Chasing the Dime
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Страниц: 72
Символов: 449633
ID: 109822
Язык книги: Английский
Создана 27 октября 2010 02:14


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Harry Pierce has a whole new life new apartment, new telephone, new telephone number. But the first time he checks his messages, he discovers that someone had the number before him. The messages on his line are for a woman named Lilly, and she is in some kind of serious trouble. Pierce is inexorably drawn into Lilly's world, and it's unlike any world he's ever known. It is a night time world of escort services, websites, sex, and secret identities. Pierce tumbles through a hole, abandoning his orderly life in a frantic race to save the life of a woman he has never met. Pierce traces Lilly's last days, but every step into her past takes him deeper into a web of inescapable intricacy and a decision that could cost him everything he owns and holds dear…

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