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He then holstered his weapon and turned to Brasher. Her eyes were wide and moving in a back-and-forth pattern. Blood had spattered onto her neck and had already soaked the front of her uniform shirt. He knelt over her and ripped open her shirt. Still, there was so much blood it took him a moment to find the wound. The bullet had entered her left shoulder, just an inch or so from the Velcro shoulder strap of her Kevlar vest.

The blood was flowing freely from the wound, and Bosch could see Brasher’s face was losing color quickly. Her lips were moving but not making any sound. He looked around for something and saw a car wash rag poking out of Stokes’s back pocket. He yanked it out and pressed it down on the wound. Brasher moaned in pain.

“Julia, this is going to hurt but I have to stop the bleeding.”

With one hand he stripped off his tie and pushed it under her shoulder and then over the top. He tied a knot that was just tight enough to keep the rag compress in place.

“Okay, hang on, Julia.”

He grabbed his rover off the ground and quickly switched the frequency knob to the main channel.

“CDC, officer down, lower-level garage at the La Brea Park apartments, La Brea and Santa Monica. We need paramedics right NOW! Suspect in custody. Confirm CDC.”

He waited for what seemed to be an interminable time before a CDC dispatcher came on the air to say he was breaking up and needed to repeat his call. Bosch clicked the call button and yelled, “Where’s my paramedics? Officer DOWN!”

He switched to tactical.

“Edgar, Edgewood, we’re in the lower level of the garage. Brasher is down. I’ve got Stokes controlled. Repeat, Brasher is down.”

He dropped the radio and yelled Edgar’s name as loud as he could. He took off his jacket and balled it together.

“Man, I didn’t do it,” Stokes yelled. “I don’t know what-”

“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!”

Bosch put his jacket under Brasher’s head. Her teeth were clenched in pain, her chin jutting upward. Her lips were almost white.

“Paramedics are coming, Julia. I called ’em before this even went down. I must be psychic or something. You just gotta hold on, Julia. Hold on.”

She opened her mouth, though it looked like a terrible struggle. But before she could say anything Stokes yelled out again in a voice now tinged with fear bordering on hysteria.

“I did not do that, man. Don’t let them kill me, man. I didn’t DO it!”

Bosch leaned over, putting his weight on Stokes’s back. He bent down and spoke in a loud voice directly into his ear.

“Shut the fuck up or I’ll kill you myself!”

He turned his attention back to Brasher. Her eyes were still open. Tears were going down her cheeks.

“Julia, just a few more minutes. You’ve got to hang on.”

He pulled the gun out of her right hand and put it on the ground, far away from Stokes. He then held her hand in both of his.

“What happened? What the hell happened?”

She opened and then closed her mouth again. Bosch could hear running feet on the ramp. He heard Edgar call his name.

“Over here!”

In a moment both Edgar and Edgewood were there.

“Julia!” Edgewood cried out. “Oh, shit!”

Without a moment’s hesitation Edgewood stepped forward and delivered a vicious kick to Stokes’s side.

“You motherfucker!”

He readied himself to do it again when Bosch yelled.

“No! Get back! Get away from him!”

Edgar grabbed Edgewood and pulled him away from Stokes, who had let out a hurt animal cry at the impact of the kick and was now murmuring and moaning in fear.

“Take Edgewood up and get the paramedics down here,” Bosch said to Edgar. “The rovers aren’t for shit down here.”

Both of them seemed frozen.

“Go! Now!”

As if on cue, the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

“You want to help her? Go get them!”

Edgar turned Edgewood around and they both ran back toward the ramp.

Bosch turned back to Brasher. Her face was now the color of death. She was going into shock. Bosch didn’t understand. It was a shoulder wound. He suddenly wondered if he had heard two shots. Had the blast and echo obscured a second shot? He checked her body again but found nothing. He didn’t want to turn her to check her back for fear of causing more damage. But there was no blood coming from beneath her.

“Come on, hang in there, Julia. You can do it. You hear that? The paramedics are just about here. Just hang in there.”

She opened her mouth again, jutted her chin and started to speak.

“He… he grabbed… he went for…”

She clenched her teeth and rocked her head back and forth on his coat. She tried to talk again.

“It wasn’t… I’m not…”

Bosch leaned his face close to hers and lowered his voice to an urgent whisper.

“Shhhh, shhhh. Don’t talk. Just stay alive. Concentrate, Julia. Hold fast. Stay alive. Please, stay alive.”

He could feel the garage rumble with noise and vibration. In a moment red lights were bouncing off the walls and then a paramedic truck was pulling up next to them. A patrol cruiser was behind it and other uniformed officers, as well as Eyman and Leiby, were running down the ramp and flooding the garage.

“Oh God, oh please,” Stokes mumbled. “Don’t let it happen…”

The first paramedic reached them and the first thing he did was put a hand on Bosch’s shoulder and gently push him back. Bosch went willingly, realizing he was only complicating things now. As he moved backward away from Brasher, her right hand suddenly grasped his forearm and pulled him back toward her. Her voice was now as thin as paper.

“Harry, don’t let them-”

The paramedic put a breathing mask over her face and her words were lost.

“Officer, please get back,” the paramedic said firmly.

As Bosch crawled backward on hands and knees he reached over and gripped Brasher’s ankle for a moment and squeezed it.

“Julia, you’ll be all right.”

“Julia?” said the second paramedic as he crouched next to her with a large equipment case.


“Okay, Julia,” the paramedic said. “I’m Eddie and that there’s Charlie. We’re going to fix you up here. Like your buddy just said, you’re going to be all right. But you gotta be tough for us. You gotta want it, Julia. You gotta fight.”

She said something that was garbled through the mask. Just one word but Bosch thought he recognized it. Numb.

The paramedics started stabilizing procedures, the one called Eddie talking to her all the while. Bosch got up and moved over to Stokes. He pulled him up into a standing position and pushed him away from the rescue scene.

“My ribs are broken,” Stokes complained. “I need the paramedics.”

“Trust me, Stokes, there’s nothing they can do about it. So just shut the fuck up.”

Two uniforms came up to them. Bosch recognized them from the other night when they had told Julia they would meet her at Boardner’s. Her friends.

“We’ll take him to the station for you.”

Bosch pushed Stokes past them without hesitation.

“No, I got him.”

“You need to stay here for OIS, Detective Bosch.”

They were right. The Officer Involved Shooting team would soon descend on the scene and Bosch would be questioned as a primary witness. But he wasn’t putting Stokes into any hands he did not explicitly trust.

He walked Stokes up the ramp toward the light.

“Listen, Stokes, you want to live?”

The younger man didn’t answer. He was walking with his upper body hunched forward because of the injury to his ribs. Bosch tapped him lightly in the spot Edgewood had kicked him. Stokes groaned loudly.

“Are you listening?” Bosch asked. “Do you want to stay alive?”

“Yes! I want to stay alive.”

“Then you listen to me. I’m going to put you in a room and you don’t talk to anybody but me. You understand that?”

“I understand. Just don’t let them hurt me. I didn’t do anything. I don’t know what happened, man. She said get against the wall and I did what I was told. I swear to God all I did was-”