masonic wisdom. The gold glinted in the light, sparking an unexpected memory.

Langdon gasped, recalling the eerie whisper of Peter’s captor: It really hasn’t dawned on you yet, has it? Why you were chosen?

Now, in one terrifying moment, Langdon’s thoughts snapped into focus and the fog lifted.

All at once, Langdon’s purpose here was crystal clear.

Ten miles away, driving south on Suitland Parkway, Mal’akh heard a distinctive vibration on the seat beside him. It was Peter Solomon’s iPhone, which had proven a powerful tool today. The visual caller ID now displayed the image of an attractive middle-aged woman with long black hair.


Mal’akh smiled, ignoring the call. Destiny pulls me closer.

he had lured katherine solomon to his home this afternoon for one reason only — to determine if she had information that could assist him. . perhaps a family secret that might help mal’akh locate what he sought. clearly, however, katherine’s brother had told her nothing of what he had been guarding all these years.

Even so, Mal’akh had learned something else from Katherine. Something that has earned her a few extra hours of life today. Katherine had confirmed for him that all of her research was in one location, safely locked inside her lab.

I must destroy it.

Katherine’s research was poised to open a new door of understanding, and once the door was opened even a crack, others would follow. It would just be a matter of time before everything changed. I cannot let that happen. The world must stay as it is. . adrift in ignorant darkness.

The iPhone beeped, indicating Katherine had left a voice mail. Mal’akh retrieved it.

«Peter, it’s me again.» Katherine’s voice sounded concerned. «Where are you? I’m still thinking about my conversation with Dr. Abaddon. . and I’m worried. Is everything okay? Please call me. I’m at the lab.»

The voice mail ended.

Mal’akh smiled. Katherine should worry less about her brother, and more about herself. He turned off Suitland Parkway onto Silver Hill Road. Less than a mile later, in the darkness, he spotted the faint outline of the SMSC nestled in the trees off the highway to his right. The entire complex was surrounded by a high razor-wire fence.

A secure building? Mal’akh chuckled to himself. I know someone who will open the door for me.


The revelation crashed over langdon like a wave.

I know why I am here.

Standing in the center of the Rotunda, Langdon felt a powerful urge to turn and run away. . from Peter’s hand, from the shining gold ring, from the suspicious eyes of Sato and Anderson. Instead, he stood dead still, clinging more tightly to the leather daybag that hung on his shoulder. I’ve got to get out of here.

His jaw clenched as his memory began replaying the scene from that cold morning, years ago in Cambridge. It was six A.M. and Langdon was entering his classroom as he always did following his ritual morning laps in the Harvard Pool. The familiar smells of chalk dust and steam heat greeted him as he crossed the threshold. He took two steps toward his desk but stopped short.

A figure was waiting there for him — an elegant gentleman with an aquiline face and regal gray eyes.

«Peter?» Langdon stared in shock.

Peter Solomon’s smile flashed white in the dimly lit room. «Good morning, Robert. Surprised to see me?» His voice was soft, and yet there was power there.

Langdon hurried over and warmly shook his friend’s hand. «What in the world is a Yale blue blood doing on the Crimson campus before dawn?»

«Covert mission behind enemy lines,» Solomon said, laughing. He motioned to Langdon’s trim waistline. «Laps are paying off. You’re in good shape.»

«Just trying to make you feel old,» Langdon said, toying with him. «It’s great to see you, Peter. What’s up?»

«Short business trip,» the man replied, glancing around the deserted classroom. «I’m sorry to drop in on you like this, Robert, but I have only a few minutes. There’s something I needed to ask you. . in person. A favor.»

That’s a first. Langdon wondered what a simple college professor could possibly do for the man who had everything. «Anything at all,» he replied, pleased for any opportunity to do something for someone who had given him so much, especially when Peter’s life of good fortune had also been marred by so much tragedy.

Solomon lowered his voice. «I was hoping you would consider looking after something for me.»

Langdon rolled his eyes. «Not Hercules, I hope.» Langdon had once agreed to take care of Solomon’s hundred-fifty-pound mastiff, Hercules, during Solomon’s travels. While at Langdon’s home, the dog apparently had become homesick for his favorite leather chew toy and had located a worthy substitute in Langdon’s study — an original vellum, hand-calligraphed, illuminated Bible from the 1600s. Somehow «bad dog» didn’t quite seem adequate.

«You know, I’m still searching for a replacement,» Solomon said, smiling sheepishly.

«Forget it. I’m glad Hercules got a taste of religion.»

Solomon chuckled but seemed distracted. «Robert, the reason I came to see you is I’d like you to keep an eye on something that is quite valuable to me. I inherited it a while back, but I’m no longer comfortable leaving it in my home or in my office.»