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This was /him/?

His eyes were fixed on hers. His dark, angular face was filled with mockery. "My grandfather doubtless wishes," he said, "that he could simply make my cousin his heir and cut me out of everything that is his. It cannot be done, of course, but he /can/ make me very uncomfortable and very miserable indeed for the rest of his life." "Are you not /ashamed/?" she asked him, and then felt the color flood her face. It was an impertinent question. What had happened was none of her business. Except that he wanted /her/ to marry him in fourteen days or fewer just so that he could keep his income. "Not at all," he said. "Things happen, Maggie. One adjusts one's life accordingly." She could think of nothing to say in response. She could ask a thousand questions, but she had no wish whatsoever to hear the answers. But why had he done it? How could he /not/ be ashamed?

She was saved from the necessity of saying anything at all. "Your newly betrothed swain is approaching to claim his dance," the earl said, looking beyond her again. "It is as well, Maggie, is it not? I have shocked you to the core. I shall take the liberty of calling upon you tomorrow and hope I will not find the door barred against me. I have so very little time in which to find someone else, you see." She had not even noticed the one set of dances ending and the next beginning to form. But when she turned her head, she could see that indeed the Marquess of Allingham was approaching. "This is my set, I believe, Miss Huxtable," he said, smiling genially at her and acknowledging the Earl of Sheringford with the merest nod of the head. "Oh, yes, indeed." The Earl of Sheringford stood up when she did. He took her right hand in his even as the marquess was extending one arm, and raised it briefly to his lips. "I shall see you tomorrow, then, my love," he murmured before nodding to the marquess and walking away – and out through the ballroom doors. /My love/?

The marquess raised his eyebrows as she set her hand on his sleeve.

Margaret smiled at him. There was no point in trying to explain, was there? She owed him no explanation, anyway.

But really… /My love/.

He had eloped with a married lady the night before his planned wedding to her sister-in-law.

Could any gentleman be further beyond the pale of respectability? /And he wanted her to marry him/.

He would indeed find the door barred against him if he should have the effrontery to come calling tomorrow.

Could any day – any evening – be stranger than this one?


MARGARET felt very embarrassed as she danced with the Marquess of Allingham. She would have felt self-conscious anyway under the circumstances – though fortunately he had no way of knowing what her expectations had been when she set out for the ball this evening.

But he had heard the Earl of Sheringford calling her /my love/, and though she had told herself that it was none of his business what anyone else called her, nevertheless the words seemed to hover in the air about them as they danced. It did not help that they danced in silence for the first ten minutes or so.

She smiled until her lips felt stiff.

Did he know who the Earl of Sheringford /was/?

But /of course/ he must know.

He was the one who spoke first. "Miss Huxtable," he said gravely, "forgive me if I am speaking out of turn now and forgive me if I did not speak when perhaps I ought. I /ought/ to have taken that fellow to task for the familiarity with which he addressed you, when I daresay you have never met him before this evening." /That fellow/? Yes, indeed he knew. "Lord Sheringford?" she said lightly. "Oh, I did not take offense, my lord. He was joking. I am relieved you did not take any more notice of his words than they merited." "But as your friend," he said after hesitating a few moments, "I feel that I ought to warn you to keep your distance from the Earl of Sheringford, Miss Huxtable. It would pain me to see your reputation tarnished by any connection with his. I daresay you do not know who he is or why he is justifiably shunned by all respectable people. I would wager he did not receive an invitation to the ball tonight but came quite brazenly without one. And I do not know who thought it appropriate to introduce you to him." "You are wrong about one thing," she said. "I /do/ know about him. I even remember the scandal, which was still quite fresh when I made my first appearance at a London Season five years ago, just after Stephen inherited his title. You must not concern yourself, my lord. I am quite capable of looking after myself and choosing my own acquaintances." Like the gentleman he was, he said no more on the subject, and Margaret thought that was surely the end of the matter – beyond having to deny admittance to Lord Sheringford if he did indeed put in an appearance at Merton House tomorrow, of course, and beyond having to tell Crispin the truth when she saw him next.

Oh, dear, she /had/ behaved foolishly this evening.

She was not proud of herself. She had always been the soul of propriety and discretion. She would remember this evening for a long time and with considerable discomfort. She turned hot and cold again when she remembered all that she had poured out to the Earl of Sheringford – all her most embarrassing and humiliating secrets. That was surely the worst thing she had done all evening.

Whatever had possessed her!

Vanessa and Katherine were both waiting for her when the marquess returned her to their sides. Elliott and Jasper were conversing with a group of gentlemen nearby. "Meg." Vanessa linked an arm firmly and possessively through hers. "I was never more happy in my life than to see you dancing with the Marquess of Allingham. Whoever presented you to the Earl of Sheringford?

If it was Lady Tindell, she really ought to have known better and I will not scruple to tell her so. The earl is absolutely beyond the pale." "He even /looks/ disreputable," Katherine added. "And downright dangerous. Meg, do you know that – " "Yes," Margaret said, interrupting. "I /do/ know that he eloped with his bride's sister-in-law five years ago. I cannot see that that makes him an utter pariah today. Perhaps people ought to be entitled to a second chance." "That is true," Vanessa said, patting her hand. "It is very true, indeed. I daresay he is a very sad and contrite gentleman. She died recently, I have heard – the lady with whom he eloped, I mean, though he never married her. Her husband would not divorce her. It is just like you to refuse to give him the cut direct, Meg, though it was a little alarming to watch him lead you off the dance floor in the middle of a set in order to sit with you in that alcove." "Which is in full public view," Margaret pointed out. "I was in no danger whatsoever of being kidnapped or otherwise assaulted." "True." Vanessa laughed. "But I had visions of him whispering all sorts of improper suggestions in your ear. I might have stridden over there to rescue you myself, but Kate was dancing at the time and could not accompany me, and Elliott thought it unnecessary to risk making a public scene, since he trusts your good sense. Crispin went to see if you needed rescuing, though. I was glad of that even though I know you are not entirely delighted that he is in London." And a mistaken sense of pride had goaded her into introducing the Earl of Sheringford to him as her betrothed. The enormity of what she had done swept over Margaret again. Thank /heaven/ she had at least sworn Crispin to secrecy – or as good as sworn him, anyway. She had told him the betrothal had not yet been publicly announced. She must find him without further delay and tell him the truth. But he had asked to dance with her later, had he not? She would tell him then, humiliating as it would be.

And there – finally – would be an end of the matter.