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I thanked the women for their cooperation and passed them on to the lieutenant to arrange for their rides home.

Sarah came into Peterson’s office to see what we would do next. The warrants were completed and she would make certain they would be signed in the morning as soon as the judge took the bench in the arraignment part.

We walked back to the lineup room and looked through the two-way mirror. Mercer had rearranged the area after the stand-ins had been discharged and was again sitting at the table with Pops, talking with him in a quiet, steady manner in an effort to gain his confidence and trust. Sarah and I had watched him do it hundreds of times.

“It’s odd, isn’t it?” Sarah remarked. “They always look so benign when you get these guys into a station house or a courtroom. All the way here in the cab I was hating this man-rethinking my beliefs about capital punishment. A murder like this and I think I’m capable of giving the lethal injection myself.”

“I thought the same thing the moment I got here and saw him drenched in Gemma Dogen’s blood. How do youdo that to another human being and just walk away?”

“Then you see the guy half an hour later and he looks absolutely pathetic, doesn’t he?”

We were standing with our arms crossed, peering in at the duo. “He doesn’t even look strong enough to have taken on someone as fit as Dogen. I guess, like Chet Kirschner figures, that’s the advantage he had in surprising her.”

“Do we know who he is yet?”

“Mercer’s trying to get that now. Losenti printed him when they brought him in. Figured they got him for criminal trespass if they couldn’t hold him on anything else. They’ll run the prints through the computer and hopefully have an answer by morning.”

Sarah stifled a yawn.

“Let’s make some decisions about what’s next and let me get you home.”

We walked back to Peterson’s office and asked him to bring Mercer and Mike in to give us a sense of where we stood.

Mercer came in shaking his head. “He’s falling asleep on me. I don’t think there’s any point in going on tonight. It’s almost one o’clock. Let’s put him to bed, find out who he is, and I’ll start on him fresh in the morning.”

“You girls oughtta go home,” Peterson added. “Pops is a keeper. He’s under on the trespass. What do we give out about the murder?”

Sarah and I looked at each other. At the moment, we had nothing at all except the potential for a circumstantial case. “Let McGraw tell them we’ve got no charges on anybody. Still an open case. There’ll be a feeding frenzy if we say much else.”

Mike came in and closed the door behind him. “You got anything?” the lieutenant asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Almost an arrest for public lewdness. Your hospital homeless are in the Anti-Crime Office watching old movies on the television. The short guy in the gray sweats, turns out he’s T. T. Thompson. The T.T. stands for ‘Tippy-Toes’-has fourteen collars for burglary. He’s in there looking atTo Catch a Thief with the rest of them. All of a sudden he stands up, drops his pants, and starts giving himself a lube job. I don’t know if he’s playing with himself because Grace Kelly looks so great or because the movie’s about a cat burglar who gets better stuff than T.T. ever dreamed existed. I practically had to smack him to get him to stop.”

“How about anything more useful tous, Mikey?”

“Well, the second shopping cart belongs to another tunnel dweller who’s in there. Agosto Marín. He’s known as ‘Can Man.’ Seems he wheels the cart around the outside of Mid-Manhattan all day picking soda cans out of recycling bins and garbage pails. Sells ‘em to get the money to buy crack. Says you’ll find all he has to his name are several hundred cans-you don’t need a warrant to look.

“At the moment, Can Man is sober. And he’s swearing to me that Pops was with him in the tunnel from a little bit after midnight until the two of them went above ground Wednesday morning. He knows it was that night because by the time they came up at daybreak, it was snowing. And itdid snow Wednesday morning, remember?”

“What the hell have we got here, huh?” Mercer asked of no one in particular.

“We’ve got a blood-soaked suspect who won’t tell us who he is. Opportunity? You bet. ‘Cause he lives in the hospital, illegally. Motive? Depends on what we decide the motive is,” Mike answered. “If it was a sexual assault attempt that failed, I’d say just by looking at him he’d have trouble getting it up.”

“Wait a minute.” I interrupted Mike’s narrative. “You’re telling me you know bylooking at someone whether or not he can get it up? I’ve got friends who would pay dearly for your services, Mr. Chapman. Let’s leave that point for later debate. This could have been an aborted attempt at a rapeor a robbery. We still don’t know if anything’s missing from her office.”

He went on. “We’ve got two people who put Pops on or near the sixth floor within the probable time range of the murder. And we got an aluminum can-collecting junkie who’s gonna be his alibi. We got no weapon. No DNA. Unlikely to find prints, according to the Crime Scene guys-but, then, you could pick up surgical gloves anyplace you look in that hospital.”

“I’m getting nowhere with him tonight. Let’s knock it off and pick up again tomorrow,” Mercer said.

The excitement of a solution to this brutal killing had lifted all our spirits several hours back and now we were about to crash from the combination of our exhaustion and the stalled progress of the investigation. Detectives were signing out and saying goodnight as they ferried the assorted witnesses-civilians and physicians-to their homes. We packed up our case folders and notepads, figuring our schedules for the next day. Mercer offered to take Sarah, and Mike said he’d drop me at my apartment.

We walked downstairs and the precinct commander directed us out the back door and down an alley that led out to Lexington Avenue to avoid the camera crews staking out the front of the station house. We turned in a separate direction from Mercer and waved good-bye as Mike led me to his car.

“What’s your gut say on this one, Mike?”

“Confused at the moment. I want this guy bad and the blood puts him over the top. Then I look at him and I gotta think, maybe there was a second guy, an accomplice. That would certainly help explain why she didn’t have a chance.”

“Yeah. Maybe we’re just tired at this point. It’ll look better tomorrow.”

“I called my mother. For your sake, so you know you didn’t miss anything, I mean. She said the Final Jeopardy question tonight was about physics-something about the quantum theory.”

“Forget it. I plead ignorance. It’d be my luck to get on the show and lose ‘cause the big question would be about calculus or the New Testament or some of those topics I couldn’t bet a nickel on, you know? Physics is one of them.”

“Me, too.” Mike was cruising up Third Avenue toward the block my apartment was on, ignoring the string of red lights and making the drive in under ten minutes.

“She was a real beauty, wasn’t she? Such a class act.”

I looked quizzically at Mike. “Gemma Dogen?”

“No, sorry. I was just thinking about Grace Kelly, from the movie tonight. She looked fabulous in this one with Cary Grant. But I remember the moment I fell in love with her, when I saw her inDial M for Murder. Plain and simple, dressed in those dowdy clothes, with that grainy color film.”

“Great flick.” We both had a weakness for classic movies.

“I think she looked even more beautiful when she wasn’t all dolled up, like in the scene at the end ofDial M. She’s been in jail for the murder, then they decide to test her story and they let her go home. Remember? Man, she looked so vulnerable, you just had to love her.”

“I never realized you liked your women so vulnerable, Mike,” I said, intending the line as a joke.