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“He was here with two guards from his estate.”

“Did anyone besides Miss Whitney see them?”


“Whereas Mr. Grange’s staff assured my officer that he was in his office the entire afternoon.”

“Did he tell you that Beth quit her job yesterday?”

“Yes, he did. Something about an argument regarding you.”

“He didn’t tell you about the photos he had faked to try to prove I’m having some kind of sleazy affair?”

“Did you see the photos, Mr. Grange?”

“Beth told me about them.”

“Just as she told you about Mr. Prescott attacking her?”

“Yes,” Ethan gritted out. He was so going to enjoy raking this small-town idiot on the carpet once the collar was made.

“Does it seem likely to you that a man of Mr. Prescott’s wealth and personal appearance needs to go to such lengths to attract a woman?”

“Stranger things have happened.”

“Maybe between the pages of your books, Mr. Grange, but here in the real world, multimillionaires do not stoop to such measures to get a date. I’m sorry to say this, but I think your girlfriend is creating drama to ensure your interest. Have you been fighting a lot lately?”

“My personal life is none of your affair, but if you think I won’t expose your incompetence to the world, you’re a fool.”

“Be very careful what kind of insinuations you make, Mr. Grange. Mr. Prescott is not taking action at this point, but if Miss Whitney persists in her accusations, he could sue her for slander.”

Ethan hung up the phone, promising himself he would rub the sheriff’s nose in his idiocy and if the cop was dirty, he was going to do time. Once charges were laid against Arthur Prescott for illegal brokering of technological secrets, kidnapping would be added to them, no matter what this hick small-town sheriff thought.

Ethan was still steaming an hour later when he got a call from a bookseller in one of the bigger coastal cities to the south. The owner of the shop said that he had just found out Ethan was living along the coast. He had a group of readers who were fans of his work and would be meeting for a discussion group the next morning. Was there any way Ethan could make it?

“I’m sorry, Mr. Jackson, but I’m far too busy with my current book to take on any publicity events right now.”

“I’m sure your publisher would appreciate your cooperation in this event.”

“My publisher understands my reticence to meet the public. I am confident they would not give you my personal telephone number and since it is unlisted, I have to ask how you came by it.”

“I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.”

“I really must insist.”

“Perhaps if you came to the discussion group, I might be persuaded to tell you.”

“I told you, I’m too involved with my current book.”

“It’s not a good idea to alienate readers, Mr. Grange.”

“Have you read my books, Mr. Jackson?”

“Actually, no.”

“If you had, you would know that I do nothing to avoid alienating anyone. Good-bye.” He hung up.

“Who was it?” Beth asked, coming from the spare room where she’d dropped off coffee for the secondary agents.

They’d both come in today and neither one had said boo to Ethan since their arrival. Vinnie had given him a particularly wide berth.

“A bookstore trying to get me to come to a discussion group tomorrow.”

“You think Prescott put him up to it?”

“I’m sure of it. The man is tenacious.”

“He’s used to getting what he wants.”

“He can’t have you.”

“No, he can’t.”

But Ethan’s blood curdled at the thought of how far the man was willing to go to get what he wanted. Rachel Gannon’s sister had not had a chance. How many other women had fallen into his dangerous web?

Chapter 21

Ethan waited for Beth to come into the bedroom where he was gearing up for the take-down at Prescott’s.

She was feeding her cats and talking to them, trying to act like everything was normal, but he knew she wanted to go along on the collar. Though she didn’t try to talk him into it. She accepted his judgment as agent in charge and that increased his respect for her. But he’d decided after how well she handled herself when Prescott tried to nab her that she should be there. If part of it was the desire to show her how well she fit in the world of agents, he wasn’t ashamed of that fact.

Beth was a natural and nothing would please him more than to see her using those talents for the good of their country.

Besides, tonight was going to go down without a hitch. He could feel it in his gut. He and an elite team would parachute in and secure the premises. His plan was for Beth to be part of the second team let in through the gates.

She walked into the bedroom, her beautiful brown eyes almost black with emotion. “You’ll be careful tonight? You won’t take any unnecessary risks, will you?”

He’d never liked anyone worrying about him, but her concern felt good. “I never do.”

“I’m not sure I believe that.”

He smiled. “Maybe you should come along and keep an eye on me.”

“Are you serious?”

He indicated a second set of gear on the bed. “Very.”

She gasped. “You are serious.”

“So, get geared up.”

She grinned. “You got it.” She lifted the Kevlar vest off the top of the pile. “Wow, it’s heavier than I expected it to be.”

“You’re in good shape. It won’t slow you down.”

“Not that I’ll be chasing anyone. This is a straightforward sting, right?”

“Right. Alpha team chutes in and takes out the guards at the gate and on the grounds. Beta team comes in through the gates as backup to help secure the premises and cuff the prisoners.”

“Is there a third team on the beach, in case Prescott runs?”

“Why the beach?”

“He’s a pirate. And he’s done everything to make his house authentic to period, you know? The maze, the grandeur, all of it. I wouldn’t put it past him to have an escape tunnel to the beach.”

Ethan felt something inside him slip into place at her words. “You’re right. I should have thought of it.”

“You don’t read books about pirates.”

“And you do?”


“Among other things.” He’d never forget the spicy content he’d skimmed in the book beside her bed when he’d been doing personal recon in her apartment.

“Among other things,” she agreed with a blush.

His heart contracted. She was so damn sweet. “I’ll assign an agent from the Beta team to beach-watch.”

“Good idea.”

“But I don’t plan to give Prescott the chance to reach any tunnel.”

She waved her hand. “The best laid plans and all that.”

He laughed. “Are you casting aspersions on my abilities? Because I’ll have you know that someone I care for very much told me she thought I was the best of the best.”

Beth paused in donning her dark camo shirt over the vest. “Someone you care for very much?”

He nodded, wishing he had more time to say what really needed saying. “It was harder than it should have been to decide to include you tonight, and it wasn’t because I doubted your abilities.”

“But you care for me too much to hold me back?”


“I feel the same way about you,” she said in a low voice, her expression hiding her thoughts from him.

“So, I don’t have to quit my job and become a plumber to keep you in my life?” he asked, only half joking.

If it came between being an agent and having Beth, he didn’t think his job would win anymore.

“I never said anything about plumbers…they can keep really bad hours.”


“No. I don’t want you to quit your job. It’s part of who you are and I like that person.”

“Like?” he asked carefully.

She turned and peeled out of her jeans before slipping on a pair of regulation pants. “I think you know it’s a lot more than like or I wouldn’t be willing to compromise my dreams for you.”