Blunt Giles

Blunt Giles (EN)

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Пол: мужской
Язык страницы автора: Английский
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Дата рождения: 1952
ID автора: 30109
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Giles Blunt grew up in North Bay, Ontario, a small city similar to the Algonquin Bay of the John Cardinal novels. After studying English literature at the University of Toronto, he moved to New York City, where he lived for the next twenty years, before moving back to Toronto in 2002. The first Cardinal novel, Forty Words for Sorrow, won the British Crime Writers Silver Dagger award, and the second, The Delicate Storm, won the Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis award for best novel, as did the latest, Until the Night. He has been twice longlisted for the Dublin IMPAC award.

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Forty Words for Sorrow

0 (0) 0 27 октября 2010 03:10 Триллеры 78 EN