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Cried, I thought. Nice of him to not say "go off her rocker," because that's what she would have done. It had been bad enough when the truth came out. A sigh shifted my shoulders, and I scooted forward to the counter when the guy ahead of us ordered his tall latte something or other and moved off.

"I'll have a grande latte, double espresso, Italian blend," Robbie said, his eyes on the menu. "Light on the froth, heavy on the cinnamon. Can you make that with whole milk?"

The barista nodded as he wrote on the paper cup. "This together?" he asked, looking up.

"Yeah. Um, just give me a medium-size cup of the house blend," I said, suddenly disconcerted. I couldn't be sure, but I thought that Robbie's order had sounded exactly like how Minias took his coffee.

"You want a shot of something in it?" the barista persisted, and I shook my head as I ran my card through the machine before Robbie could.

"Just black."

Robbie was struggling with his stuff, so I grabbed both cups when they came up and followed him to a table too small and sticky to encourage anything but the shortest of stays. "I can carry stuff now," I said as I watched him stagger under it.

He gave me a sideways smile. "Not while I'm around. Sit."

So I sat, and it felt good as he bustled about, arranging his things and asking an old couple if he could have one of their chairs. I had a moment of panic when I realized the abandoned paper on the table was folded to show that shot of the Tilsons' house. Snatching it up, I jammed it in my bag just as Robbie joined me.

Landing heavy in his chair, he took the lid off his coffee and inhaled his first deep sniff, followed by a deep draft. "That's good," he said around a sigh, and I followed suit. For a moment he was silent, and then he eyed me expectantly over his paper rim. "So, how's Mom?"

The businessman who had been ahead of us had foam on his nose as he stood and looked at the departure screens. "Fine."

Robbie silently cracked his knuckles. "Do you have anything to say to me?" he asked so smugly that I turned to look at him.

There's a cop car outside Mom's house, and you'll want to know why. I'm doing a murder investigation, and it might spill over into my home life. The university won't let me attend classes. I have a date every Saturday in the ever-after with Big Al the demon. And thanks to Trent Kalamack's dad, I'm the source of the next demon generation.

"Uh, no?" I said, and he laughed, scooting his guitar closer.

"You bailed on the I.S.," he said, green eyes showing his amusement. "I told you joining them was a bad idea, but no-o-o-o-o! My little sister has to do things her way, then work twice as hard to get out of them. I'm proud of you for realizing it was a mistake, by the way."

Oh, that. Relieved, I took the lid off my coffee and blew across the top of the rich blackness, giving him a sideways look. "Bailed" wouldn't quite be the word I would use. "Stupidly quit" might be more appropriate. Or "attempted suicide." "Thanks," I managed, though what I wanted to do was start a tirade about how it hadn't been a mistake in the first place. See, I can learn.

"They aren't still after you, are they?" he asked, glancing to the side and shifting uncomfortably. I shook my head, and his long face became relieved—apart from a remaining hint of caution. "Good." He took a deep breath. "Working for them was too dangerous. Anything could have happened."

And usually did, I thought as the first hot sip of coffee slipped down and I closed my eyes in bliss. "Like what I'm doing now, is that safe?" I said as my eyes opened. "Jeez, Robbie, I'm twenty-six. I can take care of myself. I'm not the puny ninety-pound nothing I was when you left." It might have been a tad harsh, but the resentment of his trying to stop me from going into the I.S. remained.

"All I meant was that the people who run it are liars and corrupt vamps," he cajoled. "It wasn't just the danger. You would never have been taken seriously there, Rachel. Witches never are. You hit that glass ceiling, and there you sit for the rest of your life."

I would have gotten mad, but looking in hindsight at the last year I spent at the I.S., I knew he was right. "Dad didn't do too bad," I said.

"He could have done a lot more."

Actually, he had done a lot more. Robbie didn't know it, but our dad had probably been a mole in the I.S., passing information and warnings to Trent's dad. Crap, I thought in sudden realization. Just like Francis. No, not like Francis. Francis had done it for money. Dad must have done it for the greater good. Which begged the question of what he'd seen in the elves to risk his life helping them stay out of extinction. It hadn't been in return for the illegal medicine to save my life. They had been friends even before I was born.


I took another sip of my coffee, scanning the busy terminal for Jenks. A sense of unease was growing in me, and I almost choked on my drink when I spotted the security guard looking at us from across the hall, just standing there, watching. This keeps getting better and better.

"Earth to Rachel…Come in, Rachel…."

I gave myself a mental shake and pulled my gaze from the air cop. "Sorry. What?"

He looked me up and down. "You got quiet all of a sudden."

I forced my eyes to stay off the armed guard. Another one had joined him. "Just thinking," I hedged.

Robbie looked into his coffee. "That's a switch," he needled. But there were three rent-a-cops now. Two I could handle, but three was iffy. Where are you, Jenks? I wanted to get out of here, and I pretended to accidentally knock my coffee over.

"Whoops!" I exclaimed brightly, and while Robbie jumped up to avoid getting soaked, I scurried for the napkins to get a better look at the terminal police. Two Weres, I thought, and a witch. They had joined forces and were making their slow way over here. Shit.

"Think you can walk and drink at the same time?" I muttered to Robbie when I returned and started mopping up the mess. "We need to find Jenks and get out of here."

"The cops?" he said, and my eyes jerked to his in surprise. "You didn't have to waste good coffee like that to get me to move."

"You know?" I said, and he grimaced, his green eyes showing more than a hint of anger.

"They've been dogging me since I got to the airport," he said, his lips barely moving as he put the lid on his cup and hoisted his bag. "I was all but strip-searched at security, and I swear the air marshal was sitting beside me on the plane. What did you do, little sister?"

"Me?" I almost hissed, peeved that his first thought was that they were after me. I wasn't the one who played in Brimstone-laced dives and went on season-long tours, moving to a new city every night. No, I just stayed in little old Cincinnati, bumping into city leaders the way most people run into their neighbors at the grocery store.

"Can we just get out of here?" I said, thinking this might explain why I'd been searched on the way in.

Robbie made a noise of agreement, and as I shouldered one of his bags and picked up his instrument, he handed me his coffee and took his guitar back. "You break things," he said in explanation, and the strap slipped from my grip.

The cops swaggered behind us as we headed to the luggage claim, and it gave me the creeps. Robbie was silent until we hit one of the moving sidewalks, and in the soft hum of it, he pulled me close and whispered, "Are you sure the I.S. isn't still after you for quitting?"

"Positive," I insisted, but I was starting to wonder. I was working on a twin murder involving a banshee and a human. Edden said they didn't care about Mia, but what if they were covering something up? Not again, I thought dismally. But they would have sent Denon to threaten me by now. Maybe he'd gotten a promotion instead. The last time I'd seen the ghoul, he'd looked better.