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THAT NIGHT, after I’d changed into clean clothes-with panties and a bra!-we made the hour-long drive to Dr. Roberts’s house in silence. I was too nervous to speak. The men, well… I think maybe Rome was getting into his zone. His kill-or-be-killed zone, that is, weighing possibilities and probabilities, mentally preparing to do whatever was necessary to obtain the desired results. Tanner’s features were pale, and he looked ready to pass out at any moment. Oddly enough, he also exuded a palpable air of excitement, like he could high-five some of his buddies while bragging to the ladies.

“Duck,” Rome said conversationally.

Tanner and I didn’t hesitate; we ducked. Since we were both in the back seat, Tanner smashed his face against the seat and I covered his body with my own. My heart rate burst into hyperspeed.

“What’s going on?” I whispered, then mentally chastised myself for whispering. I didn’t have to be quiet yet.

Our car slowed, turned gently, straightened out and eased over a speed bump. “I’m going to park several blocks away from the doctor’s neighborhood. We’ll enter on foot.”

Great. Walking. Exercise. Making a target of myself. My favorite things. Perhaps I should just hang a neon sign around my neck that read Shoot Here.

“Why are we ducking?” Tanner said, whispering as well.

“Vincent’s agents are patrolling the area,” Rome said.

“What the hell?” Tanner, I noticed, was too nervous to say “heezie.” I did my best to comfort him by giving his arm an I’m-here-for-you squeeze. I only prayed he didn’t notice the nervous, swamplike nature of my hands.

“You didn’t mention that in the plan,” he continued. “You said they’d be watching the house, not the whole goddamn state of Georgia.”

“I did mention the fact that you could be shot at or knifed, and this is what you complain about?” Rome blew out a heavy breath, and through the crack between the seats I watched as his hand inched from the steering wheel and curled around the handle of the gun resting in the passenger seat.

That gun was the reason I’d been relegated to the back seat. He’d wanted it at the ready, and he hadn’t wanted me near it. You might accidentally nail me, he’d said. And I’d replied, I thought you wanted me to nail you. He’d shut up after that.

A few seconds passed-or were they minutes?-before he parked the car in a shadowed corner. “I saw four agents in four different cars, and they’re diligently watching this lot.” He tucked the gun in his ankle holster and covered it with his pants. I knew he had knives (and other guns) strapped to several parts of his body, too.

“Park somewhere else,” I said. Please.

“Every shop, house and building is going to be watched. Dr. Roberts got away. We got away. And they’re determined to find us. This is as safe a place as any.” Rome paused, turned off the car and palmed the keys. “This is what we’re going to do. I’m going to head toward the store and create a distraction, as well as draw the agents to me and, well, you can guess. When I’ve done that, you guys get out, stay in the shadows, and meet me behind the Dumpster on the west side.”

I gulped. “I could try to start a fire somewhere in the distance.”

Before I spoke the last word, he was shaking his head. “Too risky. One, we don’t know if there are innocent people in the area, and two, you might accidentally start the fire in the car, and we need a getaway vehicle. I’ll create the distraction.”

“With what?”

He patted his slacks pocket. “You’ll see.”

Frustration clawed at me. “How am I supposed to develop my powers to the point that I can help you with Sunny if you’re always making me hide and duck?”

“I told you I was no longer sure how I’ll want you to help with her, so that question is moot right now.”

I hated that Rome was taking so many risks, but didn’t see how I could truly aid him at the moment. “Be careful,” I said softly.

“No worries, baby.” He didn’t turn to look at me. “I’ll be fine. You just make sure you don’t get hurt.” With that, he exited as casually as a man intent on shopping for eggs, milk and biscuits. But I could see the muscles bunched under his shirt, the tension that he tried so hard to hide. Had I once thought him impossible to read?

The door shut, leaving Tanner and me in complete silence. Wait, no, not complete silence. I could hear the raggedness of our breathing, the rush of blood in my ears. “I’m so sorry I got you into this, Tanner.”

“It’s okay.” He uttered a nervous laugh. “It’ll be one hell of a story for my bitches.”

“You could leave. You don’t have to stay with us.”

He paused. Groaned, sighed. “I’ll stay.” The edge of firmness in his voice left no room for argument. “What kind of man would I be if I abandoned you? You’re, like, my family now.”

“I feel the same way.” And I did. I loved this kid. He was smart and brave, a dear friend I hadn’t known how desperately I’d needed until now. “Wait till you meet my dad. He buys Viagra on the black market, so I know he’ll love you.”

“I like him already. Hey, can I tell you something?” Tanner asked, his voice going soft, sweet.

“Of course. You can tell me anything.”

“I can feel your boobs pressing against my back.”

I choked back a laugh. “If we’re family now, that comment is completely incestuous.”

He didn’t reply. Our nerves were frayed, our minds heavy with the coming events. It was odd, really. I’d lived my entire life craving adventure, wishing for it, depressed that I didn’t have it. Now that it was here, a part of me wanted the return of my staid existence. Normalcy, the ordinary, were the gates to paradise. Weren’t they?

“How will we know when Rome ’s created the distraction?” I asked.


I gasped and jolted upright. Tanner did the same. We stared wide-eyed out the front window as flames consumed a small patch of trees. “My God,” I breathed. Moonlight bathed the area, then was chased away by the glow of the fire.

“I think we know,” Tanner said, his tone awed.

Tires squealed. People raced in every direction, their expressions panicked.

“Let’s go.” I bounded out of the car, Tanner close behind me. “He said to meet him behind the Dumpster on the west side.” But, uh, which way was west? I’d always had a hard time with directions. Did the sun rise or set in the west?

“This way.” Tanner pointed.

My gaze followed his finger and lit on a dark blue bin at the far side of the grocery store. “Come on.” I grabbed his hand and we were off, heading in the same direction as the frantic crowd.

There were more cars in the lot than I’d anticipated, and I didn’t know who to avoid. At least my hair was hidden under a baseball cap. I tried to stay in the shadows as much as possible, but no matter what I did, I felt exposed. Vulnerable. Finally we reached our destination, and I pressed my back against the cool metal.

Smoke was beginning to thicken the air, burning my lungs and throat. I coughed. My eyes watered.

“Shit! Not again.” Tanner pushed on my shoulders, forcing me to the dirty, trash-laden ground. “Lie down. Stay as low as you can and cover your nose with your shirt.”

I did as he commanded and was thankful to discover the air was thinner, cleaner when filtered through the cotton. My coughing subsided. Only a few minutes passed before Rome sprinted around the corner, stopping abruptly. His gaze narrowed when he spied me lying prone.

“What’s wrong with her?” he asked Tanner.

“Smoke got to her.”

Rome reached down and hefted me up over his shoulder, fireman-style. Without protest, I let him carry me. A coughing fit from me would slow us down considerably.

“This way,” Rome said. “We’re good to go, but I want you to stay behind me.”

Tanner moved to the rear. In the distance I heard the wail of fire truck sirens. We entered a field behind the store, careful to avoid security lights. We raced across it. Well, the boys did. I was just along for the (bumpy) ride.