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Chapter 12

When they arrived at Liken’s house, by unspoken agreement they moved into the living room. Immediately, Sharon pulled away from Liken’s grasp and moved to the far side of the room, putting as much distance as possible between them. Tair turned to Liken and said, “I am glad she is safe, brother. I will leave you now.”

Liken put a hand on Tair’s arm. “Wait, Tair. I need you to stay.”

Sharon’s eyes grew wide. “Why does he need to stay for our fight?”

The two men stared at each other for a moment. Tair nodded his agreement and moved to sit on the couch. Sharon looked from one to the other as some understanding passed between the two men.

Liken said with utter calm. “You risked your safety tonight,sherree. There will be no fight.”

She had a bad feeling about all this. She tried a placating tone. “I wasn’t in any danger. Nothing happened.”

Liken started walking toward her. “No, we were fortunate indeed.”

He was trying to intimidate her and she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. “I’m not afraid of you.”

He sighed. They were less than a foot apart. “I know what you are afraid of,sherree. It is time you faced some of your fears.” He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her.

She stared up into his face. It was determined, with no hint of tenderness. He bent and placed his mouth over hers before she could respond.

His lips were firm and demanding. She kept her lips tightly together and tried to keep her mind clear. Moving one hand to her jaw, he exerted gentle pressure. “Open your mouth,sherree. Now.”His voice was deepening with desire.

Her mouth parted under the pressure of his hand on her jaw. He swept his tongue inside her moist warmth, thrusting deeply. She groaned and tried to put some distance between them with her hands against his chest. He removed his hand from her jaw and wrapped both arms around her, pulling her against his hard body. The kiss was overwhelming and intense. He wasn’t asking for a response. He was demanding one with every thrust.

She could feel the heat spreading through her body. Her hands dropped from his chest and fisted at her sides. Her nipples tightened into hard peaks. He pressed her breasts harder into his chest in response. With a small moan, she began kissing him back. The angry words and deep hurt from their fight faded into the background of her mind as her senses took command. No matter what had been said, she hadn’t stopped wanting him. He was like a fever in her blood.

Suddenly Liken tore his mouth from hers and abruptly turned her so that she was facing Tair. He was still sitting on the couch, watching the two of them with heated eyes. Under his stare, her thin blouse and skirt felt like little protection. She took a step backwards, which only brought her against Liken’s hard body. He wrapped an arm around her waist instantly to hold her in place. She could feel the hard bulge of his aroused cock pressing into her lower back. She couldn’t move.

Liken used his free hand to sweep her hair to one side and began nibbling on her neck. He gently bit and then licked along the sensitive nerves of her throat. Pausing near her ear, he said, “Does it matter so much,sherree, that he is watching us?” Her mouth went dry.

He continued his gentle assault on her throat. He tightened the arm holding her waist as his other hand lightly rubbed her stomach. She could feel the heat of his hand through the thin silk of her blouse like a burning brand. Her stomach muscles tightened in response. Her breathing sped up as she tried to squeeze more air into her lungs.

Liken’s hand began climbing until it reached the underside of her left breast and paused. Sharon’s body went stiff with tension. He nipped her neck a little harder. It didn’t hurt, but it surprised her. He covered her breast with his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. His thumb began slowly circling the tight point of her nipple. The pleasure ran from her nipple in a line to her sex. She was swollen and wet. She couldn’t stop the shudder that went through her. She closed her eyes.

Tair said huskily, “Open your eyes, Sharon.” She was startled enough by his voice to do what he said. She saw him stand up and move toward them, his bulging arousal obvious against the front of his pants.

She felt a wave a fear, closely followed by a wave of arousal so strong her knees went weak. She leaned more heavily against Liken. Tair stopped in front of her and raised a gentle hand to caress her cheek. “Trust us, Sharon. It will go no further than you wish. The linking must be done.”

Sharon could almost physically feel the arousal push away her fear. With a shaky voice, she said, “Okay.” She could feel the relief in both men.

Liken gently turned her toward him. His eyes were tender, his happiness washing over her in waves. With a smile he said, “I think we’d be more comfortable on the couch.”

She nodded her agreement. Liken walked to the couch and sat down. Tair followed him and sat in the chair across from the couch. She walked over to join them, wondering what would happen next. Liken unbuttoned his shirt. As always, the sight stole the air from her. He was so beautiful. Her hands itched to feel those rippling muscles in his chest. He was reading her thoughts now because his lids lowered and he said, “You know I love to feel your hands on my chest,sherree.”

She smiled and sat down beside him. Running her hands over him, she could feel the tension in his muscles under her fingers. She toyed with his nipples and without thinking leaned over to lick circles around one. His hand came up behind her head, tangling in her hair. He leaned into her mouth and hands with a groan. She pressed open-mouthed kisses over his chest, using her tongue to tease and taste the salty tang of his skin. He couldn’t stand it for long.

With amazing speed he lifted her and brought her over his lap until she was straddling his thighs. She could feel the hard press of his cock as it strained against her through their clothes. She put her hands on his shoulders for balance and their mouths met in a long drugging kiss. Tair’s eyes burned into her back. It felt wicked and sexy. Her passion raised another notch.

Likenmovedhis handsup under her skirt, finding the strings of her panties. His mouth devoured hers in a searing kiss. She felt an almost imperceptible tug and then the front and back of the panties fell away. Taking the silk in his right hand, he gently pulled them out from under her.

She was completely covered by her loose skirt, but she felt exposed. Pushing down, she rubbed against his hardness. She knew he could feel her wetness through his pants, but she didn’t care. It felt so good.

He arched upward to push harder against her. It brought a moan from both of them. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto him as he pushed up. They rocked together for a moment, simply enjoying the sensation. Then, Liken moved his rough hands upward, warming her back with long strokes.

His hands pulled her blouse from underneath her skirt. She shuddered when she felt his hands touch the smooth skin of her naked back. She felt the heated breath of his mouth over her right nipple as he took it into his mouth and sucked. The thin silk of her blouse wasn’t much of a barrier as it grew wet. She arched into his mouth, silently begging for more.

He sucked harder as his hands on her back pulled her blouse up. As she felt it rise, she pulled away and lifted her arms over her head. Once the material cleared her head, she saw him toss it by her panties on the other side of the couch. He transferred his mouth to her left breast and began licking it in teasing circles, hungry eyes watching her face.

She knew Tair was watching them, that he could see her naked back. But, the pleasure she was feeling pushed all thoughts of Tair to the back of her mind. She was completely lost in Liken.