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Rome glared at Tanner. “Kicking ass could mean getting hurt. Or worse, dying. Are you really prepared to do that?”

“Like I’d die.” Tanner snorted.

Kids and their immortality complex, I thought, rolling my eyes. Kids with supernatural abilities were, obviously, even worse. I remained silent while I sucked the juice out of a plump strawberry. The tangy sweetness ran down my throat. If Tanner was connected to me, maybe he could help me regulate my emotions or something. That would be cool, except I would rather Rome had that ability. That way, I wouldn’t need Tanner in the room, there to control my reactions, when I next kissed the man.

Whoa. Wait. What are you doing, Jamison? I’d decided not to make out with Rome again until after I was back to my normal self, and I needed to stick with that (horrible) plan so I didn’t accidentally kill him.

One of Rome ’s hands suddenly snaked around my wrist. With his free hand, he plucked the strawberry from my fingers and tossed it onto the table. “No more strawberries for you,” he said hoarsely, staring at my undoubtedly red, moist lips.

Oh, oh, oh. What was this? Desire from him? Because of a piece of fruit? Forgetting my plan already, I very deliberately lifted another strawberry, placed it between my lips and bit. Rome ’s nostrils flared. My knees weakened. Holy hell. His eyes locked on the half-eaten strawberry. I welcomed it the rest of the way into my mouth and chewed slowly.

Tanner whistled. “No wonder you wouldn’t sleep with me, Viper. You’re hot for Superagent. Girls go wild for that commando shit, don’t they? Well, guess what? I want to be Agent Crazy Bones. Lexis said her boss, John, will want to hire me, and I’ll get to go on missions and protect important people and uncover evil schemes.”

Rome swiped his glass and drained the contents, then turned his attention to Lexis, giving her a look that clearly said, Why did you tell him all of that? Her lips twitched.

I bit my tongue at their ease with each other. Was it childish of me to want to jump in between them and return Rome ’s attention to me? I didn’t like that they were so in sync they understood each other without words.

When Rome ’s grip on my hip tightened possessively and he pulled me closer to him, I lost my jealousy of Lexis. A blissful thrill tingled through me. I forced my gaze to Tanner before I melted into a puddle on the floor. “How come you aren’t upset about any of this? We could very well have ruined your life.”

He lost his smile and looked away, past the kitchen, past the living room. “My life was already ruined.” His voice held no humor. Only despair.

“That doesn’t mean more danger will make it better,” Rome said.

“I want to have some fun and get some girls, okay? There’s nothing wrong with that.”

No, there was nothing wrong with that. I just prayed his desires didn’t get him killed. “What’s our game plan?” I asked again.

“I vote for kicking ass and not dying,” Tanner said.

“You’re such a comedian.” My gaze flicked to Rome. “Well?”

He picked up the strawberry he’d taken from me, and popped it into his mouth. Chewed slowly, purposefully. Savored, then swallowed. “I’m still in shock. I’ve gotten used to working alone. I’d just resigned myself to using you, baby, and now I’ve got the kid to contend with.”

“Hey,” Tanner said, frowning. “I’m not a kid, and I, like, totally resent you calling me that. Men tremble in my presence. I can be dangerous. I have mad skills with a bo staff.”

“Sure you do, Napoleon,” I said drily. “Did you hunt wolverines this summer, too?”

“You do not know how to use a bo staff,” Rome said.

“Yes, I do! I’ve killed people, man. Killed them dead.”

Rome scrubbed a hand over his face. “Did you kill them with laughter?”

Tanner scowled, his eyebrow piercings glinting in the overhead light. “You want a piece of me, Double-O Ass-wipe? Go ahead. Go for it. I said I wanted some action, and I don’t mind getting it from you.”

Rome flashed a snarl, showing teeth that were surprisingly sharp. The pointed tips gleamed in the light. I double-blinked at them and gulped. Holy hell. They were monster teeth. Had they always been so long, and I simply hadn’t noticed? Reaching up, I fingered my lips. When we kissed, those teeth of his should have sliced through my mouth.

“Are you a vampire?” I blurted out. It made sense in a paranormal sort of way. He’d denied having any type of power last night. In light of those fangs, I didn’t believe him anymore.

He hastily closed his mouth and turned away. He drew in a deep, shuddering breath. A long while passed before he spoke. “No, I’m not a vampire.”

“He’s a-”

“Lexis,” Rome warned.

She, too, pressed her lips together.

Aha! So he did have a power. “Aw, come on.” Exasperated, angry, I threw my arms in the air. “You can tell me.” Lexis knew and I didn’t, and that needed to change. Right now. “I have no room to judge.”

“Get your bag,” Rome said, not offering any kind of answer or explanation. “Lexis left it on the couch for you. We’re going. I want to visit Dr. Roberts’s house and look for clues. He’s an old man. Surely I can find him.”

“He’s old, but he’s smart,” Lexis warned. “No one has been able to find him yet.”

“Wait just a damn minute.” I gripped Rome ’s shoulder and spun him around-and he let me. He could have resisted, but he didn’t. I poked him in the chest and glared up at him. “You know what I am, so I have every right to know about you.”

“Yeah.” Tanner crossed his arms over his chest. “Me, too.”

“Shut up,” Rome and I told him simultaneously.

“I’m trying to help you, Viper. Rome ’s afraid to tell you.” Suddenly Tanner ceased all movement. A grin spread over his face. Jumping up and down, he clapped his hands together and whooped. “Lexis. Lexis, did you hear what I just said? I can feel his fear. I can feel his fear!”

“Shut the hell up,” Rome growled before Lexis could respond. “I’m not afraid.”

“Is that true?” Craving contact, even slight, I traced my fingertips up his torso and cupped his cheeks. “Are you afraid to tell me?”

“Didn’t you just hear me?” His jaw clenched, and those taut lines I hated branched from his eyes. “I’m not afraid. This simply isn’t something I talk about. Ever. With anyone.”

“Lexis knows,” I pointed out.

“She was part of my… change. It happened during the experiments we volunteered for.”

“Tell me.” Inside, my stomach was churning and I felt sick. So sick. I hated that he was blocking me out like this. Did he think I would reject him? Did he think it would disgust me? Or did he simply not trust me with the truth?

“I’m not going to discuss it, so drop it. What I am, what I can do, is not something people like you can tolerate.”

My teeth ground together. “People like me? By that you better mean smart, wonderfully compassionate women.”

His lips curled at the edges, and he lost some of his dark aura. “Yeah, that’s what I meant. Now, end of discussion. We’ve got some breaking and entering to do today.”

Hurt by his continued refusal, I let my arms fall to my sides. “I’m not going to let this subject drop, you know.”

Now he cupped my jaw, and his eyes bored into mine. Slowly, languidly, he brought his lips to mine, only a heartbeat away. “Yes, you will, Pyro Chica.” He kissed me then. Hard and rough. Delicious, wonderful. A quick thrust of his tongue before he strode out of reach, acting as if it had never happened.

Lexis turned away sharply.

“Pyro Chica?” Tanner grabbed my arm to prevent me from chasing after Rome. “Is that your superhero name? No fair. I need a name, too.”

I whirled on him, needing an outlet for my frustration. “That is not my name, and if you dare call me Pyro Chica or Periodic Table Chick or Four Elements Girl I’ll singe the hairs right off your balls.” Once I learned how to do that without destroying the world, that is. “Got it?”