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Страниц: 42
Символов: 258759
ID: 244432
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1976
Издательство: Coronet Books
Город печати: London
Создана 29 марта 2015 06:20
Опубликована 29 марта 2015 12:44
Нецензурная лексика (мат) в тексте книги: Отсутствует


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In the Wild West, a desperate gang of outlaws targets a gold shipment  During the Indian Wars, Boag and Wilstach rode with the Tenth Cavalry, the most feared outfit ever to gallop over the American plains. But now that things are relatively peaceful, the two soldiers wander the land, cloaking their once-spotless uniforms with dust. To be men again requires money, and they have no skills but riding, shooting, and waving sabers. Luckily, those are just the kind of men that Jed Pickett needs. A one-time outlaw king, Pickett is a man of the desert, with his eyes on the greatest prize to ever cross the wasteland: Nearly one and a half tons of gold bullion are waiting to be shipped by riverboat. Boag and Wilstach sign on, agreeing to "a few days of work" that will either make their fortune or cost them their lives. In the Western desert, gold is scarce, but blood flows like water.

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