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'That girl earns a fortune and, if she had half a brain, she'd go on the trot from here and get herself into a real club, the New Rockingham or the Pink Pussycat. Somewhere they would treat her with a bit of respect.'

Lenny sighed. He was bored with it all now. 'Who gives a fucking toss, Lil. Like I give a flying fuck about her. Now, tell me, how is young Patrick and when can I expect a visit from him? I have a bit of work to put his way.'

Lil knew she had him then, knew that her boy was finally at an age when Lenny expected some kind of comeback for his behaviour.

'You leave him alone; he don't need to be involved in your old crap. He's already sorting himself out a wage.'

Lenny bit on his bottom lip, a sure sign he was aggravated. 'I don't think you have quite grasped the concept of worker and boss, Lil. You don't have an opinion, do you? I tell you what you to think and you bow down to my superior knowledge. Tell the boy to come and see me.'

Lil shrugged, enjoying his discomfort. 'What did you come here for, anyway, Lenny? You must have heard my Patrick was home. A phone call would have sufficed to ask how he was.'

Lenny didn't answer her, amazed at the way she spoke to him and knowing the hold he had over her was loosening by the day. Now Pat was home he would take over as the man of her house and Lil no longer needed anything from anyone. He watched her as she lit a cigarette. Pulling on it heavily, she licked her lips slowly and blew the smoke into his face, making him want to cough.

Lenny flapped his hands to disperse it, reassuring himself that her son was on borrowed time; that he would open the fucker's head and then listen to her crying as her son followed his father into the great beyond. So Patrick had made a good impression in stir, had looked after himself and shown the world that he could take care of himself. Well, he wasn't going to let the little fucker get a foot in his front door. He was being heralded as his father's son; well, they all knew what had happened to him, didn't they? He had sat it out for years waiting until the time was right to take what he saw as rightfully his. He now possessed all that Brodie had owned, including his wife and his kids, and he was certainly not going to stand back and wait for the boy wonder to reclaim his father's inheritance.

He had also heard the whisper of the pavement, that people were waiting to see if Pat Junior had inherited his father's taste for revenge. He had used Lil and fucked her over as if she was nothing and he was reaping the benefits of Brodie's hard graft. People were remarking on that a lot, lately, knowing the boy was due home. So he needed the boy to be close to him for a while until he knew the score for himself. He had to show willing, at least until he decided how he was going to deal with the situation.

'I hear Patrick is buying debts?'

Lil nodded. 'Doing all right and all; he's desperate to earn, as you can imagine. He met a few blokes inside who took to him, you know. Billy Farmer, all that crowd, his father's old mates. They've all helped him get an in and get close to an earn. Spider and his lad are on the firm with him now and all.'

She was threatening him and he knew it. 'Oooh, giving up work soon, eh, Lil?' The sarcasm and barely controlled anger was once more to the fore.

'That is what he is aiming for, yeah. He is like his old man, my Pat, and he had his priorities right. Les Mulligan sent him over three grand this afternoon and gave him a few debts for nix so don't worry yourself, Lenny, we will survive.'

Lil was telling him her boy had back-up, that he was not a lad any more and that she knew what he was planning. He knew he had treated her badly but unfortunately he didn't care, he treated everyone badly in the end.

The smile he turned on Lil though was full-beam and, pouring them both a drink, he said in a friendly manner, 'Tell Pat I have a place for him if he wants it.'

Lil didn't answer him, she just wondered at a man who had so much front he was actually offering her son a job in what had once been his father's business; the man had no shame. But she knew her boy was not a fool and Lance was sensible enough to let Pat plan their next moves. Now she wanted her son, her Pat, to wipe this bastard off the pavement. He had tried to break her and he had nearly succeeded. But now she was well able for him, as were her boys. Lance included.

It was a man's world all right and she was sick of it.

Chapter Twenty-One

'Lance, will you relax for five minutes and talk to me.'

The two brothers were alone and it was only now that Patrick had noticed how little they had to say to one another. It wasn't for want of trying on his side but Lance was so close-mouthed that it was almost impossible to get anything out of him. He spent most of his free time with Kathleen in his room where they sat for ages talking. He was her rock, even more so than her twin. He was always watching her, even when they were eating or watching TV He looked out for her constantly.

Pat popped open the can of beer and took a noisy swig. As he settled back into the chair he smiled at his brother and Lance, for the first time since he had arrived home, smiled back. A real smile and Patrick was reminded of how he had been when they were kids.

Since their father had died, they had become very close, all of them had felt the need to be together, to look out for each other. He and Lance had taken the twins under their wings; Eileen had gravitated to him and Kathleen to Lance. They had watched out for them and made sure they were safe.

Since he had been away, Lance had been keeping everything on the go; at least that was what he had been told. It must have been hard, he knew.

'Will you fucking sit down? I've got little Johnny White coming round in a minute.'

Lance dropped on to the seat beside him. 'It's good to have you back, mate.'

'It's good to be back. Now, tell me, has Brewster been tucking the old woman up? Because this place is definitely fucking dilapidated. I hear he ain't done fuck all but Mother won't tell me nothing. So, come on, before Johnny arrives.'

Lance looked into the eyes so like his own and yawned. 'Look, you know what Lenny's like; I've been doing a bit of ducking and diving meself for him. I made sure we were all sorted. Now, what does Johnny want?'

Pat punched his brother in the arm. It was a sharp punch, a warning punch, and they both knew it. Patrick had always been the stronger of the two; Lance had been the one with the short temper, the bully. That had all changed though. After the murder, Lance had seemed to sink into himself. The bloodbath had made Pat stronger and poor Lance weaker. His bullying days were over and he concentrated his energy on Kathleen. Like him, she had become a different child overnight. She had become quiet, withdrawn and sickly; she had been like a little doll. All big eyes and fear.

'So, come on, bruv, what's little Johnny want?'

Pat grinned, the old grin; the conspirator was once more home. 'We are going on a robbery this afternoon and Johnny is going to be the counter man. We need serious poke and it's the quickest way to earn a few quid. The post office has money delivered there at four forty-five every Friday; ready for the wages to be paid out to the local firms. There's only about thirty grand there but it'll do us nicely split three ways. It'll help us get the business on the road, see, and we can use it to buy more debts.'

Lance shrugged but he was nervous inside. Unlike Patrick, he had a worry of getting his collar felt. Pat took everything in his stride but Lance wasn't like that. He couldn't stand to be put away, he knew it would send him off his head. He couldn't bear to leave his family, especially Kathleen; he would die inside, so strong were his feelings towards them all. Even visiting Pat had caused him to hyperventilate. He had never liked being confined but he had never let that secret out to anyone; not even to his brother. Pat would have slaughtered him if he knew something like that. Lance knew the robbery would be a laugh though; everything Pat did was a laugh, that was what he had missed so much while he had been away.