Voisin Lisa

Voisin Lisa (EN)

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Пол: женский
Язык страницы автора: Английский
Домашняя страница:
Дата рождения: May 13
Место рождения: Vancouver, Canada
ID автора: 99009
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за день: 0
за неделю: 3
за месяц: 13
за год: 217
за все время: 3799
A Canadian-born author, Lisa Voisin spent her childhood daydreaming and making up stories, but it was her love of reading and writing in her teens that drew her to Young Adult fiction. 
Lisa is also a technical writer, a meditation teacher with the Training in Power Academy, and the leader of the Young Writer’s Club, a local writing group for teens in her home town. A self-proclaimed coffee lover, she can usually be found writing in a local café. When she's not writing, you'll find her meditating or hiking in the mountains to counteract the side effects of drinking too much caffeine!
Though she’s lived in several cities across Canada, she currently lives in Vancouver, B.C. with her fiancé and their two cats. 
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The Watcher

0 (0) 0 14 февраля 2015 11:34 Подростковая литература, Современные любовные романы, Любовно-фантастические романы, Мистика 59 The Watcher Saga #0001 EN 2013