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"Oh yes, love." Now that she had room her panic had gone. She adjusted her hat. The feather had been broken. "Look at that!"

"Here let me help you," Tyrer said importantly, waving others away. "You, go on, move you've frightened her to death. Are you all right, Angelique? Malcolm?"

"Of course," Malcolm said. Now that she was safe and he had his sticks, his happiness returned and he shouted, "Thanks for welcoming us! Drinks on the Noble House, the Club bar's open and stays open until further orders!"

There was a general rush in that direction. Soon only Malcolm, Angelique, McFay and Phillip Tyrer remained. And the sour presence of Michaelmas Tweet: "Mr. Struan, the ceremony is completely not legal and I must warn y--"

"You may be right, Reverend, but I'm advised to the contrary, sir," Struan said firmly, having already devised a plan for Tweet, another for Father Leo and another for Sir William.

"Nonetheless I believe there is a happy solution. Perhaps you would come to my office at noon tomorrow? The House of the Lord will be satisfied, sir, you may rest assured!" Then he whispered to Jamie, "Divert him," and to the others, "Head for the office, fast as you can."

They had to run the gauntlet of a few stragglers and then Angelique hissed, "Phillip, hurry!" She ran on ahead with him to avoid Father Leo who was approaching from down the street as fast as his bulk and his cassock would allow. Once in the foyer, most of the staff lined up there, Vargas in front, Chen smiling glassily, she laughed nervously, "I didn't want to have to talk to him!"

"Why not?" Phillip was beaming. "You're married and that's that--at least Sir William's been spitting blood since he heard, cursing the Navy, Ketterer, Marlowe--so I imagine you are married but all I want to say is Congrats and may I kiss the bride?" He did not wait and kissed her like a brother, she hugged him and breathed another sigh of relief.

Struan came through the door with McFay.

"Lock it," he ordered. Helped by Vargas, McFay obeyed, politely but firmly shoving the few more persistent traders out and slammed the bolt home as Father Leo strode up, tried the handle, then hammered on the door as though it was a cathedral portal.

But no one paid any attention, all fleeing into the office like a group of mischievous children where they collapsed into the chairs. All except Malcolm.

"Champagne, Chen. Thank you, Vargas, see you later," he said over congratulations, and added to Chen, in Cantonese, "Open the wine, little mealy-mouth."

Jamie McFay shut the door and sank into the last chair.

"Ayeeyah," Malcolm said, bubbling like the wine, "I didn't think it would be like this.

Phillip, thanks again for the good wishes, you too Jamie, are you all right Angel?"

"Yes, Mr. Struan, wonderful, thank you."

Tyrer said, "It's all marvelous news, Malcolm, and by the way could you see Sir William as soon as possible."

The way he said it, so tentatively, so matter-of-fact, when they all knew he had been bellowed at, made a sudden silence which broke apart as they all laughed hysterically.

"Tomorrow afternoon, happily," Malcolm said.

Their glasses were soon full and even more quickly empty and again filled, conversation loud and not listened to. The door eased open. Vargas signalled McFay, then whispered to him.

Jamie nodded. "I'll be there in a moment.

Tai-pan, can you excuse me? And there's a message for Ang--for Mrs. Struan: Mr.Seratard wants to add his congratulations personally at the Legation, soon as possible and the ... the priest would like to see you both a moment."

"Jamie, first finish your drink. Vargas send word to Seratard we'll put him on top of the list, but first tell Father Leo to be here tomorrow at 5:00 P.m., here, in my office." Vargas vanished. Malcolm saw the shadow on Angelique's face. "I'll see him, Angel, you don't have to and by Sunday everything will be calm, I promise. Everything's in control.

Soon as it's dark, we'll slip back aboard the cutter."

"Cutter? Why, Malcolm, what on earth for?"

"Another surprise, we're dining aboard Prancing Cloud and staying the night, then tomorrow there are more surprises, lots and lots, there's a honeymoon to plan. We'll leave in an hour and there's no need for you to change, I had Ah Soh pack some clothes for you and they're already aboard."

To Jamie, "You have to leave? What's up?"

"I'd made a date with Gornt and forgot all about it in the excitement. He's waiting in my anteroom. He asked Vargas to give you both his congratulations, and Norbert's."

"Thank him for me, but don't go for a second."

"Thank him for me too, Jamie,"

Angelique said.

"Of course, Mrs. Struan." McFay was trying to get used to sounding the words, finding it difficult and artificial, the two words conjuring up Tess Struan, and nowadays every time he thought of her he became bilious. The moment he had heard about the marriage, the reason for the Admiral and Malcolm's letter to Guardian and last night's announcement had become clear, even the timing of the duel, dovetailed neatly.

Married! Oh my God!

The implications for Malcolm were immense. For himself it did not matter now that he had made his peace with Malcolm and with himself. He doubted if he would ever have a peace with Tess Struan. Though she was a fanatic Struan, at the same time she had inherited her father's vindictiveness, his ruthless need for revenge. He had witnessed it falling on the Bosun in charge of the boat that had capsized, drowning the twins and her second son. She had had him charged with murder, demanding hanging. The coroner had found him guilty of negligence, causing manslaughter, and gave him the maximum ten years, hard labor, in the Hong Kong prison the man would never survive.

Negligent? Not really, McFay and most had thought at the time, the storm sudden as happens that season of the year, an unhappy accident. But she was Tess Struan of the Noble House. The Bosun's real mistake, he thought sadly, was that he lived and the children died.

"Angelique," Struan was saying, "why don't you freshen up, I'm going to do the same and we'll leave within the hour--I've just a few things to settle with Jamie." They kissed and she left. In Cantonese he told Chen he should arrange hot water for his wife and for him, "then we go aboard Prancing Cloud. Is everything prepared?"

"Yes Master."

"Good, and you three better be quiet as bats, and contented as pigs in shit like never before!"

To Tyrer, he added pleasantly in English, "Phillip, you'll excuse us, won't you?

Starting tomorrow, there'll be major celebrations all over, wedding feast and so on with formal invitations.

Please give Sir William my compliments, and please don't mention we'll be aboard Prancing Cloud tonight to anyone--even to Sir William. I don't want any drunken rowdies circling us all night, we want to be private, all right?"

"Quite understand, again congratulations." Tyrer was happy to leave. He still had to see Hiraga to finish another, curt dispatch for Tairo Anjo before he could cross the bridge to Fujiko. After this morning's council of war between Sir William and Seratard, aided by himself and Andr`e, where final details of the forthcoming bombardment and punitive Yedo campaign were agreed, Andr`e had whispered: "Fujiko's panting to see you, it's all arranged. She's even insisting on serving you a Japanese feast so arrive hungry and thirsty, but don't forget to act tough."

Now alone, some of Malcolm's fatigue showed. "Jamie, pour me a glass would you?

Thanks. Everything's organized?"

"For tonight, yes, and tomorrow, yes. Ah Tok and Ah Soh are aboard with the trunks, Chen will go with you and Mrs. Struan. As far as I know no one except them, Strongbow, me, and now Phillip know you'll sleep aboard Prancing Cloud."