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Bones parked and gave me an unfathomable look. “Either one is a possibility, but regardless, I think it’s best if you bow out now.”

“Oh, don’t give me that unsafe crap again!” I said, instantly angry. “You think I can see what was done to Emily, know it’s going on with countless other girls, and just hide under my bed? Remember, I was supposed to be one of those girls! I’m not bowing out, no way!”

“Look, it’s not your bravery that’s in question,” he replied with an edge.

“Then what?”

“I saw your face. The look in your eyes when I spoke to Charlie. You wondered if I was going to join Hennessey. Deep down, you still don’t trust me.”

He hit the steering wheel with his last comment. It dented, and I winced from more than the accusation in his words.

“You were doing a great job acting, and I got confused. God, can you really blame me? Every day for the past six years I’ve had it drummed into my head that all vampires are lying, vicious scum, and to date, by the way, you’re the only one I’ve met who isn’t!”

Bones let out an amazed snort. “Do you realize that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me?”

“Was Tara your girlfriend?”

It just flew out. I sucked in a horrified breath. Good Lord, why did I ask that?

“Never mind,” I said quickly. “It doesn’t matter. Look, about last night…I think we both made a mistake. Hell, you’ve probably realized that as well, so I’m sure you’ll also agree that it should never happen again. I didn’t mean to flake out earlier with Charlie, but old habits die hard. Okay, bad metaphor there, but you get my point. We’ll work together, bring down Hennessey and whoever else is in his little gang, and then we’ll, ah, go our separate ways. No harm, no foul.”

He stared at me silently for several moments. “’Fraid I can’t agree to that,” he finally answered.

“But why? I’m great as bait! All the vampires want to eat me!”

A small smile touched his mouth even as I mentally groaned at my choice of words. Bones reached over and stroked my face.

“I can’t just let us go our separate ways, Kitten, because I am in love with you. I love you.”

My mouth fell open and my mind briefly cleared of thought. Then I found my voice.

“No, you don’t.”

He let out a snort and dropped his hand. “You know, pet, that is one truly annoying habit you have, telling me what I do and do not feel. After living for over two hundred and forty-one years, I think I know my own mind.”

“Are you just saying that to have sex with me?” I asked suspiciously, remembering Danny and all of his cutesy lies.

He gave me an annoyed look. “Knew you’d think such a thing. That’s why I didn’t say anything before, because I never wanted you to wonder if I were merely lying to cajole you into bed. However, to be rudely blunt, I’ve already gotten you on your back, and it wasn’t by declaring my devotion to you. I simply don’t care to hide my feelings any longer.”

“But you’ve only known me two months!” Now I tried arguing the point, because denial didn’t seem to work.

A slight smile curled his lips. “I began to fall in love with you when you challenged me to that stupid fight in the cave. There you were, chained up and bleeding, questioning my courage and almost daring me to kill you. Why do you think I struck that bargain with you? Truth is, luv, I did it so you’d be forced to spend time with me. I knew you’d never agree any other way. After all, you had such hang-ups about vampires. Still do, it appears.”

“Bones…” My eyes were wide at his revelation and with the growing knowledge that he was serious. “We’d never work out together. We have to stop this now, before it goes any further!”

“I know what makes you say that. Fear. You’re terrified because of how that other wanker treated you, and you’re even more afraid of what your dear mum would say.”

“Oh, she’d have plenty to say, you can bet on that,” I muttered.

“I’ve faced death more times than I can count, Kitten, and this instance with Hennessey is no different-do you really think the wrath of your mum is going to scare me away?”

“It would if you were smart.” Also muttered.

“Then consider me the stupidest man in the world.”

He leaned over and kissed me. A long, deep kiss filled with promise and passion. I loved the way he kissed me. Like he was drinking in the taste of me and still coming back thirsty.

I pushed him back, my breathing uneven. “You’d better not be messing with me. I like you, but if you’re feeding me a load of shit just to get some action, I’m going to plug a big silver stake right through your heart.”

He chuckled and his mouth slid down to nuzzle my neck. “I’ll consider myself warned.”

The erotic teasing of my pulse made me shiver. “And no biting,” I added.

His laughter tickled me. “On my honor. Anything else?”

“Yeah…” It was getting harder to think. “No one else if you’re with me.”

He drew his head up and his lips twitched. “That’s a relief. After you told Tara she could have me as well, I didn’t know if you fancied monogamy.”

I flushed. “I’m serious!”

“Kitten”-he held my face-“I said I loved you. That means I don’t want anyone else.”

This would only bring disaster, I knew it. Knew it as sure as I knew I was a half-blooded freak, but looking into his eyes, it didn’t matter.

“Last but absolutely not least, I insist on going after Hennessey with you. If I trust you enough to be your…your girlfriend, you’ll have to trust me enough to let me do that.”

Something like a sigh escaped him.

“I beg you to stay out of this. Hennessey’s well connected and ruthless. That’s a dangerous combination.”

I smiled. “Half dead and totally dead. We’re a dangerous combination as well.”

He let out a dry laugh. “I reckon you’re right about that.”

“Bones.” I made my gaze unflinching so he could see how serious I was. “I can’t walk away when I know what’s happening. I’d hate myself for not doing everything I could to stop it. One way or another, I’m in this. Your only choice is whether I’m in this with you, or without you.”

He gave me that penetrating stare of his. The one that felt like it could drill holes into the back of my head, but I didn’t look away. He finally did.

“All right, luv. You win. We’ll get him together. I promise.”

The first rays of dawn pierced the sky. I looked at them with regret. “Sun’s coming up.”

“So it is.”

He pulled me to him again and kissed me with such fervor that I gasped. There was no mistaking the demand of his mouth or the feel of his body.

“But it’s dawn!” I said in astonishment.

Bones let out a low laugh. “Really, luv, how dead do you think I am…?”

We ordered breakfast later from room service, an invention that had to come straight from heaven, in my opinion. Well, by the time we ordered it, it was actually more like lunch, although I still chose the pancakes and eggs. Bones watched in amusement as I scarfed the food down, scraping my plate when it was empty.

“You can always send for more. You don’t have to chew the dishes.”

“It wouldn’t matter if I did. I think you already lost your deposit,” I replied, casting a meaningful look at the shattered lamp, broken table, bloodstained carpet, overturned couch, and various other items that were in a condition other than how we’d found them. It looked like a brawl had taken place. One sort of had. A sensual one, anyway.

He grinned and stretched his arms over his head. “Worth every farthing.”

The inking on his left arm caught my eye. I’d noticed it the other night, of course, but somehow hadn’t been in the conversation mood. Now I traced it with a finger.

“Crossbones. How appropriate.” The tattoo wasn’t filled in; the bones were just an outline. His pale flesh seemed to emphasize the black ink. “When did you get it?”