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‘‘I’m pregnant, not an imbecile, Drake! It’s quite obvious they want to be alone, but I just wanted to make sure they had everything first. There’s nothing more annoying than being caught short during the middle, if you know what I mean…’’ Aisling’s voice drifted down the hall after her.

Gabriel sighed, closed the door, and leaned against it in a repeat of his earlier action. His eyes blazed with blatant promise as he examined me thoroughly. ‘‘Alone at-’’

The door thumped open again, hitting him hard enough that it sent him staggering forward a few steps. He whirled and glared at the black dog that stood in the doorway.

‘‘Heya. Cy just showed up, May. Thought you’d want to know since you were worried and all. I think Aisling’s putting her in the room down the hall. You want to see her before you and Gabe go off to Boinksville?’’

I hesitated, feeling that I should make sure Cyrene was all right.

‘‘Is she harmed in any way?’’ Gabriel asked before I could answer.

Jim pursed its lips and shook its head. ‘‘Nope. Said she came close to flooding the place before they let her go, but she’s fine. István told her there was a pool in the basement, and she was headed that way when I left her.’’

‘‘Then we will see her in the morning,’’ Gabriel said firmly, pushing the demon none too gently out the door.

‘‘Suit yourselves, although she said she had something to tell May. If you need help shifting the furniture so you can do it in dragon form, just give me a yell-’’

The door slammed shut in its face.

‘‘Just tryin’ to be helpful!’’ it yelled.

Gabriel growled at the door for a moment before turning back to face me.

I decided such a show of restraint deserved a reward. I pulled off my shirt and pants, allowing my hands to run sensually down my ribs and hips.

Gabriel’s eyes widened, the pupils almost nonexistent as he gazed upon my exposed flesh. He swallowed a couple of times, his voice thick when he spoke. ‘‘Alone-’’

‘‘We bring your luggage,’’ someone said behind him. Gabriel leaped out of the way to avoid being whacked on the back yet again as István kicked open the door, depositing my bags from Gabriel’s house. I didn’t have time to snatch up a shirt before Gabriel was in front of me, blocking István’s view.

István’s eyebrows rose at the sight of my clothing on the chair. ‘‘Oh. Sorry. The door locks, you know.’’

‘‘I will be sure to see that it’s used,’’ Gabriel answered.

István surprised me with a grin, and then he was gone. Gabriel locked the door, counted to ten, then sighed when no one knocked on it. ‘‘Shall we try this again?’’

‘‘I don’t know-it’s taking on the feel of a scene from a Marx Brothers’ movie, don’t you think?’’

His smile warmed me to the tips of my naked toes, but it was his gaze that left me feeling as if I was burning. ‘‘You are so delicious, I don’t know where to begin.’’ His gaze moved along my exposed skin.

I laughed, propping my foot up on the chair and nodding toward the knife I wore at my ankle. ‘‘Why don’t you start by helping me out of this?’’

He looked at my leg. He looked at my breasts, straining to get out of my bra in a manner hitherto unbeknownst to me. He went back to my bare leg, with a brief stop at my hips and belly.

‘‘No?’’ I asked, amused, aroused, and slightly confused by his hesitation.

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he shook his head. ‘‘I want you,’’ he finally said, his voice sounding somewhat strangled.

‘‘I can see you do,’’ I said, glancing toward the bulgy front of his pants.

‘‘I mean I really want you. I need you. Right now.’’

‘‘Well, I don’t see a problem with that, unless Cyrene has suddenly developed a skill for lock picking,’’ I said, unbuckling the knife sheath.

I stood up, wondering what on earth was keeping him from all the pouncing I could have sworn he was going to do the second we were alone, and decided to give him a little encouragement. I unhooked the front of my bra and let it fall to the floor.

Gabriel swore in what I assumed was his native language, his eyes huge.

I watched him closely for a moment. He was as stiff as a board, only the liquid silver of his gaze as it leaped from my breasts to my legs and back again offering a sign he was still actually alive. He’d even stopped breathing.

I shucked my underwear and stood in what I hoped was an attractive pose that wouldn’t let him see quite how large my backside was.

A strange gurgling noise emerged from him, but nothing else.

‘‘Am I doing something wrong here?’’ I finally asked, raising my hands and letting them fall in frustration. ‘‘You don’t want me naked?’’

A little whimper escaped his lips. He swallowed again, his hands tightening to fists at his side. ‘‘I can’t think of anything I want more at this moment, including the phylactery, Kostya’s head on a platter, and peace in the weyr.’’

‘‘Then why are you standing over there, making odd little noises of unhappiness, while I’m standing here feeling extremely insecure, exposed, and like I need to go on an immediate diet to lose at least ten pounds?’’

He closed his eyes for a moment, his face twisted in pain. ‘‘I may be a dragon, but I am not an animal, Mayling. You clearly wish to arouse me by performing this… incredible… striptease, and I will stand here and allow you to proceed if it kills me. Which it very likely may do.’’

‘‘Gabriel,’’ I said, smiling at the fact that he thought I was performing for him.

‘‘Don’t,’’ he said, his eyes still closed. His body trembled.

‘‘Don’t what?’’

‘‘Don’t say my name. I don’t think I can bear it.’’

I shook my head, laughed a little, then walked over and unbuttoned his shirt so I could put my hand on his bare chest. ‘‘I don’t understand you at all. You’re acting like you want to make love to me, but I can’t say your name?’’

‘‘No,’’ he answered, piercing me with a look so hot it made my toenails steam. He swallowed again, his voice rough around the edges. ‘‘When you say my name, all I can think about is joining with you. You are my mate, Mayling. I don’t just wish to make love to you; I need to join with you. I hunger for you the way a mortal hungers for food.’’

‘‘Then why…?’’ I asked, sliding my hand down his chest to his belly. He gasped, his muscles contracting underneath my fingers. ‘‘Why are we standing here talking when we could be on the bed indulging in wild, steamy dragon lovin’?’’

‘‘I am not an animal,’’ he repeated. ‘‘But I am a dragon, and our matings tend to be intense. You are a woman, and thus you need time to become aroused to the point where our mating will not hurt you.’’

‘‘Are you talking about foreplay?’’ I asked, finally seeing the light.

‘‘Yes. You deserve foreplay, but if I touch one tiny centimeter of that deliciously satin skin of yours, I will lose the little control I have. I cannot give you foreplay at this time, Mayling. I’m sorry, but I just can’t.’’

‘‘But you can stand here and discuss the issue,’’ I pointed out.

‘‘Only because I am determined to prove to you that I value you more than anything else in my life. I would greatly appreciate it if you didn’t explore any more of my stomach, because that too will send me over the edge. In fact, I’d be eternally grateful if you would arouse yourself, and tell me when you are ready.’’

His eyes were closed again, as if looking at me hurt too much.

‘‘You want me to arouse myself,’’ I said, trying hard not to laugh.

‘‘Yes. Normally I would enjoy performing that function, or at worst, watching you do it, but I cannot at this time.’’

I smiled, amused and touched at the same time. He was trying so hard to reassure me that he was more a man than a beast, but I had needs as well, and they weren’t being met with us standing there talking. I grabbed his shirt with both hands and literally ripped the rest of it open, yanking it off him. ‘‘Take me!’’ I demanded as his eyes popped open in surprise. ‘‘Now!’’