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'Your people loved him, then?'

'Who could not?' Dennis said wistfully. 'He always distrusted the high nobles in the great halls to the east, far away in Rillanon and Salador, where it was safe, saying that they had forgotten why we existed, that our duty was first and foremost to protect those in our charge, and not the other way around.'

Asayaga sat silent, saying nothing, and after a while Dennis went on.

'Yes, he was loved. I remember when I was a boy, maybe eight summers old. I told a stable boy to polish the silver trim on my saddle and came out to find him asleep, the silver still unpolished and in my childlike rage I struck him.' Dennis shook his head. 'My grandfather saw this.'

'And he beat you?'

'No,' and Dennis. 'He said nothing, but the following morning, hours before dawn, he dragged me out of my bed, pushed me down the stairs and threw me into the stable and told me to muck it out.'

'How I cried bitter tears, with him standing there glaring at me, not saying a word. After I mucked out the stables, I fed all the horses, then had to walk them, then oil the harnesses, before I could eat breakfast. Then I had to groom every horse, help the blacksmith with shodding, then help to bring in the hay; and thus I worked the whole day, and every day like that for a week. I ate in the stables and collapsed into exhausted sleep in the stables. The humiliation was the hardest part to bear, for all in the keep knew, and all treated me no longer as if I was the grandson of the Baron, but was just a common stable boy.' He smiled. 'The boy I struck secretly helped me in spite of my grandfather's orders for him to take the time off and go hunting and use my horse. Lars was his name and he became one of my closest friends after that.'

Dennis sighed and looked over at Asayaga. 'Lars was killed the night the keep fell, standing by my grandfather's side.'

He turned away from Asayaga, not wanting the Tsurani to see his emotion. 'There was a story how a new man-at-arms -' he whispered, his voice distant and haunting, '- just a boy, fell asleep on watch one night. He awoke to find my grandfather standing above him, in the driving snow, having taken his place in the sentry-box.'

'Did he hang him?' Asayaga asked. 'That is our punishment.'

'It is ours as well, but not that night. The terrified boy begged forgiveness and my grandfather raised him to his feet. "You not only failed me," my grandfather said, "you failed your family whom I nevertheless protected while you slept. You were all that stood between your mother and danger this night and you failed her far more than you failed me. Now go back to your mother and when you are finally man enough to take the responsibilities of a man you may return to the service of our people. I will serve out the remainder of your watch."'

Asayaga smiled.

'That boy, years later, was my trainer and the sergeant of this company."


Dennis simply nodded and looked away. 'It was a good place, our valley. The border marches were quiet: sometimes a year or more would pass without a single clash with renegades. At times we would see an eledhel or even a dwarf come to our keep for a night's shelter and a place by the fire.' There was a long pause. Then: 'Old Wolfgar,' and Dennis smiled, chuckling softly, 'before he had his run-in with the king, was often at our table. He favoured my grandfather more than any other duke or baron though they would pay him more for a song in their honour than grandfather would. 'You see a bit of my grandfather in Wolfgar.'

Asayaga looked at him surprise.

'Beneath that obscene tongue there's his zest for life, his joy in watching a sunrise after a stormy night, his trading of a jest between friends, and his love of a good song: all things he shared with my family.' Dennis looked off as if Asayaga was not even there. 'The night my grandfather died, there was not a man among us who would not have died in his place. I wish I had…'

His voice trailed off for a moment.

'It was my wedding day, the assault coming just before dusk. Everyone from the village and the keep was in the great hall when one of the sentries came rushing in, screaming that an enemy host was attacking. Before we could even pick up our arms your men were already scaling the walls. Within minutes we lost the gate and the assault on the great hall began. We blocked the entryway, but you set the roof afire.'

Again there was a long silence.

'I should have died that night.'

'You didn't, though.'

Dennis looked over suspiciously at Asayaga.

'No insult, Hartraft. Fate decreed differently is all I mean.'

'My father and grandfather barricaded the main door, then both ordered Gwenynth and me to flee through the escape-way, saying that someone had to get help. I refused.' He stopped for a moment, looking up at the tree tops. 'Something struck me from behind. I always suspected it was Jurgen, although right up till his death he never admitted to the deed. I awoke outside the keep, with Jurgen and a few dozen of our men.'

'And Gwenynth?'

'She was kneeling over me, wiping my face when a bolt winged in from the dark.' He lowered his head. 'She died in my arms.'

'Hartraft, though my words might ring hollow, I am sorry. War should be an honourable affair between men who chose to fight.'

Dennis, head still lowered, snorted derisively. 'Tsurani, when was the last time you saw a city burn, or a village overrun by starving troops, or the body of a girl lying in the snow, the crossbow bolt in her back a blessed release from her agony?'

'I know,' Asayaga whispered. 'I know.'

'We knew that you, the Tsurani, were coming, but thought you were still days away. Gwenynth and I were pledged to marry and we changed the date to the night before my departure for the wars. My grandfather had patrols ranging forward to guard the passes into our valley and to give warning of any approach, but no warning ever came. How and why the patrol guarding the pass failed us I don't know.'

Asayaga stirred uncomfortably. 'I was not there, I have sworn that to you, Hartraft.'

Dennis nodded.

'And yet I heard something about it.'

'What?' Now his gaze was firmly locked on Asayaga.

'The attack-column found four of your men dead in the pass leading to your valley. I remember one of the Strike Leaders talking about it. He said one had a dagger in his back, the others no wounds, and he suspected poison.'

'I never heard this,' Dennis said coldly.

'I only tell you what I heard around a campfire long afterwards.'

Dennis sat wrapped in silence and Asayaga could see that this bit of news, which had waited for eight long years to be delivered, came as a profound shock.

'And this Strike Leader? Is he still alive?'

Asayaga shook his head. 'Dead. It's believed you killed him in one of your ambushes three years ago.'

'Good.' The single word was spoken with a cold icy satisfaction.

'It doesn't change what happened,' Asayaga said, and he struggled to control his own anger, for the commander of a hundred had been of his clan.

'To me it does.'

'And when you've killed the last Tsurani who was in that battle, then what? By the gods, they're likely all dead by now anyhow. Dead in battle, dead from the coughing sickness, frozen, drowned; or gone mad and wandered off into the forests. This war has claimed thousands of my people, Hartraft. When will you be satisfied that you are finished?'

'When we bury the last of you, or you finally flee.'

'We can't leave.'

'Why? The portal is open: just go.'

'Can you leave?'

'You're on our land, damn it!'

'Not because I want to be. Like you I have rulers above me. I'm here because my clan ordered it. Do you think I want to be here? You Kingdom soldiers do not even have the faintest glimmer of an idea about all that is behind this. You have no idea of the clans, of the rivalry, of what some call the Great Game, which is behind all of this madness. It goes far beyond you, me, our men, or even this war itself. Only an idealist would be stupid enough to believe that the purpose of this war is simply for us to conquer you. And I dare say that on your side there is more than one prince who would sell his own brother and the thousands who serve beneath him, if it could advance his own position in the game of kings.' Asayaga looked over at the stag, its eyes blank, the warmth already leaking from its body.