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“Get the others,” Cody shouted. “I couldn’t leave the building to get backup. I’m sorry, sweetie, but it’s just you and me.”

I rushed toward the other cell. Rome was standing, his strength returned. He had wakened everyone and they, too, were on their feet. But just before I reached their door, Martha grabbed me, whirling me to a stop. Her weathered face was determined.

“You’re not going anywhere, Miss Jamison.”

I punched her in the nose. Blood squirted from her nostrils, and she slumped to the floor. “Wanna bet?” Bending down, I removed her badge and with a shaky, aching hand, held it to the sensor. I expected it to open, but it didn’t. Shit! It probably needed a finger ID, as well.

Behind me, I could hear footsteps shuffling. Women screaming. Men groaning. Cody laughing. He enjoyed his job. I caught a glimpse of him freeing the human lab rats, and they sprang from their cages, attacking the scientists who had yet to escape.

A few muffled gunshots erupted, and I ducked. My gaze snagged on the unconscious Martha. Ah, hell. I slid my hands under her shoulders and hefted her up as best I could. Trying not to drop her, I forced her hand to the ID pad. Blue lights winked over her skin, and the door to the cell slid open.

I dropped her with a thump.

Rome rushed to me, and our eyes locked. His fingers tangled in my hair. “You okay?”

“Never better. You?”

“Good to go. Your dad needs you. I’ll take care of Vincent.” Off he went, jumping into the fray, using anything and everything in the lab as a weapon.

Relieved, ecstatic, I ran to my dad and threw my arms around him. His heart drummed erratically against my ear, but the beat was strong. What a sweet sound. When his arms wrapped around me, the world felt like a better place. “Daddy, tell me you’re okay. Tell me your heart’s all right.”

“I’m fine, doll. Just fine.” He weakly cupped my face with one hand and lifted the necklace he wore with the other. “I always carry nitro. What about you? Lexis told me what’s going on. Are you okay?”

“I’m good. I’ll tell you more about it later.” I looked up into his hazel eyes, into his sun-wrinkled face, and tears streamed down my cheeks. “Right now, we need to get out of here.”

I spun around-and came face-to-face with a scowling Vincent. He pointed a gun at my dad’s head. I reacted instantly. Fury, potent and intense, sprang to life inside me, and I shot out my hand, blasting him with fire. I didn’t have to summon it. I didn’t have to rely on any reservoir inside me. My rage was too strong. Vincent managed to squeeze out several rounds as he erupted in flames, screaming.

Time seemed to slow as the bullets hurtled toward me. I shoved my dad out of the way just as Rome jumped in front of me. The bullets slammed into him.

After that, everything happened quickly. Rome hit the ground with a thud. I whimpered. Lexis screamed. Both of us dropped to the floor beside him. Blood poured from his chest. He tried to speak, but no words emerged. Our gazes locked for a split second before he closed his eyes.

“Ohmygod,” Lexis cried.

“ Rome,” I shouted. “ Rome, open your eyes. Talk to me!”

He didn’t respond.

“Open your eyes, goddamn it!” I screamed.

No response.

The others rushed to my side, but not before Cody shot Vincent in the head, ending the man’s pain-filled moans, ending his reign of terror.

“We have to get Rome to a hospital,” I managed to say, my voice trembling. Stay strong, Belle. Don’t crumble. Not yet.

Desperate, I placed my hand over his wound, letting my fear consume me. The edges of the injury began to freeze. The blood loss stopped. I just hoped I hadn’t given him hypothermia.

“I’ve taken care of the guards,” Cody said, “and the scientists all scattered and ran.” He gathered Rome in his arms.

Frantic, I whipped to Lexis. “Is he going to live? Tell me he’s going to live.”

“I don’t know.” Her chin trembled. Tears ran down her cheeks like crystalline rivers. “I only see darkness.”

“Wasn’t… just a few… bullets,” a weak voice suddenly said.

“ Rome!” Thank God. Oh, thank God. Relief pounded through me, relief and hope and dread. “We’re taking you to a hospital, Cat Man. You’re going to be okay. Just relax. I managed to freeze the wound and stop the bleeding.”

“Good… girl. Not… bullets, though. What did… he use?”

“Probably a chemical reagent,” Cody said gravely. “Poison.”

I covered my mouth with a hand to keep from whimpering again. No. No! Bullets could be removed. Could poison? I could live without this man if I had to-but only if I knew he was alive, healthy, happy and whole. He couldn’t die. He couldn’t. He was too… vital. I needed him. He was my man, and I was his woman.

Cody must have seen my stricken look, because he added, “But the ice should stop the poison from spreading, as well.”

Finally, I had used my powers to help someone. To help Rome, no less-the man who’d saved my life over and over again.

“Belle,” Rome panted. “Get the… formula, then burn… the place down.”

“I’m not leaving your side.”

“Do it,” he said weakly. “You… owe me.”

I knew what he was telling me to do. Take the formula and run. If I stayed with him, Cody would give the formula to John, and I’d probably never see it again. Probably never be able to use it to find an antidote. Definitely never be able to use it as a bargaining tool or take the heat off of me and keep my dad safe. So I had a choice, it seemed. I could (possibly) have the return of my ordinary life or I could try and save Rome ’s life. Maybe he would live, maybe he wouldn’t.

I didn’t even have to think about it. “Cody,” I croaked. “Let’s get him to the hospital.”


INSTEAD OF RUSHING Rome to the hospital, Cody drove us to a chrome-and-brick building on the edge of the city. Of course, this was after he’d gathered up the floorboards. I’d almost burned him to a crisp in my rage over that. Time was our enemy.

During the drive, Rome ’s pulse became threadier, his breathing more shallow. He stopped moaning at every bump and bounce in the road. He kept morphing between human and cat. Unfortunately, my dad, Tanner and Lexis followed us in another car; I could have used their support just then.

“Think of Sunny,” I whispered to Rome as we drove. “She needs you.”

He was sprawled out in the backseat, his head resting in my lap. I sifted my fingers through his dark hair. My fallen angel. That’s what he was. My savior, my love. Yes, I loved him. With all of my heart. He was my everything.

“Where are we, Cody?” Worry twisted my stomach as the building came into view. “This isn’t a hospital. If you don’t drive to a fucking hospital, I’ll kill you myself.”

“The doctors here can help Rome better than the ones at a hospital. Look at him. Regular people will not want to touch him if he’s in cat form. This is the lab where Rome was created.”

“Okay, okay. You’re right.” Please, Lord, let Rome live. He was strong, a fighter. The car eased to a stop, and a group of men rushed forward. They wheeled a stretcher to the curb.

“I called ahead,” Cody explained.

Rome was gently lifted onto the stretcher and carted inside the building. I tried to hurry after him, to follow, but Cody latched on to my hand. Without looking back, I attempted to jerk myself free. “Let me go!”

John strolled out of the sliding doors, perusing the scene. “Bring Belle to me, then take the kid and the old man to a secure area,” he snapped. Cody pulled me forward as the others piled out of their car and rushed to my side.

“We stay with Belle,” my dad and Tanner said simultaneously. They grabbed on to me and tried to jerk me away from Cody.

“Cody, you better let me go,” I snarled. “I’m furious right now, and my fingers are starting to burn.”