O'Hurley Alexandra

O'Hurley Alexandra (EN)

Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы: О'Харли Александра
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About me? How anyone can summarize their whole being within a little block of space is beyond me.
I have tried on numerous bio pages and what not and I hate making them. :)
So, let's just say I wear many hats. Mother, daughter, friend, writer, boss, employee, student, lover, and whatever else I may do within my day.
We all wear many hats within our lives, and most days we are stressed beyond words because of them. 
So I write down my words and hope that someone out there is entertained by them and it helps them escape for a few minutes into another place where there are no hats.
Написанные книги
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0 (0) 0 19 декабря 2013 06:16 Любовно-фантастические романы 0 The Ishadarian Saga #0001 EN 2009

Beauty and Her Beasts

0 (0) 0 19 декабря 2013 13:14 Фэнтези 0 EN 2012

Burlesque Trio 18+

0 (0) 0 19 декабря 2013 13:20 Эротика 0 EN 2011

Night of the Dragon

0 (0) 0 19 декабря 2013 06:21 Фэнтези 18 EN 2011


6.75 (4) 6 19 декабря 2013 06:08 Любовно-фантастические романы 0 The Ishadarian Saga #0002 EN 2010