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“Charles has some information on a flunky of Hennessey’s who might prove useful.”

“Great,” I said. “Should I grab my slut clothes and pile on the makeup?”

“You should stay out of it,” Spade replied in a serious tone.

That made me want to fling more rocks at him. “My God, is it a vampire thing to be a chauvinist? Or just an eighteenth century one? Keep the girl in the kitchen where she won’t get hurt, right? Wake up and smell the twenty-first century, Spade! Women are good for more than cringing and waiting for men to rescue them!”

“And if Crispin felt differently for you, I’d bid you good luck and tell you to have at it,” Spade responded at once. “Yet I happen to know firsthand how devastating it is when someone you love is murdered. There’s nothing worse, and I don’t want him going through that.”

A part of me was inwardly pleased that Bones had told his friend he had feelings for me. I still didn’t believe he loved me, but it was nice to know I wasn’t just another warm body to him.

“Look, I’m sorry vampires killed someone close to you, truly I am. But-”

“Vampires didn’t kill her,” he interrupted me. “A group of French deserters cut her throat.”

I opened my mouth, paused, and shut it. That told me a few things right there, aside from the fact that I’d been wrong about what race killed her. She’d been human, whoever she was.

“I’m not like everyone else,” was what I ended up saying, giving Bones a questioning look to see if he’d told him that as well.

“So I’ve heard,” Spade said. “And you certainly caught me off guard earlier, but whatever your extraordinary abilities…you’re easy to kill. That beating pulse in your neck is your greatest weakness, and if I’d had a mind to before, I could have flipped you over and torn it out.”

I smiled. “You’re pretty cocky. So am I, when it comes to certain things. We’ll get along just fine. Wait right here.”

“Kitten…” Bones called after me, no doubt guessing where I was headed.

“Oh, this’ll be fun!”

“Where’s she off to?” I heard Spade ask.

Bones made a noise that was almost pitying. “To hand you your arse, and for the record, if I thought I had a chance of keeping her out of this, I would. Woman’s stubborn beyond reason.”

“Stubbornness won’t keep her alive. I’m astounded you’d allow her to-”

Spade stopped talking when he saw me, probably because of what was in my hands.

“Okay, you’re a big bad vampire who’s gonna rip my throat out, right? You see I’m armed-with steel, by the way, since this is a demonstration and I don’t want you to end up smelly-and you don’t care because you’re all that and I’m just an artery in a dress. If you get a mouth on my throat, you win, but if I plug your heart first, I do.”

Spade’s eyes slid to Bones. “Is she joking?”

Bones cracked his knuckles and stepped aside. “Not at all.”

“Dinner’s getting cold,” I taunted him. “Come and get me, bloodsucker.”

Spade laughed-and then feinted right before leaping at me with blurring speed. He was a breath away when he looked down in surprise.

“Well, strike me pink!” he said, pulling himself up in midtackle.

“I don’t know what that means, but okay.”

Two steel blades were in his chest. He stared at them before ripping them out and turning to Bones in amazement.

“I don’t believe it.”

“That’s just what I said, mate,” Bones replied dryly. “She has a real talent with knives. It’s a damn good thing she hadn’t practiced throwing them before we met, or I might not be here.”

“Indeed.” Spade was still shaking his head when he looked my way next. “All right, Cat. You’ve made an excellent point that you’re far deadlier than you look. I see I can’t sway you to leave this business with Hennessey alone, and Crispin clearly has confidence in you, so I bow in defeat.”

He actually did give me a bow, his long dark hair brushing the cave floor with the graceful motion of it. It was such a courtly, refined gesture that I laughed.

“What were you before they sent you to prison, a duke?”

Spade straightened and smiled. “Baron Charles DeMortimer. At your service.”

The streetlight above me was broken. Farther down the alley, a cat snarled at some unknown threat. On the opposite corner, the sandy-haired vampire bounced on the balls of his feet, almost hopping in place. He was clearly excited.

I wasn’t. It was two a.m. and most people were in bed, which sounded good to me. Thanks to the hyper vampire I was walking toward, however, that wasn’t in the cards.

“Hey, man.”

I twitched as I approached, flicking my gaze in several directions and hunching my shoulders. With my fresh bruises, scratches, and dingy clothes, I looked like the poster child for drug addiction. It wasn’t hard to pull off. I’d just refrained from taking blood after Bones roughed me up for authenticity.

“You got some horse, man?” I continued, rubbing my arms as if fantasizing about a needle.

He let out a high-pitched giggle. “Not here, chickie. But I can get some. Come with me.”

“You’re not a cop, are you?” I backed up as if wary.

Another giggle. “Not that.”

Had a sense of humor, did he? Well, wait until he heard my punch line. “I don’t have time for you to call someone, I’m hurtin’ here-”

“It’s in my car,” he cut me off. “Right down this way.”

He almost skipped down the alley. At the other end of it was an even more derelict street.

“This way,” he sang out as I followed more slowly, looking around to see if there were any more dead men walking near him. “Right here, chickie.”

The vampire held open his car door and beamed at me. Obligingly, I crouched down to look inside.

The blow was expected, but it still hurt. I fell forward into the passenger seat as a normal person would, letting my limbs go limp. The vampire giggled and swung my legs inside, slamming the door. Another tee-hee-hee later and we were off.

I was slumped next to him. He didn’t pay any attention to me, but kept snickering as he drove. It was annoying. I had PMS and a test this morning. Boy, had he picked the wrong girl.

Without warning, his car was rammed from behind. The sharp impact provided the perfect distraction for me to pull my silver out of my boot. He let out a loud squeal as I plunged it into his chest, missing his heart deliberately, but close enough to get his attention.

“Shut up, chirpy!” I snapped. “Pull over, or you’ll get rear-ended again. And if that happens, you can guess where this blade will end up.”

The shock on his face was almost comical. Then his eyes flared.

“Take your hands off me!”

“Don’t waste that glow on me, buddy, it won’t work. You’ve got about three more seconds to pull over, or it’s nighty-night for you.”

Behind us, Bones revved his engine for emphasis. Another collision would send the silver straight through his heart, and he knew it.

I didn’t glance away as we came to a stop and Bones opened the driver’s door.

“Well, Tony, how goes it?”

The vampire wasn’t laughing anymore. “I don’t know where Hennessey is!” he shouted.

“Right, mate, and I believe you. Kitten, if you’ll drive? He and I are going to have a talk.”

Bones maneuvered Tony into the backseat. I got behind the wheel and adjusted the mirror so I could see them.

“Where to?”

“Just around, until our mate Tony here tells us otherwise.”

We left the bashed-up other car on the side of the road. It was one of Ted’s that he didn’t have a use for. A chop-shop owner was turning out to be a pretty handy friend.

“I don’t know anything, I’m just trying to make a buck,” Tony tried again.

“Liar.” Pleasantly, from Bones. “You’re one of Hennessey’s, and don’t tell me you don’t know how to contact him. All vampires know how to reach their sire. Just for your miserable existence, I should kill you. Pretending to sell drugs to addicts and then green-eying them into thinking they’ve gotten what they paid for-you’re pathetic.”