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The man in black who was sitting behind me jumped up and said something in a language I didn’t recognize.

Gabriel ignored him, watching me with close attention that left me feeling somewhat flustered. ‘‘Um… sure. That would be nice.’’

No one spoke a word as Gabriel took a dusty bottle out from behind the bar, pouring out a glass of wine.

‘‘Thank you,’’ I said, accepting it, uncomfortable with the way everyone was watching me so closely. With nothing else to do, I took a sip of the drink. I was ready for it this time, but even so, the drink roared through me, setting my blood afire with its heat.

‘‘Would you mind if I tried a quick experiment?’’ Gabriel asked, breaking the silence.

‘‘I suppose not,’’ I said, looking around nervously. Everyone in the room, everyone from the demon dog on down to the two people who sat behind me, watched me with an intensity that made my palms sweat. What on earth was wrong with them all?

‘‘Good.’’ Gabriel held out his hand for me. I accepted it, but rather than releasing me as I expected, he pulled me into an embrace, his body hard against mine as he suddenly kissed me.

I stiffened for a moment, unsure of what I should do. My first instinct was to shadow and break his grip on me, but the feeling of his mouth on mine had a curiously numbing effect on my brain. I couldn’t seem to think as his tongue licked the corner of my mouth, urging my lips to part. Without conscious thought, they did so, allowing him entrance. He tasted like the drink, spicy, but with a faint woodsy note that I found very pleasing. His tongue twined around mine for a moment, then suddenly, I was filled with fire-his fire! Instinctively, I shadowed, but the fire still filled me, overspilling to spiral around me, its intensity building and building until finally, it burst out of me and spun back around him. It was an exhilarating feeling, one that left me both stunned and incredibly aroused.

‘‘Holy cow!’’ I heard Aisling exclaim. ‘‘She’s OK! She’s… she’s…’’

‘‘A wyvern’s mate,’’ Drake said, a note of wonder in his voice.

Their words sank into my head as I put both hands on Gabriel’s chest, shoving back hard enough to separate us. I stared up at him, my brain still lost between confusion and a rising passion.

His eyes positively glowed, like lightning trapped in a crystal sphere. ‘‘No mate shall be born to any members until a black dragon is accepted as wyvern,’’ he said.

‘‘Pardon?’’ I asked, trying to pull my wits together.

His arms tightened as I tried to move out of his embrace. ‘‘It’s a curse. Our sept was cursed by Baltic. Until the day when a black dragon is accepted as a wyvern, no mate will be born to any of its members.’’ His lips curved into a smile, and I found myself watching his mouth, remembering just how delicious he tasted.

Suddenly Gabriel whooped, and scooped me up in his arms, spinning us around in a circle. ‘‘But you’re a doppelganger, May! You weren’t born!’’

‘‘I’m not quite… I don’t understand-’’ I stammered, confused as to what on earth he was so excited about.

‘‘Good lord,’’ Aisling said, getting to her feet, a huge smile on her face as she hurried over to hug me despite the fact that I was still being held by Gabriel. ‘‘You’re a wyvern’s mate! Gabriel’s mate! I never thought I’d see the day!’’

‘‘Gabriel’s…’’ The sentence dribbled off as I looked with astonishment at the man who was beaming at me.

His dimples deepened, his eyes alight with a wicked glint that made me feel like I was drinking dragon’s blood again. ‘‘A mate at long last. My mate.’’

Oh, gods! Now what was I going to do?

Chapter Six


‘‘Will you please not call me that?’’ I interrupted, backing away from the silver-eyed dragon who could kiss all semblance of wits right out of my head.

‘‘You are the wyvern’s mate,’’ the woman in black said suddenly from behind me, causing me to spin around. I felt trapped, surrounded by all number of threats, and I wanted nothing more than to slip out into the night and find a dark corner to sit and think about what had happened.

Everyone knew that it was impossible to take a dragon’s fire and live… unless you were a dragon’s mate. Wyvern’s fire was supposedly more potent than a regular dragon’s, and the fact that I’d kissed Gabriel without being burned to a crisp seemed to indicate that there was, in fact, something going on between us. But I was a doppelganger! I’d never heard of one being a wyvern’s mate… I shook my head at my foolish thoughts. The question of whether or not a doppelganger could be a mate diminished in importance when there were so many other things claiming my attention.

I took a step toward the woman. ‘‘Look… er… I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.’’

‘‘This is Maata,’’ Gabriel said smoothly, coming forward to do the introductions. ‘‘And that is Tipene. They are members of my guard.’’

‘‘You’re obviously an intelligent woman,’’ I told Maata, hoping to make her see reason. ‘‘I know this situation appears to indicate one thing, but I assure you that I’m no one’s mate. I’m a doppelganger, not human, not an elemental being like Cyrene, not even a spirit. Strictly speaking, I’m made up of shadows.’’

‘‘You felt like flesh and blood to me.’’ Gabriel was right behind me, the warmth of his body reaching me even though the night air was balmy. A little shiver went up my back as his breath caressed the nape of my neck. For a moment I was reminded of Magoth’s repeated seductions, but where he was icy cold, Gabriel radiated heat. ‘‘There is no other who could withstand my fire, May. It is a shock to me, too-a joyous one, I assure you, since I never expected to have a mate-but we will explore this new phenomenon together.’’

I turned slowly and looked at him, really looked at him. His eyes were still bright with an emotion I realized was part sexual interest and part jubilation. But there was something else in his expression, something unyielding that hinted of trouble to come. He was a dragon, a wyvern, a healer, yes, but also a man who was a leader, someone who would quite likely fight to the death to protect his sept. He would be focused, relentless in his pursuit of whatever stirred his interest, and also possessive, since that was reported to be a trait common to all dragons.

An oddly deflated feeling possessed me, a sadness that I couldn’t risk experiencing what it would be like to be cherished by such a man. Sooner or later, however, reality would catch up to me, and that would be the end of everything. As much of a temptation as Gabriel represented, it would be better for us all if I didn’t give in and see what a dragon had to offer.

‘‘No,’’ I said simply, with as much kindness as I could. ‘‘There is no phenomenon. There is nothing to explore, at least not between us. I will arrange to have Cyrene moved. We will not impose upon your kindness any longer.’’

I made it across the room, my foot on the stairs before the two bodyguards caught me, one on either arm.

‘‘You are the wyvern’s mate,’’ Maata said, her face set. ‘‘You cannot reject him.’’

‘‘Excuse me?’’ I asked, unable to believe what she said.

‘‘You are his mate. You can’t leave.’’

I looked at the other guard, Tipene, the one who had stepped on my arm. His face was just as impassive as Maata’s. ‘‘You are the mate,’’ was all he said, just as if that was the end of the discussion.

‘‘Even if a doppelganger could be a mate, and even if I was that doppelganger, it doesn’t matter. I can’t stay.’’

‘‘Let her go,’’ Gabriel ordered. As soon as they released my arms, I twisted around to face him. He stood a few feet beyond me, incredibly handsome in his evening clothes, his eyes drawing me in and making me want to lose myself in them. He was still, but a coiled sense of power seemed to surround him, as if he was a panther about to pounce.