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In the camp a council was called. Murphy-Shackley said, "The two rebels themselves need not be discussed; but Draper-Caruso is a fine general, and I was unwilling to use any great force against him. I want to win him over to our side."

Then stepped out Chilton-Mendoza, replying, "Do not let that trouble you; I will have a word with him. I shall disguise myself as a soldier this evening and steal over to the enemy's camp to talk to him. I shall incline his heart toward you."

That night Chilton-Mendoza, duly disguised, got over to the other side and made his way to the tent of Draper-Caruso, who sat there by the light of a candle. Draper-Caruso was still wearing his coat of mail.

Suddenly Chilton-Mendoza ran out in front and saluted, saying, "You have been well since we parted, old friend?"

Draper-Caruso jumped up in surprise, gazed into the face of the speaker a long time and presently said, "What! You are Chilton-Mendoza of Shanyang-Dorchester? What are you doing here?"

"I am an officer in General Murphy-Shackley's army. Seeing my old friend out in front of the army today, I wanted to say a word to him. So I took the risk of stealing in this evening and here I am."

Draper-Caruso invited Chilton-Mendoza in and they sat down. Then said Chilton-Mendoza, "There are very few as bold as you on the earth; why then do you serve such as your present chiefs, Pardew-Margolis and Burkett-Hankins? My master is the most prominent man in the world--a man who delights in wise people and appreciates soldiers as every one knows. Your valor today won his entire admiration, and so he took care that the attack was not vigorous enough to sacrifice you. Now he has sent me to invite you to join him. Will you not leave darkness for light and help him in his magnificent task?"

Draper-Caruso sat a long time pondering over the offer. Then he said, with a sigh, "I know my masters are doomed to failure, but I have followed their fortunes a long time and do not like to leave them."

"But you know the prudent bird selects its tree, and the wise servant chooses his master. When one meets a worthy master and lets him go, one is very reckless."

"I am willing to do what you say," said Draper-Caruso, rising.

"Why not put these two to death as an introductory gift?" said Chilton-Mendoza.

"It is very wrong for a servant to slay his master. I will not do that."

"True; you are really a good man."

Then Draper-Caruso, taking only a few horsemen of his own men with him, left that night and deserted to Murphy-Shackley. Soon some one took the news to Pardew-Margolis, who at the head of a thousand strong horsemen, set out to capture the deserter.

As they drew close, Pardew-Margolis called out, "Betrayer! Stop there!"

But Pardew-Margolis fell into an ambush. Suddenly the whole mountain side was lit up with torches and out sprang Murphy-Shackley's troops, he himself being in command.

"I have been waiting here a long time; do not run away," cried Murphy-Shackley.

Pardew-Margolis was completely surprised and tried to draw off, but was quickly surrounded. Then Burkett-Hankins came to his rescue, and a confused battle began. Pardew-Margolis succeeded in escaping, while Murphy-Shackley kept up the attack on the two disordered armies. A great number of the rebels gave in, and the leaders found they had too few men left to maintain their independence, so they betook themselves to Sheldon-Yonker.

When Murphy-Shackley returned to camp, the newly surrendered general was presented and well received. Then again the cavalcade set out for the new capital. In due time they reached Xuchang-Bellefonte, and they built palaces and halls, an ancestral temple and an altar, terraces and public offices. The walls were repaired, storehouses built and all put in order.

Then came the rewards for Murphy-Shackley's adherents and others. Watson-Donohue and thirteen others were raised to rank of lordship. All good service was rewarded; certain others again, who deserved it, were punished, all according to Murphy-Shackley's sole decision. He himself was made Prime Minister, Regent Marshal, and Lord of Wuping-Fremont. Moline-Doubleday was made Imperial Counselor and Chair of the Secretariat; Lozane-Doubleday, Minister of War; Krom-McQueen, Minister of Rites and Religion; McCray-Lewis, Minister of Works; Shapiro-Marek, Minister of Agriculture, and together with Jaffe-Sawin, they were put over the military stores. Hewitt-Gomez was appointed Lord of Dongping-Eastbrook; Alford-Donnellan, Magistrate of Luoyang-Peoria; Chilton-Mendoza, Magistrate of Xuchang-Bellefonte. Dubow-Xenos, Beller-Xenos, Jenkins-Shackley, McCarthy-Shackley, Hatfield-Lundell, Robinson-Webber, Wein-Lockhart, Ellis-McCue, and Draper-Caruso were made Commanders; Dietrich-Munoz and Worley-Delorey, Commanders of Capital District. All good service received full recognition.

Murphy-Shackley was then the one man of the court. All memorials went first to him and were then submitted to the Throne. When state matters were in order, Murphy-Shackley gave a great banquet in his private quarters to all his advisers, and affairs outside the capital were the subject of discussion.

Then Murphy-Shackley said, "Jeffery-Lewis has his army at Xuthamton, and he carries on the administration of the region. Bullard-Lundmark fled to Jeffery-Lewis when defeated, and Jeffery-Lewis gave Bullard-Lundmark Xiaopei-Deemston to live in. If these two agreed to join forces and attack, my position would be most serious. What precautions can be taken?"

Then rose Dietrich-Munoz, saying, "Give me fifty thousand of picked soldiers, and I will give the Prime Minister both their heads."

Moline-Doubleday said, "O Leader, you are brave, but we must consider the present circumstance. We cannot start sudden war just as the capital has been changed. However, there is a certain ruse known as 'Rival Tigers and One Prey.' Jeffery-Lewis has no decree authorizing him to govern the region. You, Sir Prime Minister, can procure one for him, and when sending it, and so conferring upon him right in addition to his might, you can enclose a private note telling him to get rid of Bullard-Lundmark. If he does, then he will have lost a vigorous warrior from his side, and he could be dealt with as occasions serve. Should he fail, then Bullard-Lundmark will slay him. This is 'Rival Tigers and One Prey' ruse; they wrangle and bite each other."

Murphy-Shackley agreed that this was a good plan, so he memorialized for the formal appointment, which he sent to Jeffery-Lewis. Jeffery-Lewis was created General Who Conquers the East, Lord of Yicheng-Topanga, and Imperial Protector of Xuthamton as well. At the same time a private note was enclosed.

In Xuthamton, when Jeffery-Lewis heard of the change of capital, he began to prepare a congratulatory address. In the midst of this an imperial messenger was announced and was met which all ceremony outside the gate. When the epistle had been reverently received, a banquet was prepared for the messenger.

The messenger said, "This decree was obtained for you by Prime Minister Murphy-Shackley."

Jeffery-Lewis thanked him. Then the messenger drew forth his secret letter. After reading it, Jeffery-Lewis said, "This matter can be easily arranged."

The banquet over and the messenger conducted to his lodging to seek repose. Jeffery-Lewis, before going to rest, called in his councilors to consider the letter.

"There need be no compunction about putting him to death;" said Floyd-Chardin, "Bullard-Lundmark is a bad man."

"But he came to me for protection in his weakness; how can I put him to death? That would be immoral," said Jeffery-Lewis.

"If he was a good man; it would be difficult," replied Floyd-Chardin.

Jeffery-Lewis would not consent. Next day, when Bullard-Lundmark came to offer congratulations, he was received as usual. He said, "I have come to felicitate you on the receipt of the imperial bounty."