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Julian dropped through the hole and landed in a deadly crouch like some sleek predator. An aura of dangerous calm surrounded him, but it was his eyes that were terrifying. Snapping fire and hell-wrath, they focused on Rodney with murderous intent.

Then, slowly, methodically, Julian rose to his full height.

Rodney stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the size of Julian. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the man she's been with."

Rodney's jaw dropped.

Julian passed a quick glance over Grace to assure himself she was safe and whole, and then he turned on Rodney with a roar.

He slung Rodney against the wall with such force, she was amazed it didn't leave a dent in the wooden panels.

Julian grabbed him by the shirt and held him against the wall.

When Julian spoke, the coldness of his voice sent a shiver over her. "It's a pity you're not big enough for me to kill, because I want you dead." He tightened his fist. "But little or not, if I ever find you near Grace again, if you ever cause her to shed another tear, there is no power on this earth or beyond that will keep me from crushing you. Do you understand?"

Rodney fought uselessly against his hold. "She's mine! I'll kill you if you come between us."

Julian cocked his head as if he couldn't believe his ears. "Are you insane?"

Rodney kicked Julian viciously in the stomach.

His eyes darkening, Julian slugged him hard against the jaw. Rodney crumpled to the floor.

As Julian knelt down by Rodney's side, Grace shook in relief. It was over.

"You better stay unconscious," Julian said ominously to Rodney.

Rising to his feet, Julian pulled her to him in a crushing embrace. "Are you okay, Grace?"

She couldn't breathe, but at the moment, she didn't care. "I'm fine, and you?"

"Better now that I know you're all right."

It was a few minutes later when the police finally pried open the door of the elevator, and Grace saw they were trapped between floors.

Julian lifted her from her waist as Grace took the policeman's extended hand and let him pull her up to the floor above them.

Once she was out of the elevator, she frowned at the three officers who were helping Julian with Rodney's unconscious body. "How did you know to be here?"

The older policeman stood back as the other two officers lifted Rodney's unconscious body out. "The emergency phone operator called us. She said it sounded like a war was going on in the elevator."

"It was," she said nervously.

"So, who do we handcuff?"

"The unconscious one."

While Grace waited for Julian to rejoin her, she noticed the darkness of the elevator shaft he had climbed down to reach her. The smallness of the space.

And she remembered the look on Julian's face the night she'd turned off the lights. The nervous look he'd had earlier when they rode the elevator up to her office.

Still, he had come for her.

Overwhelmed, she felt tears sting her eyes. He went through it to protect me.

As soon as he was out of the elevator car, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

Julian trembled from the force of his emotions. He was so grateful she was alive and unhurt. Picking her up, he kissed her.


Julian released her at the same moment Rodney kicked the policeman away from him. The handcuffs dangled off one of his wrists as he grabbed the policeman's gun and aimed.

His reactions honed by battle, Julian grabbed Grace and forced her to the left as the gun went off.

Rodney's shot missed them, but was followed by two more as the older officer opened fire on Rodney.

Grace tried to pull away. Julian refused to let her.

He kept her face against his chest as he saw Rodney die. "Don't look, Grace," he whispered. "There are some memories you don't need."

Chapter 13

"Yes, Selena," Grace said into the phone as she dressed for work. "It's been a week. I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine," Selena said skeptically. "You still sound a little shaken."

Truthfully, she was. But she was safe thanks to Julian. And she hadn't seen poor Rodney afterward.

Once the police had statements from them, Julian had taken her home and she'd done her best not to dwell on it. "Really. I'm okay."

Julian came into the bedroom. "You're running late." He took the phone from her and handed her a Danish. "Finish dressing," he said to her, then he turned his attention to Selena.

Grace frowned as he walked out of the room and she couldn't hear him talking.

As she dressed, it dawned on her just how comfortable she'd become with Julian. She absolutely loved having him around. She loved taking care of him and having him take care of her. The mutualness of their relationship was wonderful.

"Grace," he said as he stuck his head back into the bedroom. "You're still running late."

She laughed as she slid her high heels on. "I'm going, I'm going."

When they got to the front door, she realized he didn't have his shoes on. "You're not coming today?"

"Do you need me to?"

Grace hesitated. She actually liked being able to have lunch with him and tease him between sessions. But then, she was sure it was boring for him to sit up there hour after hour, waiting for her. "No."

He gave her a hungry kiss. "I'll see you tonight."

Reluctantly, she let go and hurried out the door to her car.

It was one of the longest days in history. Grace sat at her desk, counting the seconds until she could get her patient out the door.

When five o'clock came, she gave poor Rachel the bum's rash for the door, then quickly gathered up her things and went home.

It didn't take her long to get there. She frowned as she saw Selena waiting for her on the front porch.

"Something wrong?" Grace asked as she joined her.

"Not hardly. But I'll give you a word of advice, break that curse. Julian is a major keeper."

Grace frowned even more as Selena left her and headed to her Jeep. Bemused, she opened the door.

"Julian?" she called.

"I'm in the bedroom."

Grace headed up the stairs. She found him lying in a most yummy way on the bed with his head propped up on one arm, and a single red rose lying on the mattress before him. He was so incredibly gorgeous and inviting. Especially with those dimples flashing, and with a light in his celestial blue eyes that could only be called impish.

"You look like the cat that ate the canary," she said quietly. "What did the two of you do today?"


"Nothing," she repeated doubtfully. Now why didn't she believe that? Because he looks just a little too mischievous.

Her gaze fell to the rose. "For me?"


She smiled at his clipped, short answers, and dropped her shoes by the bed before pulling off her hose.

Looking up, she caught Julian's very interested stare as he craned his neck to watch her. He smiled again.

Grace picked up the rose and smelled its sweet fragrance. "It's a nice surprise," she said, kissing Julian on the cheek for it. "Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it," he whispered, running his hand along her jawbone.

Reluctantly, Grace withdrew and crossed the room to place the rose on the dresser and open the top drawer.

She froze. Lying on top of her clothes was a small hardcover copy of Peter Pan with a big red ribbon tied around it.

Gasping, she took it in her hands and untied the ribbon. As she flipped to the first page, her heart skipped a beat. "Oh, my God, it's a signed first edition!"

"Do you like it?"

"Like it?" she said, her eyes misting. "Oh, Julian!"

She launched herself at him and rained kisses all over his face. "You are so wonderful! Thank you!"