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Dresden Files

Страниц: 101
Символов: 632109
ID: 104351
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 2009
Издательство: Roc Hardcover
Создана 26 октября 2010 13:09


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Book 11 of the Dresden Files.

The Warden Morgan has been accused of treason against the Wizards of the White Council--and there's only one, final punishment for that crime. He's on the run, wants his name cleared, and needs someone with a knack for backing the underdog. Someone like Harry Dresden.

Now, Harry must uncover a traitor within the Council, keep a less-than-agreeable Morgan under wraps, and avoid coming under scrutiny himself. And a single mistake may cost someone his head--someone like Harry.

Released in hardcover from Roc publishing, April 2009.

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