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My heels, nylons, and a long black dress with no shoulders and a choker neckline looked good. I'd picked it out last week, almost able to feel Kisten in my thoughts as I shut out the clerk's enthusiastic recommendations for something with more flash. I'd nearly gotten the little dress that showed off my butt, but I'd listened to Kisten's memory instead. I looked great with my hair up off my neck in a complicated braid that had taken five of Jenks's kids to do. It had even held up in the wind.

Ivy was dressed just as dramatically, having pulled a bright red dress out of her closet, and going from workout tights to glamorous sophisticate in ten minutes. Her neckline was cut low, and the slit in the dress went to midthigh. A lace shawl graced her shoulders. I knew the shawl was for a vampire's benefit, more enticing around her neck than bare skin. Apart we looked good. Together we looked fantastic, with her Asian heritage standing as a beautiful contrast to my pale, dead-fish complexion.

An older couple smelling of too much perfume and aftershave stood ahead of us as the silver doors opened and we all got in. A spike of adrenaline went through me, and I shifted my lumpy bag to my front. This had to work. I'd prepped Pierce's substance spells in exactly the same way, and I had my splat gun loaded with sleepy-time charms. Ivy would man the bathroom door, Jenks would help me with Al. Nothing would get past them. And when it was over, we could party the new year in together, ghost, vamp, witch, and pixy.

There was another doorman inside the elevator in case we didn't know how to push a button, and as I nervously stood in the dead center of the small lift, the hairs on the back of my neck pricked. I slowly turned to see the couple who had gotten in with us, the woman's lips pressed tight and the man staring straight ahead with a strained look on his face. I turned back around, and Ivy snickered.

"You're a fun date," she whispered as she leaned sideways. "People look at you."

Whatever. Embarrassed, I stared at the elevator man while he hid a grin. Finally the doors opened. The older woman, who looked good in her own right, gave her husband a smack on the shoulder with her beaded handbag as they got out. He took it like a man, but I noticed he was already ogling the serving ladies in their modestly short skirts.

The murmur of conversations and the scent of high-calorie appetizers hit me first, and my shoulders eased in the warmth. Hidden around the curve of the restaurant, a live band played slow jazz. The tables were gone but for a ring around the windows. Elegantly dressed people mingled, holding little plates of food or champagne flutes, the occasional feminine laugh mixing with the clinking of expensive china to invoke a feeling of high class. Servers moved sedately or darted about, depending on what they were doing. And behind it all as a backdrop was Cincinnati herself.

Forgetting myself, I stood for a moment and took in the view. It had been pretty during the day, but now, with the black of the sky and the lights…it was riveting. The Hollows was glittering, showing the contours of the land as it rose up and away. A ribbon of illumination on the expressway ran as an informal border. The river was a black shadow, and I could see where it had cut into the hills over the millennium.

A woman's laugh and the flash of Jenks darting from my bag drew my eyes away. Immediately the conversation seemed to grow loud. Jenks flew two circles around me to stretch his wings, then landed on Ivy's shoulder. She was staring at the city, mesmerized. "It looks peaceful from up here," she said when her line of sight was broken by a member of the waitstaff.

Jenks snorted. "It looks peaceful when you get up real close, too," he said, and I thought of my garden. "It's only the middle ground that's ugly."

A woman with a tray was slowly passing, and I met her eyes. She smiled at Jenks and handed me a little plate. "We've got twenty minutes," I said, nervous, as I put a few bites of food on it. "Jenks, you want to scope out the bathrooms?"

"You got it, Rache," he said, and he was gone.

By the looks Ivy and I were getting, it was growing obvious that this was almost an office party. Everyone seemed to know everyone else, and they were all dressed alike, too. Elegant, but a little out of date—classy geek, maybe? No wonder Ivy and I were getting eyed.

Slowly we made our way onto the revolving floor. Balloons were netted to the ceiling for midnight, and the lights were low to keep the view fabulous. I didn't see anyone I recognized, but it had been a long time since I'd been in school, and I'd taken only one class at the university. I'd flunked it, but that was because the teacher had faked her own death before finals.

Ivy snagged two light amber glasses as we moved. She handed one to me without looking, and as soon as we found the band, I stopped beside a potted plant at the window. There was a small dance floor, and I turned when the woman started singing "What's New?" Crap, it was the same band that had been playing at Trent's wedding-rehearsal dinner—minus most of the players. There were only five this time. But it was her. The woman's voice bobbled as she caught sight of me, and I looked away. Being recognized shouldn't cause fear.

"Nice music," Ivy said, seeing my flush. Taking a deep breath she added, "Edden's here."

My back to the band, I stared at her. "Edden? You can smell him?"

She smiled. "He's standing behind you."

Startled, I spun, almost spilling my drink. "Edden!" I cried as I set my glass down and took in his tux. There was a thickening at his chest that told me he was wearing a sidearm in a holster, but he looked great with his hair slicked back and his almost squat figure standing shoulder to shoulder with mine. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Working," he said, clearly glad to see me. "I see Glenn got through to you. Thanks for coming in. You look nice." Attention going to Ivy, he added, "Both of you."

Ivy smiled, but I was flustered. "That's not why I'm here," I said. "I told Glenn no. I'm here doing some personal spelling. I didn't know this was the party you were talking about, and even if I did, I wouldn't be working it. Mia isn't going to show. Ivy, tell him Mia won't be here."

Ivy adjusted her little clutch purse, hanging on a thin strap. "She won't be here."

Oh yeah. That was a big help.

Captain Edden rocked back in his dress shoes to look mildly irritated. He had a plate with a stuffed puff on it, and showing a thinning spot in his short hair, he took a bite. "Personal spelling. What is that? Witch speak for washing your hair?"

"I am spelling," I said. "Jenks is here somewhere, Ivy's chaperoning, I guess, and my date will be along about midnight. I've got his clothes in my bag."

Edden's gaze dropped to my oversize shoulder bag that didn't match my shoes, my dress, or my hair. "I bet you do," he said dryly, clearly still upset I'd turned him down, then showed up at the same party he wanted me to come to with him. "Well," he said as he wiped his fingers on his napkin and set his plate aside, "if you aren't here for Mia, then I'm going to guess your personal spelling involves Trent." I shook my head, and he sighed. "Rachel, don't make me arrest you tonight."

"Trent has nothing to do with this," I said as I watched Ivy mentally map out the floor, "and Mia isn't going to be here. Your profilers are way off. She's not worried about you bringing her in. She's fighting her own personal war with Ms. Walker, and, Edden, you need to back off and let things cool down. You hire me for my opinion, well, there it is. Don't you have one of those amulets I gave you? It's blank, isn't it?"

Edden frowned, telling me it was. His eyes scanned everywhere with the skill and patience of the military officer he'd once been. "After the incident at Aston's, three independent profilers put Mia here or at another highly visible party," he said, as if not having heard me. "We'll catch her, with or without your help. Enjoy your evening, Ms. Morgan. Jenks. Ivy."