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“Brilliant,” Adam said, and he picked up a pillow off the settee and flung it across the room. Then his BlackBerry started ringing and he saw lauren on the caller ID. Snapping into his upbeat work persona, he said, “Hey, Lauren, what a coincidence, I was just about to shoot you off an e-mail.”


From the very beginning, the Blooms had been very good to Gabriela. Twelve years ago, when she came to New York from Ec ua dor, she was just nineteen and very shy, and she spoke only a few words of English, and she didn’t think she’d ever find a good job in America. But the Blooms hired her because Gabriela’s sister, Beatrice, who was working for another family in Forest Hills Gardens, told them that Gabriela was a good maid and asked them to please give her a chance. Gabriela was very grateful to the Blooms for giving her a good job when no else would, and she always told them how she hoped to repay them someday.

Although Gabriela had worked as a maid for two years at home in Quito, she’d never had to clean a house the size of the Blooms’. The first day she felt like such a fool; she didn’t even know how to turn on the vacuum cleaner. Some families might’ve lost patience and fired her right away, but the Blooms were very kind and understanding. The first few days, Mrs. Bloom cleaned the whole house with her, explaining how everything was done and where everything went, and she didn’t lose patience at all even though Gabriela couldn’t understand most of what she was saying.

When Gabriela started to work for the Blooms, Marissa was just ten years old, in fourth grade. Marissa had a babysitter who still took care of her part of the time, but sometimes when the babysitter was sick Mrs. Bloom would ask Gabriela to go pick Marissa up from school or take her to play with her friends. Gabriela liked Marissa, she was such a sweet little girl, and she liked Mr. Bloom, too. Sometimes he sat down with her in the kitchen and helped her with her English, teaching her new words. He was a very good man who worked hard and who loved his family very much. She hoped that someday she could find a man for herself like Mr. Bloom and have a family as nice as his.

Her first few months in New York, Gabriela was living with Beatrice and her family in Jackson Heights, Queens, sharing a room with Beatrice’s daughter. But then at a party one night she met a Brazilian man named Angel. He was very handsome and a very hard worker. He was a waiter at a diner in Manhattan, but he had big dreams. He wanted to open his own restaurant one day. He took her dancing in the Village a few times, and he knew how to do the mambo. They started doing everything together- going out all the time, going to Jones Beach, or just staying home at his apartment- and that summer he got her pregnant. He didn’t want to get married, which was okay with her. He was young, just twenty, and she knew how scared young guys got. She thought she’d have the baby and then in a couple of years they’d get married.

But when Gabriela was getting ready to have her baby, Angel disappeared. At first she thought something bad happened to him; maybe he got hurt or something. The people at the diner said they didn’t know where he was, he just stopped coming to work. She got Beatrice’s husband, Manny, to go looking for him, but he couldn’t find him anywhere, and then she called the police. They said that chances were he probably just ran away. She couldn’t believe that Angel would do something like that, but then, a few days before she had to go to the hospital, Manny found out from one of Angel’s friends that Angel was living in the Bronx with a new girlfriend.

Gabriela had her baby, a beautiful girl, Manuela, named after Gabriela’s grandmother. She was worried that it would be hard to work and take care of her baby at the same time, but the Blooms were so nice, letting her take Manuela to work with her every day. The Blooms got her more work with other families in the neighborhood, and pretty soon she was working five days a week, making enough money to move into her own apartment in Jackson Heights. For the next few years, Gabriela was working hard, making money, but it was hard not having a man in her life and a father for Manuela.

When Manuela was about five years old, Gabriela met Juan. He was forty- two, his wife had died of cancer, and he had two boys. He wasn’t very handsome- he was fat and had a big crooked nose- but he was a very good man and he loved Gabriela and always bought her flowers and told her how beautiful she was. When he asked her to marry him, she said yes.

Everything seemed so happy; she finally had a good man to take care of her and her daughter. Then, one morning, she was working at the Blooms’ when she got a phone call from her sister. Beatrice was screaming hysterically, “Dios mio, Dios mio, Dios mio!” and then she told Gabriela that a taxi had hit Juan while he was crossing a street in Manhattan. Mrs. Bloom took Gabriela to the hospital, but when they got there Juan was already dead.

Gabriela knew that Juan had been her true love and that she would never find such a good man ever again. She was sad for a long time, and even though the doctors gave her medicine to make her mind feel better, it was still hard to get out of bed. She used to laugh and smile all the time, and people had always told her how funny she was, but after what had happened to Juan it seemed like there was nothing to laugh about anymore. Some days she didn’t feel like going to her job, so she just didn’t go. Many families would’ve fired her, but the Blooms were very kind. They sent her flowers and called her every day to check on her and tried to get her to talk to the doctors and take her medicine.

About a month after Juan was killed, Gabriela was finally able to get out of bed and go to work every day again, but she didn’t feel the same and she didn’t take care of herself the way she used to. She didn’t care how she dressed or how her hair looked, and she stopped putting on makeup and she got very fat. If she wasn’t so sad and so lonely and feeling so bad about herself all the time, she probably would never have wanted to be with a man like Carlos.

She met Carlos on the subway. He was sitting next to her and he asked her if she wanted a piece of gum. She said no thank you, and then he said, “Then how ’bout we go to dinner instead?” She didn’t think he was very handsome, but at least he made her smile, so she gave him her phone number.

The next night he took her to a very nice Chinese restaurant, and during the meal he held her hand and told her how pretty and sexy she looked. They went out a few more times, and then she went back to his apartment. In bed he asked her to do coke with him. She’d never done any drugs before, but she was a little drunk so she decided to try it. It made her feel good and- for a little while at least- like she didn’t have any problems at all.

She started going out with Carlos a few nights a week. He didn’t have a job, and she knew he was probably some kind of criminal, but she didn’t want to ask where all his money was coming from. She was just happy to not be alone anymore and she liked how Carlos bought her presents all the time- jewelry, clothes- and she liked having a man in her life again. They did coke sometimes, and then one night he asked her if she wanted to try heroin. She’d seen the marks on his arms and legs, so she knew he liked to shoot up, but she was afraid of the needle. But he kept asking her, saying, “You got no idea how good this shit feels, it’s gonna blow you away.” So she tried it one time, just to see what it felt like, and after a couple of weeks she got hooked.

Everything was good for a while. She was seeing Carlos all the time and getting high a lot and forgetting about all of the tragedy in her life. But then she started seeing Carlos’s bad side. It was like she was sleeping the whole time she knew him and then woke up and saw who he really was. It started that night they were fighting about something when they were getting high and he suddenly hit her hard in the face. No man had ever hit her before, and she couldn’t believe that this was happening to her. She couldn’t tell anybody about it, feeling too much shame, and she was also afraid it would only make Carlos hit her even harder next time. Instead she made up a story that Manuela had swung the bathroom door into her face. She just couldn’t leave Carlos, even though she wanted to, because she needed the drugs so bad. He started yelling at her and beating her and one night broke her arm. She had to make up another story to tell the Blooms and the other people she worked for, saying she fell on the street, but she knew she couldn’t keep making up lies forever. She also knew she had to get away from Carlos, but she couldn’t leave him no matter how hard she tried.