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I was jabbing keys on my cell when a nurse opened the door. Lips pursed, she pointed at my hand and shook her head no.

Pocketing the phone, I hurried from the room and down the hall. Dingy lighted panels marked the elevator's creeping upward progress.

Come on!

The doors opened. I rushed in, practically bowling over the occupants before they could draw back. We descended, all pointlessly watching the blinking floor numbers.

Come on!

The lobby was deserted. Heading out the doors, I dialed Gullet.

Still no answer.


What was happening at the marina? On Dewees? At Daniels's condo? Bohicket?

What was happening at the airstrip on Clement's Ferry Road?

Tybee was the greater concern. He had no clue Shorter might be a target. Shorter wouldn't be expecting an attack from Marshall. The doctor had little to lose, everything to gain by eliminating his pilot. Marshall had no idea Daniels was being followed, probably planned to make Shorter's murder look like Daniels's work. Was Marshall a shooter? Had he shot Pete? IOP police still had nothing on the shooting. The searches of Marshall's office and home hadn't turned up a gun.

Breathless, I threw myself into my car. Turned the key. Hesitated.

IOP? Gullet?

Clements Ferry Road? Tybee?

Tybee could be at risk.

Marshall had killed how many people? If Tybee blundered upon a hit on Shorter, Marshall wouldn't hesitate to kill him, too. Of the two, Tybee was the one more likely to be caught by surprise. The cruiser would be easy to spot. Tybee would be unprepared for an assault.

Fingers trembling, I dialed the sheriff's department. Same operator. I gave my name. She started to speak. I stopped her in midspiel, told her to tell Gullet and Tybee it was urgent I hear from them.

"Sheriff Gullet and Deputy Tybee are out of contact at the moment."

"Radio. Phone. Carrier pigeon." It was almost a shriek. "However you do it, get my message to them."

I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Tybee could be in danger."

I rang off.

What next? Gullet had been emphatic about my noninclusion in Daniels's apprehension. I didn't even know Gullet's location. Tybee would be at the airstrip by now, but I wasn't exactly sure where that was. Best to wait this out at the house. Surely one of them would call shortly.


I hadn't remembered to leave a light on. "Sea for Miles" was dark, though a partial moon cast a shadowy glow against the exterior walls, as though from a dimmed lantern.

Boyd barked as I turned the key, then cavorted in circles around me. I set down my purse and checked the house phone. No messages.

The place felt eerie. No Pete. No Ryan. Too many rooms and too much quiet for one person. Thank God for the dog and the cat. I stroked them both in turn.

I turned on a TV and watched Headline News for a while, but I wasn't tuned in mentally. Why weren't Gullet and Tybee calling? Marshall and Daniels were both at large, and deputies were pursuing the wrong man. The killer could be positioning himself to strike again. There was urgency here.

Or was there?

Marshall had been charged, arraigned, and released on bond. More evidence of his guilt wouldn't cause a rearrest. The urgency was to call off the arrest of Daniels. What if he tried to flee and was injured? What use would Marshall's lawyer make of Daniels's arrest at tomorrow's news conference?

Call, damn it. Call now!

Feeling agitated, I took my cell and a Diet Coke and walked out toward the beach. Boyd was indignant that I shut the door in his snout, and scratched at it angrily, but I didn't want to lose track of him in the dark.

The tide was high, leaving little room between the dunes and the water's edge. No late-evening walkers slogged the surf's white curls. I took a sand chair from the gazebo and carried it to the water's edge.

Settling down, I dug my toes into the sand, sipped my drink, and waited for the phone to ring. The moonlight made fluorescent patterns on the waves. The wind rolled off the water. It was lulling, calming. I began to unwind. Almost.

Pete and Ryan. Ryan and Pete. Why the ambivalence? Forgotten feelings were surfacing and creating discomfort. Strange. And surprising. But no action was required. Would the concern persist? I would see.

A lone walker approached from my left. Unconsciously, I took note. Hooded sweatshirt. Odd. The night wasn't chilly. Muscular build. The walker angled so as to pass between my chair and the dunes.

Suddenly, I was choking. The phone and the drink flew from my hands.

I was shocked at how fast the man had moved. And at his strength.

I grabbed at my throat. I was gasping and could barely speak.

"Stop!" It came out a hoarse whisper.

"Enjoy the view, you arrogant, ignorant, meddling bitch," hissed a voice I had heard before. "It's the last you'll ever see."

Desperate, I clawed my flesh.

"Flynn and Cruikshank tried to bring me down and I dealt with them, but you stumbled onto things that weren't your business and you ruined my business. I provided a valuable service. I took the few good parts those throwaway people had and sent them where they could be put to better use. Too bad I can't take yours."

The thing around my throat tightened. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't cry out. My vision blurred.

"You caused me great harm. It's payback time, Dr. Brennan. Say good-bye."

The voice was barely registering in my tortured brain. My lungs burned, and every cell in my body screamed for air. The world began to recede.


With all my strength I lunged upward and backward. The top of my head struck him under the chin, knocking him backward. His grip loosened.

I dove toward the water, trying to dash into the waves. He caught a handful of hair and yanked me back.

I lost my balance and went down, legs straight out in front. Before I could roll to either side, the hand that held my hair shoved me down hard, forcing my chin against my chest. The other hand went to my neck.

Then, inexplicably, the hands released. I struggled to my knees, but couldn't stand. As I tried to push up with my palms, the pressure on my neck eased and I heard a second voice. A voice I had also heard before.

"Set me up for this one, you demented prick bastard."

Blood pounded in my ears. Or was it the surf?

I lifted my head enough to see Corey Daniels, his massive left arm around Marshall's throat, his right arm holding Marshall in a hammer-lock. Marshall's face was contorted in pain.

That was good.


SATURDAY NIGHT THE HEAT BROKE, GIVING WAY TO ONE OF THOSE glorious Lowcountry Sunday mornings. By ten, Pete and I were at the gazebo, flip-flops kicked, working through every newspaper I'd managed to score at the island Red and White.

I was perusing the Charlotte Observer sports section, when a slow-moving shadow crossed the page. I glanced up. A V of pelicans was wind-slipping overhead.

After pouring a refill from the coffee thermos, I put my feet on the railing and surveyed my surroundings. Beyond the dunes the tide was receding, yielding additional beach footage with each low, lazy swell. To the southwest, Lilliputian kites danced the sky over Sullivan's Island. In the shrubs beside the boardwalk, birds twittered in intense mid-morning dialogue.

On the way home from MUSC the previous afternoon, Pete had announced that one of his law partners was coming Monday to drive him to Charlotte. Buck Flynn and his pals had retained accountants to continue probing Aubrey Herron's books. Based on what he'd seen prior to having his lung rearranged, Pete doubted GMC was doing a soft shoe with donor bucks.