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“Doesn’t it seem odd to you that he came here?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re the only people on the planet, that anyone can find. The others are lost. And this city is huge. Isn’t it kind of strange that the one robot here who goes berserk just happens to wind up at the only apartment with humans in it?”

He paused for a moment at the keyboard. “I see what you mean. Of course, since the positronic failure involves the Laws, maybe he was drawn somehow to humans.” He shrugged and continued on the console.

“They did know! Look at this-I got it when I entered the subject of searches.”

She leaned down close, reading over his shoulder. “Wait a minute. What kind of weird robot are they searching for?”

“I’m not sure he’s exactly a robot at all. It says: see Human Experimental Medical Team. Let’s see.”

A moment later, he was reading in fascination. “He’s human! Or at least, his brain is.”

“His brain?”

“Look at this!” Derec pointed out the summary of the surgery on the computer’s screen. “Unbelievable!”

“That’s impossible,” Ariel said, “transplanting a brain into a robot body.”

“Everything’s been impossible since we got here.” Derec shook his head, as though to clear it. “We should be used to it by now.”

“If you can ever get used to being surprised. What do we do now?”

“I’m trying to get the central computer to put me through to one of the robots on the medical team through their comlinks.”

“Yes?” said a voice through the console.

“I am Derec, a human male. Please identify yourself.”

“I am Human Medical Research 1, the Director of the Human Experimental Surgical Team.”

“I have some information regarding a robot who doesn’t obey the Laws of Robotics.”

“Excellent. We have been conducting a pattern search from the perimeter of the city inward, with the help of many robots. Can you narrow the focus of search for us?”

“I’d like to see you and your team in person. Please come meet with Ariel and myself.”

“We will do this. May I ask why you are delaying in providing me with helpful information?”

“This problem may be larger than it appears. The robot in question seriously disobeyed our instructions and physically attacked us. I think a major consultation is in order, don’t you?”

“We will come at once.” The robot’s voice was suddenly formal and expressionless.

“Say-tell me one thing now. Has this guy’s spacecraft been located? What kind of shape is it in?”

“It was destroyed on impact. What is your location?”

Disappointment struck Derec like a physical blow, but he gave them the information. Then he began pacing restlessly, trying to keep his spirits up.” At least the medical robot can tell us if he was traveling with the other two we’ve been looking for. It isn’t over yet. We’ve made some kind of progress, believe it or not. It’s about time.” He slapped a fist into his other palm. “We still just might learn something we can use.”

“You think this guy is one of the humans we’re looking for?” Ariel, too, was crestfallen.

“I think so. Remember the third visitor, who just vanished after a certain point? This must be the one. I figure the reports of him stopped because he was in a robot body.”

“I was hoping he had arrived on another ship. It would give us an extra chance.” Disappointment was evident on her face.

The medical team arrived shortly. Derec told the three robots what had transpired and then asked for the relevant information they possessed. They briefed him on what they had told Jeff.

“So it’s not a failure of the positronic brain,” Research 1 finished. “However, we have consulted among ourselves and have concluded that we must enter a repair facility to have our brains removed and destroyed.”

“What?” Derec cried. “You can’t do that. We need your help.”

“We created a situation in which a robot body violated the First Law by attacking humans. This is a violation of the First Law on our part. We would have reported immediately after the transplant ~urgery if we had understood where it would lead.”

Derec looked at the two robot surgeons, who nodded in agreement. The three of them were standing together in a line, as though prepared for law-enforcement questioning. Maybe that was what they expected from a human, after violating the First Law.

“But you didn’t attack anybody,” said Ariel. “You were one step away from the situation. You can’t take responsibility for what he-you said his name was Jeff?-decided to do.”

“Besides, he didn’t hurt us,” said Derec. “It just surprised us. Well-totally shocked us, actually.”

Surgeon 2 shook its head. “The extent of the harm is not a factor, since the Laws do not make allowances for degree. Nor is our ignorance of your presence a factor. The fact that we are one step removed from the incident is the only reason that we did not shut down upon learning of this violation of the First Law. If we had directly harmed a human, the trauma to our systems would have completely neutralized our functioning. However, this individual would not exist in the unusual form he does without our contribution. He is unique, and is our responsibility.”

“Look at it this way,” said Ariel anxiously. “We need help. If Jeff is still out there running around, he could conceivably do more harm to us. Doesn’t the First Law require you to cooperate with us?”

“We have proven our judgment irresponsible,” said Surgeon 1. “You cannot rely on us. Therefore, we should be destroyed.”

“You haven’t violated the Laws any other time, have you?” Derec pointed out.

“No, but we have no other history of contact with humans,” said Research 1. “In our initial contact with humans, we contributed to a violation-”

“Of the First Law, I know. You don’t have to keep repeating it,” said Derec. “But I shouldn’t have phrased the question that way. You still haven’t broken the Laws. Jeff did, sort of. Only, since he doesn’t have a positronic brain, that doesn’t really count.”

“Our information about human behavior is apparently incomplete,” said Research 1. “We did not understand the likelihood of Jeff’s attack on you. In fact, the central computer did not even inform us of your presence. We felt his medical condition was such that the First Law required our attempting the transplant. However, one purpose of the First Law that I infer is to preserve humans from the greater strength of our robot bodies. So to us, Jeff in this case counts as a robot, despite his lacking a positronic brain. This judgment will not be imperative on his brain, of course.”

“If the First Law required you to perform the transplant, how can you blame yourselves?” Ariel asked. “That seems like a real contradiction. One that I wouldn’t expect from the logical mind of a robot.”

“The logical contradiction has only become evident now,” said Surgeon 1. “In the sequence of events as they unfolded, the First Law has made clear requirements of us, including our elimination. “

Derec looked at them helplessly, unable to think of an argument against their destruction that they had not countered already.

“Postpone your trip to the repair center,” Ariel suggested. “If you think it’s required, you can do it later. Right now, we really need your help, like we said.”

“That’s right,” said Derec quickly. “How about this? The First Law requires that you help us catch Jeff and, I don’t know -stop him somehow. Then you can destroy yourselves.”

The three robots hesitated long enough to reveal that this argument had carried some weight.

“Isn’t it your responsibility to help clean up the mess?” Ariel added, with a triumphant smile. “The Second Law requires that you follow our orders to help. Since you have never directly violated any of the Laws, including the First, you’re reliable enough for us.”

“This is acceptable to me,” said Research 1. “We shall retain the option of having our brains destroyed later, in any case.”