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“Even so-”

“Even so,” I said, “it’s worth a lot more than a couple of red schmattes and a pair of black bowls. Is that what you were going to say?”

“I guess so. What is a schmatte?”

“A rag,” I said. “Or in the present instance a robe. If Ku Min finds a buyer for the stuff, I guess he’ll make out handsomely. But he’s making more of an investment than the robes and the rest of our gear. He got us the sandals, don’t forget.”

She picked up one and studied its bottom. “It doesn’t say Ferragamo,” she said. “In fact it was cut from an automobile tire.”

“That means it’ll probably outlast anything Ferragamo makes. He also set things up with the guys on the boat, and he’ll let people in Shan country know that we’re coming. Katya, I was planning on leaving the heroin behind and trying to think of a way to get rid of it that wouldn’t get it traced back to us. If you think I made a mistake-”

“I did not say that, Evan.”

“I’m not sure any of this is a good idea,” I said. “All we can do is roll the dice and take our best shot.”

“It would be safer for you to travel alone.”

“I’m not even sure of that. Maybe a monk knocking around on his own is cause for suspicion. Maybe they’re like nuns, always traveling in pairs.”

“But they do not travel with women, Evan.”

“Well, no,” I said. “They don’t.”

“I think I will go to sleep now,” she said after a moment. “We have only a few hours before daybreak. Will you come to sleep, Evan? It may be your last chance to sleep in a high bed.”

“I think I’ll sit up for a while,” I said.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m too tense to sleep.”

“There must be a way to get rid of tension.”

“I don’t think that would be a great idea, Katya.”

“I do not blame you,” she said. “Who could make love to someone who looks like this?”

“That’s not it.”

“It is,” she said, “but it is all right. I am too tired, and you’re right, it is not such a good idea. Good night, Evan.”

“Good night, Katya.”

She was silent for a while. Then she said, “Vanya, could you just lie with me and hold me for a little while? I will be strong once our journey begins, but right now I am frightened.”

I got in bed with her. She had shucked her outer robe and one of the others, leaving only the third, a sort of glorified loin cloth. She came into my arms and burrowed close, and her fear was a palpable thing. I could feel her trembling, and I held her gently but firmly in my arms until the trembling ceased.

She murmured something. I could tell it was in Russian, but it was too soft for me to make it out. I went on holding her and breathed in her scent, and even as her own breathing deepened with the onset of sleep, I felt myself stirring in response.

Easy enough to open my own robes, easy too to take the last bit of cloth from around her loins. Easy to part her thighs, easy to ease between them…

I don’t know what stopped me. Not fear of disapproval, God knows. If anything, she’d welcome it. But it just didn’t seem appropriate, not hours before our entry into monastic life. And it struck me as strategically unwise. The role we would be playing was a sexless one, and how sexless an energy would we project if we had just squeezed in a quickie?

My mind knew this, even if my body had a will of its own. I clenched my teeth and breathed deeply, and my resolve stiffened. It wasn’t the only thing that did, but it proved the stronger, and after a few minutes I got out of bed without disturbing Katya and sat cross-legged in a corner of the room, waiting for the dawn.

I felt, by turns, virtuous and stupid. And after a while I realized it was possible to feel both those things at once.

Chapter 17

Sunrise and sunset are increasingly abrupt as you approach the Equator. It was still dark when Ku Min met us in front of the shuttered teahouse across from the Char Win. By the time we boarded the flat-bottomed boat that would take us upriver to Bagan, the sun had cleared the horizon and the sky was bright.

I moved to follow Katya on board, but Ku Min caught my arm. “Evan,” he said, “your companion is very quiet.”

“He doesn’t say much,” I agreed. “He only speaks one language.”

“Ah. And what is that?”


“And you speak Norwegian also?”


“But you are from America.”


“And your friend, he is from Norwegia?”


“Yes, Norway. He is from Norway?”

“He is.”

“It would probably be best,” he said, “if he does not speak at all.”

“That’s what I thought, Ku Min.”

“He is tall,” he said. “That is a point in his favor. But, Evan, my friend, if one looks closely-”

“I hope nobody looks too closely.”

“His hands are small, you know.”

“Well,” I said. The nails were clipped short, and there was no polish on them, but we hadn’t been able to do anything about the size of Katya’s hands.

“And his aura,” he said.

“His aura?”

“Some people can see auras,” he said. “Especially monks trained in meditation. I cannot. But anyone can sense the energy of another human being, is it not so?”

“And your sense is…”

“That you and your male companion must be very careful, Evan. You should be all right on the boat. The captain is my friend, and the crew members know to take no interest in the passengers. Still, they could talk afterward, and word travels quickly.”

“I’ll try not to give them anything to talk about.”

“Yes. And when you leave the ship at Bagan-”

“We’ll be careful.”

“Yes. You will see other monks, Evan. There are monks everywhere. Be especially careful around them.”

“We will.”

“If I had known…”

“You’d have helped us just the same.”

“Yes,” he said. “But I would not have slept well. Good luck, my friend.”

I shook his hand, boarded the boat, and found the place in the hold where they’d made room for us. We’d be out of the crew’s way there, and out of sight of the people on the banks and the passing river traffic. I settled in next to Katya, my back braced against a burlap sack of rice. The boat started its engines, and I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, inhaling the rich smell of foodstuffs and other goods bound for Mandalay.

The cargo included a load of dried fish and a pile of hides, and their smells predominated, but there were other top notes to be detected, a whiff of this and a sniff of that. A hound dog would have had the time of his life.

We got underway. Katya was quiet for half an hour or so, and I thought she might be sleeping. Then her hand caught mine and she gave a squeeze.

“He knows,” she said. “Doesn’t he?”

“Who, Ku Min? Knows what?”

“You know. About me.”

“Doesn’t suspect a thing,” I said. “We fooled him completely.”

I’m not sure she believed me, but she relaxed, and the next thing I knew she was sleeping, curled up on one burlap sack and using another for a pillow. I closed my own eyes and tuned in to the motion of the boat and the thrum of its engines. I snacked on one of the cakes of sticky rice we’d brought along, and when Katya stirred I fed her one.

The ship sailed lazily upstream, stopping at little river ports to load and unload cargo. After one such stop around noon a crew member brought down lunch for us, twin paper cones of rice and vegetables. The food was greasy and salty enough to sink the spirits of a cardiologist, but it was tasty and we were both hungry. He didn’t seem to expect to be paid for it, either, or for the two bottles of beer he brought us.

Just like the airlines, I thought. Except the food on the boat was better.

After he was out of earshot, Katya held her bottle aloft and raised her eyebrows. “Beer,” she said. “And it is past noon, is it not?”

“You’d have to ask the little uniformed prick who took my watch,” I said. “I’d say it’s pretty close to noon.”