JOHN-[Firmly.]He must be brought to time.

SHEFFIELD-Yes, we must talk to him-quite openly, if we're forced to. After all, I guess he realizes the situation more keenly than any of us.

LILY-[Who has wandered to window on right.]You mean you think he believes-Well, I don't. And you had better be careful not to let him guess what you think.[Pointing outside.] There's my proof. There he is walking about with Bigelow. Can you imagine Curt doing that-if he thought for a moment-

DICK-Oh, I guess Curt isn't all fool. He knows that's the very best way to keep people from suspecting.

ESTHER-[Indignantly.]But wouldn't you think that Bigelow person- It's disgusting, his sticking to Curt like this.

SHEFFIELD-Well, for one, I'm becoming quite resigned to Bigelow's presence. In the first place, he seems to be the only one who can bring Curt to reason. Then again, I feel that it is to Bigelow's own interest to convince Curt that he mustn't provoke an open scandal by running away without acknowledging this child.

LILY-[Suddenly bursting forth hysterically.]Oh, I hate you, all of you! I loathe your suspicions-and I loathe myself because I'm beginning to be poisoned by them, too.

EMILY-Really, Lily, at this late hour-after the way Curt has acted-and her last words when she was dying-

LILY-[Distractedly.]I know! Shut up! Haven't you told it a million times already?[MRS. DAVIDSON gets up and walks to the door, rear. She has been crying softly during this scene, oblivious to the talk around her.]

JAYSON-[Testily.]Aunt Elizabeth! Where are you going?[As she doesn't answer but goes out into the hall.] Esther, go with her and see that she doesn't-

ESTHER-[Gets up with a jealous irritation.]She's only going up to see the baby. She's simply forgotten everything else in the world!

LILY-[Indignantly.]She probably realizes what we are too mean to remember-that the baby, at least, is innocent. Wait, Esther. I'll come with you.

JAYSON-Yes, hurry, she shouldn't be left alone.[ESTHER and LILY follow the old lady out, rear.]

DICK-[After a pause-impatiently.]Well, what next? I don't see what good we are accomplishing. May I run along?[He gets up restlessly as he is speaking and goes to the window.]

JAYSON-[Severely.]You will stay, if you please. There's to be no shirking on anyone's part. It may take all of us to induce Curt-

SHEFFIELD-I wouldn't worry. Bigelow is taking that job off our hands, I imagine.

DICK-[Looking out of the window.]He certainly seems to be doing his damnedest.[With a sneer.] The stage missed a great actor in him.

JAYSON-[Worriedly.]But, if Bigelow should fail-

SHEFFIELD-Then we'll succeed.[With a grim smile.] By God, we'll have to.

JAYSON-Curt has already packed his trunks and had them taken down to the station-told me he was leaving on the five o'clock train.

SHEFFIELD-But didn't you hint to him there was now this matter of the child to be considered in making his plans?

JAYSON-[Lamely.]I started to. He simply flared up at me with insane rage.

DICK-[Looking out the window.]Say, I believe they're coming in.


DICK-Yes, they're both making for the front door.

SHEFFIELD-I suggest we beat a retreat to Curt's study and wait there.

JAYSON-Yes, let's do that-come on, all of you.[They all retire grumblingly but precipitately to the study, closing the door behind them. The front door is heard opening and a moment later CURT and BIGELOW enter the room. CURT's face is set in an expression of stony grief. BIGELOW is flushed, excited, indignant.]

BIGELOW-[As CURT sinks down on the couch-pleading indignantly.]Curt, damn it, wake up! Are you made of stone? Has everything I've said gone in one ear and out the other? I know it's hell for me to torment you at this particular time but it's your own incredibly unreasonable actions that force me to. I know how terribly you must feel but-damn it, man, postpone this going away! Face this situation like a man! Be reconciled to your child, stay with him at least until you can make suitable arrangements-

CURTIS-[Fixedly.]I will never see it! Never!

BIGELOW-How can you keep repeating that-with Martha hardly cold in her grave! I ask you again, what would she think, how would she feel-If you would only consent to see this baby, I know you'd realize how damnably mad and cruel you are. Won't you-just for a second?

CURTIS-No.[Then raging.] If I saw it I'd be tempted to-[Then brokenly.]No more of that talk, Big. I've heard enough. I've reached the limit.

BIGELOW-[Restraining his anger with difficulty-coldly.]That's your final answer, eh? Well, I'm through. I've done all I could. If you want to play the brute-to forget all that was most dear in the world to Martha-to go your own damn selfish way-well, there's nothing more to be said. You will be punished for it, believe me![He takes a step toward the door.] And I-I want you to understand that all friendship ceases between us from this day. You are not the Curt I thought I knew-and I have nothing but a feeling of repulsion-good-by.[He starts for the door.]

CURTIS-[Dully.]Good-by, Big.

BIGELOW-[Stops, his features working with grief and looks back at his friend-then suddenly goes back to him-penitently.]Curt! Forgive me! I ought to know better. This isn't you. You'll come to yourself when you've had time to think it over. The memory of Martha-she'll tell you what you must do.[He wrings CURT's hand.] Good-by, old scout!

CURTIS-[Dully.]Good-by.[BIGELOW hurries out, rear. CURT sits in a dumb apathy for a while-then groans heart-brokenly.] Martha! Martha![He springs to his feet distractedly. The door of the study is slowly opened and SHEFFIELD peers out cautiously-then comes into the room, followed by the others. They all take seats as before. CURT ignores them.]

SHEFFIELD-[Clearing his throat.]Curt-

CURTIS-[Suddenly.]What time is it, do you know!

SHEFFIELD-[Looking at his watch.]Two minutes to four.

CURTIS-[Impatiently.]Still an hour more of this!